UAE Good Readers discussion

This group should be much more!!! What to do? Let's talk about our favorite book

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message 1: by Alkomboz (new)

Alkomboz | 1 comments My Favorite book in November ( Think and grow Rich) by Napoleon Hill translated into Arabic by Dar al Fadhela- Egypt

message 2: by Migratedbird (new)

Migratedbird | 2 comments Thanks Deepak for initiating this discussion. I will write about a book that I just read and I would recommend for a wonderful and thought provocative reading. " City of thieves" bu David Benoiff is during the siege of St.Petersburg/Leningrad during the WWII and it is narrated by Lev whose was encouraged by his grandson to open up and talk about his past. Aside from Lev, the other main character that will captured the imagination of the reader is Kolya, charasmatic and bigger than life Cossack, who would partner up with Lev in an impossible task of finding a dozen of eggs for the wedding cake for the General's daughter.
The auther will take you in an interesting journey not only in the seige Leningrad but also in the psyches of its inhabitants and its enemies. Moreover, the author has successfully portray its characters in a very humane way to the point that you feel living with him and understanding their motives.
I also liked the symbols the author used ( i.e eggs as the beginning of a new life, chess game as life/death, Kolya sickness as sanctity of life). Also the humor of in the book balance the dramatic and sad nature of the story.

message 3: by [deleted user] (new)

My favourite book? Um. Hhm. I've always said "The Information" by Martin Amis, but nowadays I might plump for "Darkmans" by Nicola Barker or "Pilcrow" by Adam Mars-Jones. All three are very ambitious novels, though the latter two are much more so - and the courage of the author to commit to the novel when it could have proved a disaster is well-rewarded in both cases. "The Information" deals with two 40-something novelists, one a success, one a failure, and the crusade of the failure, Richard Tull, to "fuck up" his nemesis. It's hilarious, profound, telling and masterly, but if you don't care about two Oxford graduates and their spoilt lives then it's not for you. "Darkmans" and "Pilcrow" are more sober, artistic, one quite surreal while the other is achingly real, all three are staggering.

message 4: by Hunadah (new)

Hunadah (hun87) | 5 comments Hi all, very nice to see that some talks are being held is time for it :)

I have to confess, that i am not that big reader.. however, there are some books that ccan really change your life...reading in general ..can do that.. for me..novels are ok but (and this most won't like) i like the books that help look deeper into your life...of this kind i liked NEW EARTH and the SECRET...anybody knows them?

message 5: by Hunadah (new)

Hunadah (hun87) | 5 comments Deepak wrote: "Well, this is my opinion about their works.

Eckhart tolle
Eckhart Tolle A New Earth Awakening to Your Life's Purpose by Eckhart Tolle
His books are very much like those of JK..."

Hi Deepak, thanks for your reply..
I highly respect your opinion in both books..but i have to tell you that i do believe in the secret and the law of attraction :) i think it depends on the different ways of reading one thing...

message 6: by Lavin (new)

Lavin TK (lavin_dubai) | 1 comments Jonathan Livingston Seagull


My altime favorite is Jonathan Livingston Seagull. One of my friend gifted this book to me 6 years back I still remember the content. I can visualise the scenes and it feels as if you have seen a movie.

message 7: by Danielle (new)

Danielle The best book I read in 2010 was "We have to talk about Kevin" by Lionel Shriver. It was a difficult read, but amazingly written and it addressed taboo topics in society. Whose fault is it that a child becomes a murderer? Can you still love him?


message 8: by Reem (new)

Reem (reem_j) | 6 comments Danielle, seems like an interesting book to read. Do you know where can I find a copy?

message 9: by Danielle (new)

Danielle Check out Magrudy's in Wahda Mall to start.

message 10: by dummydums (new)

dummydums | 4 comments Wow.. you're all reading very interesting books! And yeah, thanks a lot for starting this discussion!

My favorite book series is of course the Harry Potter series, and I am sure most of you have either read those or watched the movies, so there's no need for me to explain.

However, I am currently a BIG fan of the House of Night series, which I am going to start reading again from Book 1 as I can't seem to recall the actual plot, just some snippets. Other than that, I LOOOOOOOOOVE Vampire Academy, and that too I shall begin reading from the start of Book 1.

And yeah, let me recommend to you the King of all Bookstores: Book World by Kinokuniya.

message 11: by Danielle (new)

Danielle I just finished "Kafka on the Shore" by Haruki Murakami and am thoroughly confused (as I was throughout most of the book). I loved "Wind-up Bird Chronicle" as well as "Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World", but "Kafka..." didn't really do it for me. Any other Haruki Murakami fans out there?

message 12: by [deleted user] (new)

I like some of Murakami's stuff but lately he's taken the comparisons to David Lynch to heart and become self-consciously weird. 'After Dark' was just slavish Lynchism. That said, I'm looking forward to his new book 'IQ84' which comes out in October. Also worth hunting down later in the year is 'How To Forget' by Marius Brill and 'The Marriage Plot' by Jeffrey Eugenides.

message 13: by Rachel (new)

Rachel | 15 comments Mod
@Iain, I have been putting off reading anything else by Jeffrey Eugenides since Middlesex. When I read a book I like that much, I resist reading anything else by the author. I'm not sure if it is fear of disappointment or simply not being able to take the intensity of reading one earth-shatterer after another. May check out the Marriage Plot anyway.

A lot of Murakami's stuff sort of blurs together for me. I like the way you put it--"slavish Lynchism".

@Deepak-- I can't tell what's good poetry, either. There are twists of phrase I like once in a while, but I can't sustain interest in an entire collection. I felt the same way you did about a Suitable Boy. That my very well be among my favorites.

I just read Room, which was an intense, engaging curiosity of a book. I recommend it, although it's not going to put you in a great headspace.

message 14: by [deleted user] (new)

@Rachel, for me, a writer is like a musician or an actor - if I liked them once the chances are good I'll like them twice. Obviously every author has a golden period and a decline, but with Jeffrey E, his books are so few and far between that I expepct good stuff. This is his first since the amazing Middlesex.

message 15: by Danielle (new)

Danielle Hi Iain, Thanks for the suggestions of things to read. I am always looking for some good literature and can't wait for the new Murakami.

message 16: by Danielle (new)

Danielle Room was great. It was dark, yet somehow, because is it from the viewpoint of a child, it is easy to digest. There is a lot of chat with replies from the author on Good Reads. It is interesting to read what people thought was important and then have the author give her spin on it.

message 17: by Melissa (last edited Jun 10, 2011 01:14AM) (new)

Melissa (mrsmelissa) @Reem, If you are a member, or know a member of The Club, you could 'catch' WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT KEVIN @ the Official BookCrossing Zone in the library...
Check out The Club's online bookshelf:

message 18: by Melissa (last edited Jun 10, 2011 01:14AM) (new)

Melissa (mrsmelissa) @Lavin, Jonathon Livingston Seagull is one of my favourites and a regular re-read for me too :)

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