Wiccans/Witches/pagans/eclectics discussion

Books as Podcasts

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message 1: by Ancestral (new)

Ancestral Gaidheal (gaidheal) On my commute to and from work, I listen to podcasts. So, how many members have listened to books this way, too? Are there any you would recommend?

I have enjoyed the following:

" The Mark of a Druid " by Rhonda R. Carpenter;
" Shadowmagic " by John Lenahan;
" Shadowmagic: Prince of Hazel and Oak " by John Lenahan; and
" Ravenwood by Nathan Lowell.

These are mostly fiction, as I have yet to find non-fiction books in podcast format of interest.

So, what would you recommend?

message 2: by Lavender (new)

Lavender (lavendercrystalbear) | 47 comments Mod
Interesting. I will need tocheck them out. Sometimes in thevening i want to read but eyes tired. Thus may be the answer

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