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Member Lists > Southpaw's Series Madness

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message 1: by southpaw285 (new)

southpaw285 ===============SOS Series Lists and Challenges===============

message 2: by southpaw285 (last edited May 06, 2011 06:45AM) (new)

southpaw285 SOS "Firsts" Challenge
Duration: 07/01/10 thru 06/30/11

July 2010 = Beyond the Highland Mist by Karen Marie Moning 07.20.10
August 2010 = After the Kiss by Suzanne Enoch 08.10.10
September 2010 = Slave to Sensation by Nalini Singh 09.03.10
October 2010 = One Little Sin by Liz Carlyle 10.23.10
November 2010 = Head Over Heels by Susan Andersen 11.15.10
December 2010 = Dead Until Dark by Charlaine Harris 12.15.10
January 2011 = You Slay Me by Katie MacAlister 01.25.11
February 2011 = Slightly Married by Mary Balogh 02.19.11
March 2011 = Romeo, Romeo by Robin Kaye 03.02.11
April 2011 = In Bed With the Devil by Lorraine Heath 04.07.11
May 2011 = The Year of Living Scandalously by Julia London 05.06.11
June 2011 =

Beyond the Highland Mist (Highlander, #1) by Karen Marie Moning -- After the Kiss (Notorious Gentlemen, #1) by Suzanne Enoch -- Slave to Sensation (Psy-Changeling #1) by Nalini Singh -- One Little Sin (Sins, Lies, and Secrets, #1) by Liz Carlyle -- Head Over Heels (Marine #1) by Susan Andersen -- Dead Until Dark (Sookie Stackhouse, #1) by Charlaine Harris -- You Slay Me (Aisling Grey Guardian, #1) by Katie MacAlister -- Slightly Married by Mary Balogh -- Romeo, Romeo (Domestic Gods, #1) by Robin Kaye -- In Bed With the Devil (Scoundrels of St. James, #1) by Lorraine Heath -- The Year of Living Scandalously by Julia London --

message 3: by southpaw285 (last edited May 24, 2011 03:12PM) (new)

southpaw285 I will post as I go.

SOS A-Z Series Sweep
Duration: 07/20/10 thru 07/19/11

A = Always a Scoundrel by Suzanne Enoch 10.08.10
B = Back in Black by Lori Foster 11.05.10
C = Coming Undone by Susan Andersen 02.24.11
D = Dreaming of You by Lisa Kleypas 04.01.11
E = England's Perfect Hero by Suzanne Enoch 11.22.10
F = Freedom's Price/Suzanne Brockmann 04.23.11
G = Game for Seduction by Bella Andre 07.21.10
H = The Heartbreaker by Carly Phillips 08.07.10
I = Into the Dark by Cindy Gerard 09.30.10
J= Just For Kicks/Susan Andersen 04.18.11***
K = Kiss Me While I Sleep/Linda Howard 05.04.11***
L = Lead Me On by Victoria Dahl 08.30.10
M = Mockingjay/Suzanne Collins==04.12.11
N = Night Watch by Suzanne Brockmann 09.23.10
O = On the Way to the Wedding by Julia Quinn 07.30.10
P = Promises in the Dark/Stephanie Tyler 05.11.11
Q = Queen of Babble Gets Hitched/Meg Cabot 05.05.11
R = Renegade by Lora Leigh 12.28.10
S = Seeing Red by Jill Shalvis 08.05.10
T = Three Little Secrets by Liz Carlyle 12.09.10
U = Untamed by Pamela Clare 03.22.11
V = The Valentine Legacy byCatherine Coulter 05.24.11
W = Watch Over Me by Lucy Monroe 10.29.10
X = A Touch of Minx/Suzanne Enoch 05.08.11
Y = You Don't Know Jack/Erin McCarthy 04.25.11
Z =

message 4: by Sandra, Kindle Operator Licence Required (new)

Sandra | 25246 comments Southpaw, where is this Challenge from? Looks mad. Also I'm interested as 10.3 mentions NSW HSC which is what I did before leaving high school, way back in the dim dark ages.

message 5: by southpaw285 (new)

southpaw285 Hi Sandra:

It is from a group called "Historical Fictionistas", a public group that focuses on Historical Fiction.

This is the first challenge I've attempted from the group. As you can see from the challenge, it focuses on Historical Fiction, but it is not limited to that genre.

If you enjoy reading that genre, I encourage you to join the group. They are so very nice there, and it is a fun environment.

message 6: by Sandra, Kindle Operator Licence Required (new)

Sandra | 25246 comments It certainly does look interesting Southpaw, I'll go and have a look at them. *rushes to check them out*

message 7: by Sandra, Kindle Operator Licence Required (new)

Sandra | 25246 comments OK I've joined, looks very involved - what fun!

message 8: by southpaw285 (new)

southpaw285 Sandra wrote: "OK I've joined, looks very involved - what fun!"

Sandra...that's great! I hope you have fun. I will *wave* when I see you. :)

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