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2010 Challenge Archive > It's Just a Game Challenge (Quarterly)

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message 1: by Yz the Whyz, Moderator (last edited May 11, 2010 07:56AM) (new)

Yz the Whyz (whyz) | 9327 comments Took me a while to make a decision for our next quarterly challenge, but I finally made up my mind. I pushed back the one I have originally scheduled and decided to go with Valorie’s suggestion in our Suggestions for Future Challenges/Categories.

Thanks Valorie for the inspiration.

It’s Just A Game Challenge
Duration: June 1, 2010 to August 31, 2010

For this challenge, all of our categories are influenced by popular games.

Monopoly –Read a book where a character is a land developer, banker, real estate agent, millionaire, etc or the storyline is set in the world of finance, banking , or real estate.

Clue - Read a murder mystery or a book with a weapon somewhere in the title or on the cover (poison, gun, knife, etc).

Chess – Read a book that is set in the medieval period or has a character that is a Queen, King, Bishop or Knight or one of these words as part of the book’s title.

Candyland – Read a book set in a candy store, bakery, or has a character that is a baker or candy maker, or a name of a candy or sweet as part of the title.

Twister - Read a book with a green, blue, yellow or red cover or has all four colors represented on the cover.

Operation – Read a book set in a hospital or has a character that is in the medical profession.

Scene It! – Read a book that has a character that is a celebrity, an actor/actress or works in the film/TV industry.

Girl Talk - Read a book that is considered chick-lit or a book that has a young female as the main lead.

Mahjongg – Read a book that has an Asian main character or the book is set in Asia.

Risk –Read a book that has some sort of war as a backdrop or setting or has a character that is career military.

Bonus: Go for 12 books instead of 10 by creating your own Game-inspired categories. Be sure to name the Game you have selected and explain your criteria.

You can post your list anytime, but no reading for this challenge until June 1, 2010.

Diane ~Firefly~ | 1491 comments This sounds like a lot of fun!

If anyone needs help finding boardgames to fit certain themes, check out

message 3: by Tatiana (new)

Tatiana (tatiana_g) This looks great! I am in:)

message 4: by Nairabell (new)

Nairabell | 433 comments I'm so in - this sounds awesome! Quick question though, would a book by a celebrity/tv star etc count for the Scene It category? I'm thinking of Amber Benson (aka Tara from Buffy) in particular.

message 5: by Pollyanna (new)

Pollyanna (polly8) | 300 comments I'm in sounds like fun :)

message 6: by Jen (jlkish) (new)

Jen (jlkish) (jlkish) | 30 comments This definitely sounds fun... I'm in too!

message 7: by Yz the Whyz, Moderator (new)

Yz the Whyz (whyz) | 9327 comments Nairabell wrote: "I'm so in - this sounds awesome! Quick question though, would a book by a celebrity/tv star etc count for the Scene It category? I'm thinking of Amber Benson (aka Tara from Buffy) in..."

Didn't think about that, but I'm for it.

message 8: by Nairabell (new)

Nairabell | 433 comments Yey! I've got her second Calliope Reaper Jones book mocking me from my TBR. I loved the first one so I'm looking forward to it, once I've finished the last quarterly challenge!

message 9: by Gus (new)

Gus | 114 comments I'm so in! This is such a fun challenge, I've got three in my head so far...should we start writing them in yet?

message 10: by Yz the Whyz, Moderator (new)

Yz the Whyz (whyz) | 9327 comments Gus wrote: "I'm so in! This is such a fun challenge, I've got three in my head so far...should we start writing them in yet?"

You can post your list if you are ready, although the challenge won't start until the 1st of June.

Furthermore, you can always change your list anytime you like.

message 11: by Nairabell (last edited Sep 01, 2010 04:10AM) (new)

Nairabell | 433 comments All done! :)

Monopoly: Dying to Please by Linda Howard Jun 12
Clue: Hunted By The Others by Jess Haines Jun 6
Chess: Hood by Stephen R. Lawhead Aug 29
Candyland: Cream Puff Murder by Joanne Fluke Jul 17
Twister: Witch Fire by Anya Bast Jun 10
Operation: Shadow Game by Christine Feehan Jul 5
Scene It!: The Kitchen Witch by Annette Blair Jul 8
Girl Talk: Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead Jun 8
Mahjongg: Tempting Danger by Eileen Wilks Jul 26
Risk: Wild Card by Lora Leigh Jun 28

Dying to Please by Linda Howard Hunted By The Others (H&W Investigations, #1) by Jess Haines Hood (King Raven, #1) by Stephen R. Lawhead Cream Puff Murder (Hannah Swensen, #11) by Joanne Fluke Witch Fire (Elemental Witches, #1) by Anya Bast Shadow Game (GhostWalkers, #1) by Christine Feehan The Kitchen Witch (Accidental Witch Trilogy, #1)  by Annette Blair Vampire Academy (Vampire Academy, #1) by Richelle Mead Tempting Danger (World of the Lupi, #1) by Eileen Wilks Wild Card (Elite Ops, #1) by Lora Leigh

Lizz (Beer, Books and Boos) | 809 comments It’s Just A Game Challenge
Duration: June 1, 2010 to August 31, 2010







Scene It!

Girl Talk




message 13: by Lotte_ladybird (new)

Lotte_ladybird This sounds like a lot of fun, so of course I'm in. I'll look through my books and post my list soon.

message 14: by Ashley (last edited May 11, 2010 12:57PM) (new)

Ashley (ashleylaura87) | 444 comments It’s Just A Game Challenge
Duration: June 1, 2010 to August 31, 2010

Ooh this does sound like a ton of fun! I really like this idea! Very creative! :) Will post list soon! :)

No reading for this challenge until June 1, 2010.







Scene It!:

Girl Talk:



Bonus 1; Ouiji (Read a book that involves seeing or communicating with the Dead.)

Bonus 2; Battle of the Sexes (Read a romance where the characters clash; then fall in love:

message 15: by Beth F (new)

Beth F Count me in! This sounds fun. :)

message 16: by Samantha (last edited Aug 08, 2010 07:44PM) (new)

Samantha (samanthadelayed) | 8 comments Game Challenge.
June 1-Aug 31 2010
This sounds like a lot of fun!

Monopoly- Married to his Business by Elizabeth Bevarly (DONE)

Clue- Look Again- Lisa Scottoline (DONE)

Chess- In the King's Service by Margaret Moore

Candyland- Would Be Witch by Kimberly Frost

Twister- Dark Lover by J.R. Ward

Operation- A Doctor's Watch by Vickie Taylor

Scene It!: What I did for Love by Susan Elizabeth Phillips (could not finish, hated it. Will pick another)

Girl Talk- Hung up on You by Holly Jacobs

Mahjongg- Not Quite a Husband by Sherry Thomas(done)

Risk- The Warlord's Daughter by Susan Grant


message 17: by Melissa (So Cal Gal) (last edited Aug 18, 2010 09:13AM) (new)

Melissa (So Cal Gal) | 35 comments I have started complying my list, of course I may change some selections of others come up:

Monopoly – Housekeeper to the Millionaire by Lucy Monroe - DONE

Clue – The Search by Nora Roberts - DONE

Chess – Definitely Dead by Charlaine Harris - DONE

Candyland – The Main Corpse by Diane Mott Davidson - DONE

Twister – The Curse of the Spellman’s by Lisa Lutz - DONE

Operation – The Crush by Sandra Brown - DONE

Scene It! – What I Did for Love by Susan Elizabeth - DONE

Girl Talk - Nothing But Trouble by Rachel Gibson - DONE

Mahjongg – Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden - DONE

Risk – Unexpected by Lori Foster - DONE

message 18: by southpaw285 (last edited May 11, 2010 11:43AM) (new)

southpaw285 | 588 comments Wow! Yes, yes, yes. Count me in. Will post as I go

Valorie, you had a wonderful idea! Love it!!

It's Just A Game Challenge
Duration: 06/01/10 thru 08/31/10

1. Monopoly -

2. Clue -

3. Chess -

4. Candyland -

5. Twister -

6. Operation -

7. Scene It! -

8. Girl Talk -

9. Mahjongg -

10. Risk -

*Bonus -

message 19: by Ez (new)

Ez (ezrah-rah) | 387 comments Oh, this sounds like a fun challenge! I wasn't able to complete the last quarterly challenge because of some stuff that came up with selling my house, but we'll be all moved before this starts, so I think I can pull it off. Count me in! I'll post my list later.

message 20: by Ez (new)

Ez (ezrah-rah) | 387 comments ~♥ Kat ♥~ wrote: "I'll give this one a go. I can't seem to resist a new challenge!I'll post my choices once I've checked my tbr pile :)

Scene It!:

Kat, those are cool bonus categories! Would you mind if I used the Quija one if I decide to try for 12 books?

message 21: by Carolyn F. (new)

Carolyn F. I'm in - I'll post later.

message 22: by [deleted user] (new)

Harper wrote:Kat, those are cool bonus categories! Would you mind if I used the Quija one if I decide to try for 12 books?

Sure I don't mind at all :)

message 23: by Pollyanna (last edited May 12, 2010 07:57AM) (new)

Pollyanna (polly8) | 300 comments Will post my list here and will add the books I am hoping to read soon :)

Monopoly – TBD

Clue - One for the Money by Janet Evanovich

Chess – Radiant Shadows by Melissa Marr

Candyland – TBD

Twister - Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shepard

Operation – TBD

Scene It! – TBD

Girl Talk - The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd

Mahjongg – Shanghai Girls by Lisa See

Risk – TBD


Charlotte (Buried in Books) | 561 comments It's Just a Game - RRRC Quarterly Challenge

1st June - 31st August


- The Ring by Danielle Steel (Wife of a Banker)
Cluedo - The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde
Chess - The Queen of the Damned by Anne Rice
Candyland - Sophie's Bakery for the Broken Hearted by Lolly Winston
Twister - After You'd Gone by Maggie O'Farrell
Operation - A Crack in Forever by Jeannie Brewer
Scene It - Losing It: And Gaining My Life Back One Pound at a Time by Valerie Bertinelli
Girl Talk - Undead and Unemployed by MaryJanice Davidson
Mahjong - White Mughals: Love and Betrayal in Eighteenth-Century India by William Dalrymple
Risk - Zoya by Danielle Steel (Russian Revolution)

- Painting Ruby Tuesday by Jane Yardley (Voice Coach)
Poleconomy - Dude, Where's My Country? by Michael Francis Moore - I had this board game when I was young, you basically try and run the country - there was politics, business etc.

The Ring by Danielle Steel The Eyre Affair (Thursday Next, #1) by Jasper Fforde The Queen of the Damned by Anne Rice Sophie's Bakery for the Broken Hearted by Lolly Winston After You'd Gone by Maggie O'Farrell A Crack in Forever by Jeannie Brewer Losing It And Gaining My Life Back One Pound at a Time by Valerie Bertinelli Undead and Unemployed (Undead, #2) by MaryJanice Davidson White Mughals Love and Betrayal in Eighteenth-Century India by William Dalrymple Zoya by Danielle Steel Painting Ruby Tuesday by Jane Yardley Dude, Where's My Country? by Michael Francis Moore


Fantastic idea!!!

message 25: by Shannon (new)

Shannon (theholyterror) | 303 comments ~♥ Kat ♥~ wrote: "1.Ouija - Read a book that involves seeing or communicating with the Dead. "

Oooh, I'm gonna steal that! Good one!

message 26: by N.L. (new)

N.L. Riviezzo (nlriviezzo) I think I'm in. At least I have a few weeks to figure out what books to read. :)

message 27: by Ez (new)

Ez (ezrah-rah) | 387 comments ~♥ Kat ♥~ wrote: "Harper wrote:Kat, those are cool bonus categories! Would you mind if I used the Quija one if I decide to try for 12 books?

Sure I don't mind at all :)"

Cool, thanks! :)

message 28: by Gus (last edited May 19, 2010 08:40PM) (new)

Gus | 114 comments Monopoly- The Luxe
Clue- Poison Study or Tantalize
Chess- Ransom My Heart
Candyland- The Sugar Queen
Twister- The Eternal Ones
Operation- Houston, We Have A Problem
Scene it!- Death's Daughter
Girl Talk- Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side
Mahjongg- Turning Japanese
Risk- The Twilight Before Christmas
Quiji- The Reckoning
Taboo- a banned book, Lolita

Kat, I hope you don't mind I stole :) Thats a great idea!

message 29: by Desperado (last edited May 11, 2010 12:38PM) (new)

Desperado (lethallovely) | 822 comments It's Just a Game RRRC Challenge /10 (Tentative List)

1.Monopoly~ Start Me Up by Victoria Dahl(Land developer/Architect)
2.Clue~Fire by Kristin Cashore
7.Scene It!~TBD
8.Girl Talk~TBD
9.Mahjongg~Twilight Fall by Lynn Viehl or Girl Overboard by Justina Chen Headley

message 30: by Nita (new)

Nita (gillnit) I'm in! Post coming soon.

Yz - For the Candyland category, would we be able to use a book with candy or a sweet on the cover? I have a book on my to-read shelf with a piece of candy on the cover.

message 31: by Ѽ Cher Ѽ (new)

Ѽ Cher Ѽ  | 168 comments Imaginative and creative. I'm going to love choosing books for this challenge! I'm in too Yz. I'll post my list later.

message 32: by Ashley (last edited May 11, 2010 12:50PM) (new)

Ashley (ashleylaura87) | 444 comments Ooh I want to use Ouiji too! :) That ok Kat? :)

message 33: by Yz the Whyz, Moderator (new)

Yz the Whyz (whyz) | 9327 comments Nita wrote: "I'm in! Post coming soon.

Yz - For the Candyland category, would we be able to use a book with candy or a sweet on the cover? I have a book on my to-read shelf with a piece of candy on the cover."

That will work.

message 34: by [deleted user] (new)

Ashley wrote:Ooh I want to use Ouiji too! :) That ok Kat? :)

I don't mind at all it's open to anyone who wants to use it!

message 35: by Nita (last edited May 11, 2010 05:50PM) (new)

Nita (gillnit) 6/1 - 8/31
0/10 done

Monopoly - The Cursed One
Clue - The Pride of Lions
Chess - Spirited Away
Candyland - Pretty Dead
Twister - The Last Stormlord
Operation - Sinful
Scene It! - Are You There Vodka? It's Me, Chelsea
Girl Talk - Merlin's Harp
Mahjongg - Naamah's Curse
Risk - Night Game

The Cursed One (Wild Wulfs of London, #3) by Ronda Thompson The Pride of Lions (Highlands, #1) by Marsha Canham Spirited Away (Signet Eclipse) by Cindy Miles Pretty Dead by Francesca Lia Block The Last Stormlord (Watergivers, #1) by Glenda Noramly Larke Sinful by Charlotte Featherstone Are You There Vodka? It's Me, Chelsea by Chelsea Handler Merlin's Harp by Anne Eliot Crompton Naamah's Curse by Jacqueline Carey Night Game (GhostWalkers, #3) by Christine Feehan

message 36: by Sandy (last edited Jun 02, 2010 08:12AM) (new)

Sandy | 205 comments This sounds like fun. Here's a partial list.

Monopoly - (real estate agent) Chocolate Chip Cookie Murder
Clue - Town in a Blueberry Jam
Chess - The Iron King
Candyland - The Chocolate Cat Caper
Twister - (Blue) Glass Houses
Operation - Hospital Station
Scene It - Doppelgangster
Girl Talk - (young girl) Tithe
Mahjongg - Path of the Eclipse
Risk - TBD


Oiuji(book containing ghosts or a psychic)
Scrabble(Author, writer, publisher, librarian)

message 38: by Beth F (last edited May 11, 2010 02:23PM) (new)

Beth F My tentative list...this knocks off 4 from my owned-and-unread shelf:

Quarterly Challenge: It’s Just a Game
Duration: 6/01/10 – 8/31/10

Monopoly: Catching the Wolf of Wall Street by Jordan Belfort
Clue: The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Next by Stieg Larsson
Chess: The Owl Killers by Karen Maitland
Candyland: The Sugar Queen by Sarah Addison Allen
Twister: Dead in the Family by Charlaine Harris
Operation: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot
Scene It!: Men of the Otherworld by Kelley Armstrong
Girl Talk: Unzipped by Lois Greiman
Mahjongg: The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan
Risk: The Masque of the Black Tulip by Lauren Willig

Read a book about a time traveler.
An Echo in the Bone by Diana Gabaldon
Guess Who?: Read a book about a spy or a character with a secret identity.
The Deception of the Emerald Ring by Lauren Willig

message 39: by Fran, Moderator (new)

Fran | 12076 comments I'm in! Will post books at a later date.

message 40: by Penney (last edited May 11, 2010 03:38PM) (new)

Penney (pschoener) | 3553 comments I can't believe how many people have their lists up already! It's going to take me a year and a day to make my choices but this looks like too much fun to ignore. I'm in!

...and the bonus ideas are killer!

message 41: by Erin (new)

Erin (erin-b) This sounds like fun, I'm in. Now to come up with a list.

message 42: by Barbara ★ (last edited May 13, 2010 03:38PM) (new)

Barbara ★ | 3838 comments I'm in and will post as soon as I figure out what to use for which category. I don't know how you gals come up with these things so fast...but I'm truly impressed.

Monopoly: Just a Hint - Clint - Lori Foster (heiress)
Clue: L is for Lawless - Sue Grafton
Chess: Queene of Light - Jennifer Armintrout
Candyland: A Taste of Magic - Tracy Madison
Twister: Crouching Vampire, Hidden Fang - Katie MacAlister
Operation: The Xeno Solution - Nelson Erlick
Scene It: Heartthrob - Suzanne Brockmann
Girl Talk: Savannah Breeze - Mary Kay Andrews
Mahjongg: Not Quite a Husband - Sherry Thomas
Risk: SEALed with a Promise - Mary-Margret Daughtridge
Bonus 1: Ouiji - Read a book with a character who sees/talks to ghosts
Kindred Spirits - CB Scott
Bonus 2: Backgammon - Read a book about a time traveler
Lord of the Highlands - Veronica Wolff

Just a Hint - Clint (Visitation, North Carolina, #4) by Lori Foster L is for Lawless (Kinsey Millhone Mystery) by Sue Grafton Queene of Light (Lightworld/Darkworld, #1) by Jennifer Armintrout A Taste of Magic (Magic, # 1) by Tracy Madison Crouching Vampire, Hidden Fang (Dark Ones, #7) by Katie MacAlister The Xeno Solution by Nelson Erlick Heartthrob by Suzanne Brockmann Savannah Breeze by Mary Kay Andrews Not Quite a Husband by Sherry Thomas SEALed with a Promise (SEALed, #2) by Mary-Margret Daughtridge Kindred Spirits by CB Scott Lord of the Highlands (Berkley Sensation) by Veronica Wolff

message 43: by Danielle (new)

Danielle (Smiley1881) I think this will be fun. I'll post my list later.
Would Kiss of Crimson (Midnight Breed, #2) by Lara Adrian count as a operation book? She's a veterinarian?

message 44: by Yz the Whyz, Moderator (new)

Yz the Whyz (whyz) | 9327 comments Danielle wrote: "I think this will be fun. I'll post my list later.
Would Kiss of Crimson (Midnight Breed, #2) by Lara Adrian count as a operation book? She's a veterinarian?"

It's still some kind of medicine and portions of that story is set in her clinic.

message 45: by FlibBityFLooB (last edited May 11, 2010 06:52PM) (new)

FlibBityFLooB I'm game to try... :)
I *adore* board games. Yay!

1. Monopoly / riches - Heiress For Hire by Erin McCarthy
2. Clue / Mystery - Sizzling Sixteen by Janet Evanovich
3. Chess / knight - A Knight in Shining Armor by Jude Deveraux
4. Candyland / Bakery - Would-Be Witch by Kimberly Frost
5. Twister / blue cover - Mine Till Midnight by Lisa Kleypas
6. Operation / Medical - Virgin River by Robyn Carr
7. Scene It! / talkshow host - Knock Me for a Loop by Heidi Betts
8. Girl Talk / chick-lit - Undead and Unfinished by Maryjanice Davidson
9. Mahjongg / asian - The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri
10. Risk / war - Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell
Heiress For Hire (Cuttersville, #2) by Erin McCarthy Sizzling Sixteen (Stephanie Plum, #16) by Janet Evanovich A Knight in Shining Armor by Jude Deveraux Would-Be Witch (A Southern Witch Novel, #1) by Kimberly Frost Mine Till Midnight (The Hathaways, #1) by Lisa Kleypas Virgin River (Virgin River, #1) by Robyn Carr Knock Me for a Loop by Heidi Betts Undead and Unfinished (Undead, #9 ) by MaryJanice Davidson The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell

11. Balderdash - North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell
Read a classic where you have to look up the meaning of words because your vocabulary is so bad
12. Carcassonne - Highland Velvet by Jude Deveraux
Read a book with a castle on the cover or that has a castle in the book
North and South (Oxford World's Classics) by Elizabeth Gaskell Highland Velvet by Jude Deveraux

message 46: by ~Sara~ (new)

~Sara~ | 667 comments Another fantastic challenge. I love the bonus!

It's Just A Game Challenge
Duration: June 1 to August 31

1. Monopoly - Ceremony in Death
2. Clue - Vengeance in Death
3. Chess -
4. Candyland - Chocolat
5. Twister -
6. Operation -
7. Scene It! -
8. Girl Talk -
9. Mahjongg -
10. Risk - The Prince
*Bonus -
11. Trivial Pursuit - A Short History of Nearly Everything

Ceremony in Death (In Death, #5) by J.D. Robb Vengeance in Death (In Death #6) by J.D. Robb Chocolat by Joanne Harris The Prince by Niccolò Machiavelli A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson

message 47: by Valorie (new)

Valorie  | 2218 comments Yay! I'm so glad you could use the game idea Yz! I'm definitely in! I will post my list later on! Hope everyone has fun with it!

message 48: by Danielle (new)

Danielle (Smiley1881) I like this challenge it's really going to help me catch up on my TBR shelf.

Monopoly – The Luxe The Luxe (Luxe, #1) by Anna Godbersen
Clue - Killing Moon Killing Moon (Moon, #1) by Rebecca York
Chess – One Enchanted Evening One Enchanted Evening by Lynn Kurland
Candyland – A Taste of Magic A Taste of Magic (Magic, # 1) by Tracy Madison
Twister - Lover Mine Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #8) by J.R. Ward
Operation – Kiss of Crimson Kiss of Crimson (Midnight Breed, #2) by Lara Adrian
Scene It! – Somewhere In Time Somewhere In Time by Richard Matheson
Girl Talk - Remember Me? Remember Me? by Sophie Kinsella
Mahjongg – Marked by Passion Marked by Passion (The Guardians of Destiny, #1) by Kate Perry (This is a maybe. Mahjongg was a hard pick.)
Risk –Street Game Street Game (GhostWalkers, #8) by Christine Feehan

message 49: by Sandra (new)

Sandra | 4260 comments Great idea, Valorie & Yz! I'm in, will post list later.

Sallie(GeorgiaGirl) (shuga) | 1162 comments Im definitely in - working on my list will post later

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