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Kraljevstvo na kraju puta
This topic is about Kraljevstvo na kraju puta

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message 1: by Zoran (new)

Zoran | 247 comments Can you combine those two editions:

(description for this book is in Serbian as it should be)


message 2: by lethe (last edited Apr 29, 2015 02:04PM) (new)

lethe | 16338 comments Merged.

message 3: by Zoran (new)

Zoran | 247 comments uh, wrong description. It should stay description from another edition (it was written in Serbian), but here it is again from publisher's site
Leta gospodnjeg 1192. godine Arn Magnuson se nakon dvadeset godina provedenih u službi vitezova templara vraća u Zapadni Jetaland. Sa sobom će kući doneti nova znanja i naseljenike, što će predstavljati preduslov za dolazak novog doba u celoj Evropi i što će od Zapadnog Jetalanda, zemlje sitnih seljaka, stvoriti novu kraljevinu Švedsku. Dok Arn i njegova voljena Sesilija nastavljaju da se bore za svoju ljubav, koja je za njih sveta i iznad svih političkih intriga, u zemlji se nastavlja surova borba za presto.

Ovo je izuzetan završetak trilogije o stvaranju jedne nacije i ratniku koji je svojom ljubavlju uspeo da se izbori za kraljevstvo.

message 4: by Abcdarian (new)

Abcdarian | 26582 comments Description replaced.

message 5: by Zoran (last edited Apr 30, 2015 06:56AM) (new)

Zoran | 247 comments I'll check later, maybe it need time to see change.
I checked now and it's still the same (even when I refreshed page with ctrl+F5)
This is what I see now :

message 6: by Arenda (new)

Arenda | 26261 comments Replaced the Italian description on the Serbian edition with the Serbian description.
The English edition has the Serbian description. I'll see if I can find an English description.

message 7: by Zoran (new)

Zoran | 247 comments Thanks, description for Serbian edition now is OK.
If you need help, I can look later for description of English edition.

message 8: by Arenda (new)

Arenda | 26261 comments The most popular description (that you linked in the first post) has an English title, language set as English, no data except publication year and a Swedish cover.
There are English editions with a different title here on Goodreads.
I don't know if this is a real edition. However this title is mentioned on Wikipedia. A quick Google search gave me no results.

message 9: by lethe (new)

lethe | 16338 comments Argh, what happened here. I definitely copied the Serbian description and replaced it after merging.

message 10: by Abcdarian (new)

Abcdarian | 26582 comments And I copied & replaced it as above. What does Arenda know that we don't?? :-)

message 11: by lethe (new)

lethe | 16338 comments Tell us your secret, Arenda! Pretty please?

message 12: by Arenda (new)

Arenda | 26261 comments Sorry, no secret.

Looking in the librarian changelog, the edit by Abcdarian is linked to the default edition, not to the Serbian edition. And only separation and combining by Lethe are recorded, no changes in description.

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