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Sea of Tranquility
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May 2024: Crime > [bwf][Steeplechase] Sea of Tranquility by Emily StJohn Mandel, 4.5 stars

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NancyJ (nancyjjj) | 9514 comments This is a luminous science fiction novel connecting people hundreds of years apart. A girl on a remote Canadian island makes a video tape that somehow captures an anomaly in time. Her video captures a man from 100 years earlier, and sounds from a violin in an airship hundreds of years in the future. The brief visions is seen by others including a best selling author who lives in the future on a space colony. While conducting a book tour for her novel about a pandemic, a time traveler warns her about a looming pandemic. This saving her life. This book includes several characters from the Glass Hotel, which I just read. I really enjoyed this, and the change in the fate of the criminal from that book. The author plays with some popular current theories relating to time travel and alternate realities. I really enjoyed this book. I want to read more of her work this summer.

John Warner (jwarner6comcastnet) | 597 comments I gave this novel a similar rating. Emily St. John Mandel has become someone whose name is the only motivation I need to pick up a new book.

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