Book Promotions discussion

Marketing and Promotion > Three New Science Fiction Releases

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message 1: by Tony (new)

Tony Travis | 3 comments I'm Tony Travis, a new member of the group, and I'm excited to share my literary creations with you. Here's a brief overview of some of my works:

Tony Travis The first installment in a gripping novel series, this hard science fiction work promises an immersive experience into an intriguing world.

Dystopian Threads - My latest short story delves into a world of genetic manipulation, featuring a compelling female protagonist. Join her on a journey through a dystopian landscape.

Love, Programed- If you're a fan of flash fiction, you won't want to miss this piece. Explore a unique narrative that captures the essence of programmed love in a compact and thought-provoking format.

All of my works share a common thread - a profound exploration of the human condition and the search for meaning in our complex world. I look forward to engaging with you all and discussing these stories in depth. Feel free to ask questions or share your thoughts!

Hope you enjoy my work and love feedback. It always helps us improve as story tellers.


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