SciFi and Fantasy Book Club discussion

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Old, Closed Posts > April Theme - Reverse Looking Glass nominations

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message 1: by Brooke (new)

Brooke | 0 comments The reverse looking glass theme won by a wide margin in the April theme poll, and now it's time to nominate books that fit this theme. Let's keep the poll to 10 books - the first 10 books that are nominated and then seconded by someone else will be included on the poll.

Please keep your nominations in the format, "book, author." Links to the book using the add book/author tool at the top of the comment box are helpful.

So have at it - what book involving a fantasy world character that ends up in our world would you like to read in April?

message 2: by Bradley (new)

Bradley | 4 comments That Disney movie enchanted comes to mind.. but a book..? Hmm..

message 3: by Roger (new)

Roger Cottrell (rogercottrell) | 7 comments OK, if we're goint to go down this route of Reverse Glass Fantasy on the REAL world I suggest STAMPING BUTTERFLIES by Jon Courtney Grimwood

message 5: by Andrew (new)

Andrew (konietzkystrain) Funny... I have been toying with a book idea about a Goblin Assassin Squad from the past that gets sent through a portal into the Modern world. LOL.

message 6: by Julia (new)

Julia (andoran_g33k) Hatching Magic by Ann Downer. It's kind of a kid's book, but I liked it. I think it would fall under this category ?

message 8: by Zen (new)

Zen (zentea) | 135 comments I'll second Hatching Magic by Ann Downer

message 9: by Margaret (new)

Margaret | 428 comments The Vision of Stephen by Lolah Burford.

message 10: by Lanica (new)

Lanica | 3 comments Enchantment by Orson Scott Card is the first book that comes to mind, The Looking Glass Wars by Frank Beddor is the second.

message 11: by Peregrine (new)

Peregrine Dirk wrote: "Faerie Tale, Raymond E. Feist"

I second this.

message 12: by Ami (new)

Ami (aimdoggg) | 184 comments I second Enchantment by Orson Scott Card

message 13: by Dawn (new)

Dawn (dawn9655) "War for the Oaks" by Emma Bull

message 14: by Peregrine (new)

Peregrine Dawn wrote: ""War for the Oaks" by Emma Bull"

If, as I believe, we can nominate one and second two, I (secondly) second War for the Oaks by Emma Bull.

message 15: by Brad (new)

Brad (judekyle) | 1607 comments I second Sandman Preludes and Nocturnes. Great choice, Chris

message 16: by Adam (new)

Adam Haskew | 7 comments maybe The Dragons of Ordinary Farm by Tad Williams i think it fits...

message 17: by [deleted user] (new)

message 18: by Roger (new)

Roger Cottrell (rogercottrell) | 7 comments I mentioned Stamping Butterflies, also by Grimwood, but will second Geoffrey's suggestion if only because Grimwood is one of the best contemporary science fiction writers we have and has enough grit in his fantasy not to be just another dungeons and dragons merchant

message 19: by Tayla36 (new)

Tayla36 | 52 comments I;ll second The Looking Glass Wars

And I'll nominate Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer

message 20: by Bradley (new)

Bradley | 4 comments I think there is a good book called Street Magic?

message 21: by Sharon (last edited Mar 18, 2010 07:29PM) (new)

Sharon (kazul) | 3 comments The Dragons of Ordinary Farm by Tad Williams & Deborah Beale

message 22: by Michelle (new)

Michelle Travaille (shelbyone) | 17 comments Beyond the pale by Mark Anthony or Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer.

message 23: by Stacie (new)

Stacie (stacieh) Inkheart, Cornelia Funke

message 24: by Jeffrey (last edited Mar 18, 2010 09:03PM) (new)

Jeffrey | 204 comments Except the Queen by Jane Yolen and Snyder about two fairies exiled to earth and the people they befriend.

The Forever King by Molly Cochran and Warren Murphy, which is King Arthur in New York, but with no memory that he is King Arthur. See

message 25: by Jayme (new)

Jayme (jayme-reads) Sandman! I never would have thought of that for this theme. That's an awesome one!

message 26: by Brooke (new)

Brooke | 0 comments On the poll so far:

Hatching Magic by Ann Downer
Faerie Tale by Raymond E. Feist
Enchantment by Orson Scott Card
War for the Oaks by Emma Bull
Sandman: Preludes and Nocturnes by Neil Gaiman
The Looking Glass Wars by Frank Beddor
End of the World Blues by Jon Courtenay Grimwood
Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer

We have 8 so far, with room for 2 more. I'm also going to check over this list in a bit and make sure that each one qualifies for the theme.

message 27: by Venkat (new)

Venkat (venkatasubramanian) The Amulet of Samarkhand by Jonathan Stroud
The Amulet of Samarkand

message 28: by Earl (last edited Mar 18, 2010 11:18PM) (new)

message 29: by Jakub (new)

Jakub (jnareb) | 29 comments In Doc Sidhe by Aaron Allston it is mainly characters from our world (grimworld) going to fairworld with magic... but some of characters go from fairworld to grimworld.

So I am not sure if it would qualify as "Reverse Looking Glass"...

message 30: by Chris (new)

Chris  Haught (haughtc) | 888 comments Earl wrote: "Running with the Demon by
Terry Brooks"

I'll second that...

message 31: by Erick (new)

Erick Burnham | 74 comments Venkat wrote: "The Amulet of Samarkhand by Jonathan Stroud
The Amulet of Samarkand"

I second the Amulet of Samarkhand.

message 32: by VMom (new)

VMom (votermom) | 45 comments Stacie wrote: "Inkheart, Cornelia Funke"
I second Inkheart.

message 33: by F.V (new)

F.V (frankvevle) | 3 comments "Faerie Tale, Raymond E. Feist"

message 34: by Brooke (new)

Brooke | 0 comments I think that Running with the Demon by Terry Brooks and The Amulet of Samarkhand by Jonathan Stroud wrap up our list of 10. Later this afternoon, I'll take a look at all the books and make sure they qualify, and if any have to be removed, I'll add Inkheart by Cornelia Funke in its place.

Thanks guys!

As an aside - if you're browsing the list and think that any of them don't qualify, go ahead and give me a heads up here.

message 35: by Tayla36 (new)

Tayla36 | 52 comments I'm not sure Amulet Of Samarkhand fits the theme. It's about a demon on earth, but it's an alternate earth where magic works.

message 36: by Peregrine (new)

Peregrine Tayla36 wrote: "I'm not sure Amulet Of Samarkhand fits the theme. It's about a demon on earth, but it's an alternate earth where magic works."

I was thinking the same thing.

message 37: by MB (What she read) (last edited Mar 19, 2010 11:42AM) (new)

MB (What she read) Except the Queen was very good! And it would certainly fit the qualifications.

message 38: by [deleted user] (new)

The Demon's Lexicon, by Sarah Rees Brennan.

And I second Enchantment by OSC.

message 39: by Christopher (new)

Christopher (cjudge82) I think War for the Oaks looks delightful.

message 40: by Lanica (new)

Lanica | 3 comments I'm sorry about nominating two books. I don't know what I was thinking. Won't happen again...

message 42: by Brooke (new)

Brooke | 0 comments I concur with Tayla36 and Peregrine about The Amulet of Samarkhand, and I'm striking End of the World Blues by Jon Courtenay Grimwood because everywhere I look tells me that Grimwood is a sci-fi author, and we need to keep this selection to a fantasy book. Perhaps for Brad's next theme month, Grimwood will fit the theme.

This leaves us with 9 books instead of the 10 I initially suggested, but there's still a good variety of books to pick from. You can vote here until the 25th:

message 43: by Jeffrey (new)

Jeffrey | 204 comments i htink Except for the queen got two votes. I voted for it and so did MB

message 44: by Julia (new)

Julia | 957 comments Bummer! I just ordered Except the Queen! Yolen's a favorite author of mine... Except the Queen by Jane Yolen

message 45: by Brooke (new)

Brooke | 0 comments I somehow missed your first entry Jeffrey, I do apologize. I think you must have posted while I was compiling my comment under yours.

message 46: by Peter (new)

Peter | 44 comments "Terraplane" by Jack Woamck

message 47: by Jay (new)

Jay Bell (jaybell) I'm not sure if Running with the Demon by Brooks really qualifies. Wasn't John time travelling from the future? I guess that might have only been a potential future though, which is sort of like another realm. Damn good story regardless!

message 48: by Dawn (new)

Dawn (dawn9655) Jay wrote: "I'm not sure if Running with the Demon by Brooks really qualifies. Wasn't John time travelling from the future? I guess that might have only been a potential future though, which is sort of like an..."

I don't think he was a time-traveler, but that's just me. But, the first one wouldn't have fit this category. "Gypsy Morph" would have, though.

message 49: by Jay (new)

Jay Bell (jaybell) My bad. It's been a long time since I've read those. He was plagued by visions of the future, wasn't he? Hey, now I have an excuse to reread the trilogy.

message 50: by Dawn (new)

Dawn (dawn9655) Jay wrote: "My bad. It's been a long time since I've read those. He was plagued by visions of the future, wasn't he? Hey, now I have an excuse to reread the trilogy."

He did have visions of the future. I think I'll re-read it, too, and work all the way through the Shannara series as well :)

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