Around the World in 80 Books discussion

USA Reading Roadtrip Challenge > Katrina's USA roadtrip

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message 1: by Katrina (last edited Dec 01, 2011 02:07AM) (new)

Katrina (katmcv) | 17 comments Roadtripping around the USA, hoping to stop off everywhere I can. :)

1. Alabama:
2. Alaska:
3. Arizona:
4. Arkansas:
5. California: Gone
6. Colorado:
7. Connecticut:
8. Delaware:
9. Florida:
10. Georgia:
11. Hawaii:
12. Idaho:
13. Illinois:
14. Indiana:
15. Iowa:
16. Kansas:
17. Kentucky:
18. Louisiana:
19. Maine: Delirium
20. Maryland:
21. Massachusetts:
22. Michigan:
23. Minnesota:
24. Mississippi:
25. Missouri:
26. Montana:
27. Nebraska:
28. Nevada:
29. New Hampshire:
30. New Jersey:
31. New Mexico:
32. New York: Imaginary Girls - Nova Ren Suma
33. North Carolina:
34. North Dakota:
35. Ohio:
36. Oklahoma: Hereafter - Tara Hudson
37. Oregon:
38. Pennsylvania: Wicked - Sara Shepard
39. Rhode Island:
40. South Carolina:
41. South Dakota:
42. Tennessee:
43. Texas:
44. Utah:
45. Vermont:
46. Virginia:
47. Washington:
48. West Virginia:
49. Wisconsin:
50. Wyoming:
bonus-Washington D.C.:

message 2: by Katrina (new)

Katrina (katmcv) | 17 comments 1. Pennsylvania Wicked by Sara Shepard

The entire series is in the town of Rosewood, Pennsylvania. While I'm pretty sure Rosewood is a made up town due to the nature of the book, many nearby real areas are referenced.

message 3: by Katrina (new)

Katrina (katmcv) | 17 comments 2. New York Imaginary Girls by Nova Ren Suma

Set in the town of Olive on the shore of the Ashokan Reservoir in New York State.

message 4: by Katrina (new)

Katrina (katmcv) | 17 comments 3. Oklahoma Hereafter by Tara Hudson

Not entirely sure where it's set in Oklahoma, but the state is mentioned many times throughout the book.

message 5: by Katrina (new)

Katrina (katmcv) | 17 comments 4. Maine Delirium by Lauren Oliver

Set in Portland, Maine.

message 6: by Katrina (new)

Katrina (katmcv) | 17 comments 5. California Gone by Michael Grant

Set in Perdido Beach, California, which I don't think is a real place in California, due to the nature of this book.

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