Fantasy Buddy Reads discussion

Soulhome (The Weirkey Chronicles, #1)
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Archive [Retired Buddy Reads] > Soulhome (Weirkey Chronicles #1)[February 20, 2024]

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message 1: by Yanique, Thread Master (new)

Yanique Gillana | 2214 comments Mod
This is a Buddy Read for Soulhome by Sarah Lin starting on February 20, 2024.
Soulhome (The Weirkey Chronicles, #1) by Sarah Lin

Happy Reading!

message 2: by Nirkatze (last edited May 04, 2024 07:19PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Nirkatze | 14848 comments Thank you!

Projected Schedule:
1. Soulhome (Feb 20)
2. Rainhorn (Mar 20) [Link]
3. Archcrafter (Apr 20) [Link]

Freshly requested, waiting for links.
4. Chasmfall (May 29) [Link]
5. Bondsfungi (Jun 29) [Link]

On hold for now (not requested yet):
6. Bloodcrete (TBD)
7. Wakespire (TBD)

Audio: There is an omnibus on audible of 1-3. Audio only goes up to #5 (as of April 5 2024).
ebook: All are on KU.

Considering how many people are audio-bound, we may end up hiatusing after #5 and waiting for audio... looks like Baldree is fitting them into his schedule at 1/10 months or so, so it'll be a while.

The series is not finished yet--Lin has a book #8 currently on her patreon and is planning a long-running series... Best updates seem to be on her patreon, though I can't find how long a series she's planning.

Elizabeth (fantasynerd365) | 1229 comments I'd say that the majority of my reading is audio but not all, I'm good to either read or wait on audio if we end up continuing. I got both the Kindle and the omnibus audio, not sure which I'm going to use when we start.

Nirkatze | 14848 comments We will have to wait and see! Have you read anything else by her, Elizabeth? Much of what I'm seeing online is that she usually starts slow, but her writing gets consistently better each book as she gets a better feel for the characters and story...

message 5: by Ann-Marie (new) - added it

Ann-Marie | 3274 comments I may try this one which means I would get the omnibus so at least the first 3. Adding to my tracker as an asterisk, I have 3 already on the 20th because I am dumb.

Nirkatze | 14848 comments I was supposed to do it for the 25th, but missed the digit. >.<

message 7: by Timelord Iain, Tech Support (new)

Timelord Iain | 28181 comments Mod
20th/25th... I'm overbooked either way... worse than I thought...

I read 17-18k pages in January, and spreadsheet says I have 20k pages planned for February...

Nirkatze | 14848 comments I'm hoping to knock out some of the Feb 1st books tomorrow, to take some of the load down... fingers crossed I'll finish up my Jan books before Feb starts...

At least this is short and comfy looking.

Elizabeth (fantasynerd365) | 1229 comments I've started the audiobook and I'm a few chapters in. It's interesting so far, I'll add more thoughts once I get a bit farther.

message 10: by Timelord Iain, Tech Support (new)

Timelord Iain | 28181 comments Mod
This is slowly approaching on my BR list... I'm managing 1.5 to 2.5 books a day, at the moment, depending on length, while at home on Medical Leave...

But I also signed up for so many BRs, that I'm perennially about a day behind still...

message 11: by Timelord Iain, Tech Support (last edited Feb 19, 2024 02:18PM) (new)

Timelord Iain | 28181 comments Mod
These are all the BRs I'm trying to get to right now, between solidly scheduled BRs, and murkier Mystery Book Club & Vagabond BRs...

Vigor Mortis 3 -- reading now -- 26.5hrs
Tangled Webs -- reading next -- 10.25hrs
Malleus -- 10.3hrs
The Snowman -- Mystery Book Club -- 15.6hrs
Oberon & the Squirrel on the Train -- novella -- 2.9hrs
Chaos Agent -- Vagabond -- 17.6
Blood Pudding -- short story -- 0.9hrs
Haunted Devils -- short story -- 1hr
What Feasts at Night -- new release -- 5hrs
Soulhome -- THIS -- 8.6hrs
The Cabin on Souder Hill -- Mystery Book Club -- 11.1hrs

After writing all that out, I might be 2-3 days still... right now, with all my BRs until the end of the month, I think I'll have 2 days of spare time at the end...

message 12: by Timelord Iain, Tech Support (new)

Timelord Iain | 28181 comments Mod

It's a bit rough, listening to my like 5th Progression Fantasy /Cultivation story narrated by Travis Baldree... he has pretty distinct character archetype voices, and it makes me think of other characters/books...

message 13: by Timelord Iain, Tech Support (new)

Timelord Iain | 28181 comments Mod
The MC isn't feeling the most likeable... (view spoiler)

Elizabeth (fantasynerd365) | 1229 comments Just finished this today at work. Regarding your spoilers (view spoiler)

My own general thoughts, nothing too spoilery. (view spoiler)

message 15: by Timelord Iain, Tech Support (new)

Timelord Iain | 28181 comments Mod
Apathy Online is a VRMMOLitRPG I tried years ago now (view spoiler)

Dungeon Crawler Carl is a LitRPG we're BRing in the group right now... about to read #3 of 6 released so far... it's a bit of a Running Man LitRPG (the Stephen King book / Arnold Schwartenegger movie) where it's treated like a game show (view spoiler)

Your comments made me think about how this book/series is kinda like the speedrunning community, replaying games as fast as possible... only, in this case, the enemies seem to have memory, too, and be targetting the MC?...

message 16: by Timelord Iain, Tech Support (new)

Timelord Iain | 28181 comments Mod
Almost done with Soulhome... a lot of elements kinda blended together, since it jumped in full speed, instead of easing in, like most Cultivation stories...

This one had a full-on tournament that reminded me of book 6-7 of the Cradle series...

I remember very little about the artifacts and magics used in the fights...

I'm interested in the story, but glad we were able to get a decent deal on the omnibus edition...

And agree that the MC becomes more likeable as the story progresses and he opens up a bit with allies...

message 17: by Nirkatze (last edited Feb 23, 2024 01:43PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Nirkatze | 14848 comments I think this is only my second or third Baldree? Yup. L&L, BoC, and now this. I enjoy his narration though. ^^

Starting today. I'd heard that the MC is a bit unlikeable but people stay for the worldbuilding and the cozy... I've also heard that that author often has rough openings but her books get better as she gets a better feel for the world, characters, and audience as she goes on...

If y'all are liking it, should I put in requests for the next two, maybe 3 books? Up through the end of the audio, or up through the end of the omnibus?

message 18: by Timelord Iain, Tech Support (new)

Timelord Iain | 28181 comments Mod
At least the end of the omnibus... there's only 4 audiobooks, and 7 ebooks so far... not sure if it's more cliffhangery to stop at 3rd or 4th one...

Nirkatze | 14848 comments OK, I'll put in for the next two for now--when we get to #3, we can decide what to do next.

Nirkatze | 14848 comments Through Chapter 7. Enjoying the world so far, and looking at the MC's selfishness with some benevolent skepticism. (view spoiler)

Nirkatze | 14848 comments Requests for #2-3 made for March 20-April 20.

Nirkatze | 14848 comments Through Chapter 27 and really enjoying this. It's a nice combination of cozy & progression, and the jaded MC makes it interesting too. (view spoiler)

Nirkatze | 14848 comments Finished! Really enjoyed this. (view spoiler)

message 24: by Timelord Iain, Tech Support (new)

Timelord Iain | 28181 comments Mod
I decided to save that for the next BR... wasn't sure if I should read it or not...

Nirkatze | 14848 comments Timelord Iain wrote: "I decided to save that for the next BR... wasn't sure if I should read it or not..."

Not sure what you're referring to here, Iain?

message 26: by Timelord Iain, Tech Support (new)

Timelord Iain | 28181 comments Mod
The named chapter interlude between the last chapter of Soulhome & the first chapter of book 2

Elizabeth (fantasynerd365) | 1229 comments I didn't read the interlude either

message 28: by Timelord Iain, Tech Support (new)

Timelord Iain | 28181 comments Mod
I figured it was more likely to leave me with more questions than answers, whatever it was...

message 29: by Nirkatze (last edited Feb 26, 2024 09:26PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Nirkatze | 14848 comments Ah, gotcha... I think it fits more with this than the next--it is a scene from this book from another person's POV. A little of a day in the life of a local.

Choko (chokog) | 11898 comments Through Ch. 13... It's slow developing, but I am hooked. There is definitely something compelling about these types of books, that speaks to me. I used to not even want to consider anything that was LitRPG like, but it has been a revelation, since we started reading them here, and I have been hooked ever since.

I like the villagers, and I hope Theo is just too suspicious, not that they are going to take advantage of the newcomers on the world...

The school is promising, but I am very interested in finding out more about how and why people build their soul homes the way they do. This is why it was cool when the group of students and the teacher were able to visit each other's Soulhomes. You get to know a ton about the other person that way ...

message 31: by Timelord Iain, Tech Support (new)

Timelord Iain | 28181 comments Mod
Choko wrote: "Through Ch. 13... It's slow developing, but I am hooked. There is definitely something compelling about these types of books, that speaks to me. I used to not even want to consider anything that wa..."

I kind of lump them together, but there are slight differences between LitRPGs and Cultivation / Progression Fantasy...

Cultivation / Progression fantasy focuses less on levels and numbers and more on Ranks and magicy Martial Arts like you'd see in anime / asian-themed content...

Choko (chokog) | 11898 comments Yeah, I kind of lump them all together... But you are right, this is definitely Cultivation.

I finished. (view spoiler)

Nirkatze | 14848 comments Hah! Love your comparisons, Choko--(view spoiler)

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