The 104 Book Challenge - 2011 discussion

Elizabeth's Book List

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message 1: by Elizabeth (new)

Elizabeth | 104 comments Here goes nothing! I'm actually almost nervous about this challenge. haha. I'm wondering if I've bit off more than I can chew!

message 2: by Lesley (new)

Lesley | 149 comments Elizabeth... even if you only read 20 books next year, we are happy to have you join us. It is so much fun to have a small group of readers from all over the country sharing favorite books!

message 3: by Elizabeth (new)

Elizabeth | 104 comments Awww! Thank-you! I'm glad to be a part of this group!

message 4: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer Strand (jenniferstrand) | 155 comments Mod
No worries, Elizabeth! I did not make my 2010 goal (think I'm going to be at 80 by the end of the week), but I still had a blast. I hope you do, too.

message 5: by Brianne (new)

Brianne (bridaigs) | 85 comments Elizabeth I know what you mean! It sounds like a stretch for me too but I still think it will be fun to try.

message 6: by Linda (new)

Linda Boyd (boydlinda95gmailcom) I third that!! This is the first time I am challenging myself to read 104 books in one year, I do read a lot, but 104 is starting to sound like a lot to me, but I know it will be fun keeping track and talking to you guys as I forge ahead!

message 7: by Elizabeth (new)

Elizabeth | 104 comments Agreed. It's funny. I didn't realize how much or how little I was reading until I had a goodreads account. Now I'm very aware of how often I am or am not reading.

message 8: by Jen (new)

Jen | 90 comments I know what you mean. I've always known I read a lot, but I never realized exactly just how much! Whenever I tell someone that I'm doing this challenge ( I was a part of the 2010 group too) they always go a little boggle-eyed. :)

message 9: by Elizabeth (new)

Elizabeth | 104 comments OH, I'm sure they do (go a little boggle-eyed). Some people don't read unless it is absolutely necessary or all they read are magazines. I can't imagine!

message 10: by Jen (new)

Jen | 90 comments I know! One in four Americans didn't read ONE book last year. I'd go into shock or something. :)

message 11: by Linda (new)

Linda Boyd (boydlinda95gmailcom) wow, that seems like a high number to me, I have a lot of friends and family that read.

message 13: by Elizabeth (last edited Jan 07, 2011 12:24PM) (new)

message 15: by Elizabeth (new)

Elizabeth | 104 comments NicoleMichele, I didn't answer right away because I wasn't sure what to say about The Lost World and I'm still not. I did like it. It was a solid read, but I didn't find it quite as compelling as Doyle's Sherlock Holmes. If you like or don't mind reading about dinosaurs then, yes, I would recommend it.

message 17: by Elizabeth (new)

Elizabeth | 104 comments I really liked it. I started it yesterday and finished it today. It was much better than the movie. I definitely recommend it. I'll check out Pirate Latitudes.

message 29: by Elizabeth (last edited Apr 16, 2011 10:48AM) (new)

message 33: by Elizabeth (last edited May 18, 2011 03:15PM) (new)

Elizabeth | 104 comments I really enjoyed it. It seems all the Sherlock Holmes stories are good. I rarely can figure out the mystery ahead of time.

message 34: by Elizabeth (new)

Elizabeth | 104 comments Have you seen The Mentalist on TV? The character of Patrick Jane reminds me of a modern day Sherlock Holmes.

message 35: by Elizabeth (last edited May 22, 2011 07:33PM) (new)

Elizabeth | 104 comments I do watch Bones, on occasion, but I didn't catch the finale. Did Booth and Brennan FINALLY get together?

message 36: by Elizabeth (new)

Elizabeth | 104 comments Okay, I had heard that Emily Deschanel was pregant in real life and people were speculating that they would write it in the script. It's just weird because, of course, Angela was pregnant throughout the season we just had. Oh well, what can they do? She really IS pregnant. I wonder who's it will be?

message 37: by Elizabeth (new)

Elizabeth | 104 comments Oh, my goodness! Such drama and I missed it!

message 41: by Elizabeth (last edited Jul 09, 2011 11:40AM) (new)

message 44: by Elizabeth (last edited Jul 12, 2011 12:03PM) (new)

message 45: by Elizabeth (last edited Jul 12, 2011 12:03PM) (new)

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