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[Closed] Added Books/Editions > Mic discurs despre iad

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message 1: by Ovidiu (last edited Sep 15, 2023 05:47AM) (new)

Ovidiu B (citesc) | 1382 comments Hello, please add the following book (which I already own)
It is a translation after this book
Kleiner Diskurs über die Hölle - Apokatastasis

* Title: Mic discurs despre iad
* Author(s) name(s): Hans Urs von Balthasar
* Translator: Alexandru Șahighian
* ISBN 10: 973-96387-5-9
* Publisher: Editura Anastasia
* Publication date: 1994
* Format: paperback
* Description

* Page count: 94
* Language: Romanian
* Link to book page & cover (my personal scan)

Thank you

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