Challenge: 50 Books discussion

Finish Line 2011 > Carol's 2011 books

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message 2: by Carol (last edited Jul 17, 2011 12:30PM) (new)

message 3: by Carol (last edited Jul 17, 2011 12:32PM) (new)

message 4: by Carol (last edited Jul 17, 2011 12:32PM) (new)

message 5: by Carol (new)

Carol Bohlmann-Becker I hope that this is how your supposed to post these. Love this 50 book challenge!

message 6: by Carol (new)

message 9: by Carol (last edited Jul 17, 2011 12:36PM) (new)

message 15: by Carol (new)

message 17: by Carol (new)

message 20: by Carol (new)

message 22: by Carol (new)

message 23: by Carol (last edited Jul 24, 2011 07:20PM) (new)

Carol Bohlmann-Becker 29.The Heroin Diaries: A Year in the Life of a Shattered Rock Star

This was such a sad, crazy book about Nikki's addiction. On the positive side he is now in recorvery and giving back all he can to those he can.

message 24: by Carol (last edited Jul 24, 2011 07:21PM) (new)

Carol Bohlmann-Becker 30.The Help

I really loved this book! I fell in love wth the characters and didn't want this book to end. I beleive we have come a long way in how we treat people who are different. Having said that I do know we still have a long way to go. We really do all deserve to be treated with the same love and respect no matter what color or gender we are. Oh and did I say I really loved this book ! :)

message 25: by Carol (new)

Carol Bohlmann-Becker 31.The Girl Who Fell from the Sky

I enjoyed this book. It's about Rachel who is an 11yr old 1/2 danish, 1/2 black girl. The story begins with a tragic "accident" her mother takes her and her brother and baby sister up to the roof of their apartment building and they "fall" off she survives and goes to live with her grandmother. It's the story of Rachel coming to terms of who she is white,black,both and how she comes to terms with what happened to her. I love how the author draws you in and how important all the characters become and tie together Rachel's story.

message 26: by Carol (last edited Jul 30, 2011 08:54AM) (new)

Carol Bohlmann-Becker 32.Dead to the World by Charlaine Harris

The Sookie Stackhouse series is just plain fun to read!

message 27: by Carol (new)

message 37: by Carol (new)

message 38: by Carol (new)

Carol Bohlmann-Becker 44. Prodigal Summer by Barbara Kingsolver. This is the 4th book I've read by Ms. Kingsolver and once again I was not disappointed. A beautiful story of nature,love and how we all relate and need each other. Each character has their own story to tell and yet in the end they are all connected to each other. Looking forward to reading more of Kingsover's work.

message 39: by Carol (new)

message 40: by Carol (new)

Carol Bohlmann-Becker 46. Invisible Monsters by Chuck Palahniuk. Wouldn't even know how to descibe this book or for that matter any of Chuck's books. Crazy stuff, twisted,sick,confusing etc. Somewhat like being on a messed up but beautful acid trip and yes I do know what that is like :). You just have to read Chuck,no really you HAVE to! One of those authors you either love or hate and yes I've said it before I LOVE CHUCK!!

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