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Archives > 2012 Aussie Authors - with a twist!

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message 1: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77388 comments Mod
This year's Aussie Author challenge is just a little different. Whether you are a dinky die Aussie, an holidaying tourist or an international reader wanting to discover some talented new authors, the 2012 Aussie Author Challenge - with a twist! is for you! It will run for 12 months until 31st December 2012 and there are three levels:

AMATEUR level - In January read an Aussie author with either her/his name starting with a 'J', or the book having a 'J' at the start of one of the words in the title. February read an Aussie author who's name or the title starts with an 'F', March - an 'M' starting the name/title of 12 for the year.

SEMI PROFESSIONAL level - The same as the amateur x 2 per month..e.g. 2 x 'J', 2 x 'F', 2 x 'M' of 24 for the year.

PROFESSIONAL level - The same again x 3 each month..e.g. 3 x 'J', 3 x 'F', 3 x 'M' of 36 for the year.


You will find lots of books which will tickle your fancy here, or you can just read up on your friends TBR and read lists...there's bound to be something that will catch your eye.

Or check this link out for some different ideas


Once you've chosen which level you'd like to attempt, post a message here. You don't need to list all your books straight away (it'd take far too long!) but as you read them, update your status throughout the year right here in this thread!


message 2: by Neko (new)

Neko Wooooohoooo..Awesomemoooo!

message 3: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77388 comments Mod
It's a pretty exciting challenge, I reckon:D

message 4: by Neko (new)

Neko I do too...Keep the challenge up while reading for fun :D!!!

message 5: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77388 comments Mod

message 6: by ★ Jess (new)

★ Jess  | 3071 comments Sounds really, really tough. No way will I triumph, but I'll try anyway with AMATEUR level.

message 7: by Sally906 (new)

Sally906 | 11 comments Does it have to be read in strict order? If I read an 'O' book for October in April will it matter?

I will try for AMATEUR level I think. :)

message 8: by Kylie (last edited Dec 16, 2011 12:26PM) (new)

Kylie | 1 comments Sounds interesting. I will try PROFESSIONAL and see how I go.

Can these books also be combined with the monthly/seasonal challenges as I haven't done a yearly challenge before.

message 9: by [deleted user] (last edited Jan 03, 2012 08:26PM) (new)

Never done this before so I'm going to try for SEMI PROFESSIONAL level and see how I go from there.

message 10: by Murray (new)

Murray Gunn (murraygunn) | 211 comments I think you're setting the bar a little too high this year, Brenda. Your Amateur level is as many books as True Blue was last year, and your criteria more difficult. I'll play the game, but I have no expectation of even reaching half of Amateur level.

Any suggestions for J, anyone?

message 11: by [deleted user] (new)

Murray wrote: "I think you're setting the bar a little too high this year, Brenda. Your Amateur level is as many books as True Blue was last year, and your criteria more difficult. I'll play the game, but I hav..."

John Marsden is a really good aussie author. He wrote Tomorrow, When the War Began

message 12: by Murray (new)

Murray Gunn (murraygunn) | 211 comments Thanks for the tip, Mickey. I have been considering that book for a while, but it hasn't been a priority. I guess I just found a reason to push it up the list.

message 13: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (last edited Dec 16, 2011 03:14PM) (new)

Brenda | 77388 comments Mod
Murray wrote: "I think you're setting the bar a little too high this year, Brenda. Your Amateur level is as many books as True Blue was last year, and your criteria more difficult. I'll play the game, but I hav..."

That's what a 'challenge' is all about Murray;) Sorry if you think it's too hard, just enjoy your reading and see how you go!

I've decided on Joanne van Os with Outback Heart for my January one, but if you click on her (she lives in Darwin) she has a lot more books out than just that one. The one I've chosen is non-fiction. GL!!

message 14: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77388 comments Mod
Here's a few links to lots of different Aussie authors, many I had never even heard of myself! POST 22 has a list.

If I find anymore links I'll pop them in there too, if anyone needs any help, please say, we want you to enjoy your reading at the same time:)

message 15: by Wendy (new)

Wendy Laharnar (wwwgoodreadscomprofilewendy) May I add The Unhewn Stone to the list of favourite YA books by Aussie Authors? Or would that be unethical since I wrote it?

message 16: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77388 comments Mod
Sally906 wrote: "Does it have to be read in strict order? If I read an 'O' book for October in April will it matter?

I will try for AMATEUR level I think. :)"

Try the order first if you can Sally, this is what we decided ...In January read an Aussie author with either her/his name starting with a 'J', or the book having a 'J' at the start of one of the words in the title. February.......

message 17: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77388 comments Mod
Kylie wrote: "Sounds interesting. I will try PROFESSIONAL and see how I go.

Can these books also be combined with the monthly/seasonal challenges as I haven't done a yearly challenge before."

Yes Kylie, you can certainly combine the different challenges:)

message 18: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77388 comments Mod
Wendy wrote: "May I add The Unhewn Stone to the list of favourite YA books by Aussie Authors? Or would that be unethical since I wrote it?"

The Unhewn Stone by Wendy Laharnar... there's a September book guys:)

Thanks Wendy:)

message 19: by Zuzu (new)

Zuzu Burford (baldyzuzu) Put me down for Amateur. As this is my first challenge starting off slow is the way to go.

message 20: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77388 comments Mod
Zuzu wrote: "Put me down for Amateur. As this is my first challenge starting off slow is the way to go."

Great Zuzu!

message 21: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (last edited Jan 13, 2012 05:29PM) (new)

Brenda | 77388 comments Mod
EDIT: I'm going to update this list to SEMI-PROFESSIONAL, as I've found some other books which will suit:)

I'm going to list the ones I can find here, as it'll help keep me on track, plus it may help others find a book;)

January - Outback Heart by Joanne van Os★★★★★
Five Bells by Gail Jones

February - Come Back to Me
Hell on the Way to Heaven by Chrissie Foster

March - Granville A Mother's Grief by June ollerenshaw
Death in the Mountains: The True Story of a Tuscan Murder

April - By The Sword by Alison Stuart
Brotherhood , The by Y A Erskine

May - Scarecrow and the Army of Thieves by Matthew Reilly
Me and Mr. Booker by Cory Taylor

June - Deadly Trust by J.J. Cooper

July - Picnic at Hanging Rock by Joan Lindsay

August - It's Not About the Bike: My Journey Back to Life by Lance Armstrong

September - The Secret River by Kate Grenville

October - Matilda Is Missing by Caroline Overington

November - Nosebleed by Rosanne Dingli

December - Precipice , The by Virginia Duigan

I'll work on June onwards later.... And of course, this is all subject to change;)

message 22: by Regan (new)

Regan (mollytornado) I like the sound of this challenge, especially since I have not read many Aussie authors. So, sign me up for the Amateur level! :)

Also, I think I will combine this challenge with the Summer Reading Challenge and read Picnic at Hanging Rock by Joan Lindsay in January.

message 23: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (last edited Dec 16, 2011 04:27PM) (new)

Brenda | 77388 comments Mod
Regan wrote: "I like the sound of this challenge, especially since I have not read many Aussie authors. So, sign me up for the Amateur level! :)

Also, I think I will combine this challenge with the Summer Readi..."

Excellent Regan! If you like, you can do your list as you work it helps others too! Thanks:)

OOOHHH!! Just realized I have a 'J' missing! I can read yours...thanks!

message 25: by Lori (last edited Dec 20, 2011 07:12PM) (new)

Lori | 1 comments I'll start January off with Jillaroo by Rachael Treasure. (picked up from local library)

message 26: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77388 comments Mod
Mickey wrote: "J- Magic Lessons by Justine Larbalestier
F- ??
M- Finnikin of the Rock by Melina Marchetta
A- Halo by [author:Alexandra A..."

Great list Mickey! Yes, Andrea is fine:)

message 27: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77388 comments Mod
Lori wrote: "I'll start January off with Jillaroo by Rachael Treasure."

Nice pick Lori!

message 28: by Mish (new)

Mish | 3561 comments Okay I found a book for J. I'll start off with Little People by Jane Sullivan by Jane Sullivan

message 29: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77388 comments Mod
Good on you Mish:)

message 30: by Mish (new)

Mish | 3561 comments Thanks Brenda, I'm trying to combine this challenge with my AWW challenge :)

message 31: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77388 comments Mod
Mish wrote: "Thanks Brenda, I'm trying to combine this challenge with my AWW challenge :)"

Hahaha!! Yes, I'm going to do the same:)

message 32: by Mish (new)

Mish | 3561 comments Brenda wrote: "I'm going to list the ones I can find here, as it'll help keep me on track, plus it may help others find a book;)

January - Outback Heart by Joanne van Os


LOL you are to :)

message 33: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77388 comments Mod
Sshhh Mish...LOL

message 34: by Mish (new)

Mish | 3561 comments Haha....okay Brenda my lips are sealed

message 35: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77388 comments Mod
Oh that's good, no-one else will know now;D

message 36: by Regan (new)

Regan (mollytornado) Brenda wrote: "OOOHHH!! Just realized I have a 'J' missing! I can read yours...thanks!"

Haha, no worries. Glad I helped. :)

And here is my almost completed list. Later on I will have a gander at the couple of lists that have been posted here to see if they can help me out.

January - Picnic at Hanging Rock by Joan Lindsay

February - Not sure yet.

March - My Brilliant Career by Miles Franklin

April - And the Ass Saw the Angel by Nick Cave

May - On the Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta

June - Tomorrow When the War Began by John Marsden

July - The Hunter by Julia Leigh

August - The Twyborn Affair by Patrick White

September - The Harp in the South by Ruth Park

October - Oscar and Lucinda by Peter Carey

November - Sabriel by Garth Nix

December - Not sure yet.

message 37: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77388 comments Mod
Great list Regan!! Well done:)

message 38: by Laurel (new)

Laurel Lamperd Wendy wrote: "May I add The Unhewn Stone to the list of favourite YA books by Aussie Authors? Or would that be unethical since I wrote it?"

I loved your book, Wendy.

message 39: by Maria (new)

Maria | 52 comments Another book for Jan. "Jasper Jones" by Craig Silvery

message 40: by Zuzu (new)

Zuzu Burford (baldyzuzu) January book will be The High Commissioner by Jon Cleary

message 41: by Tien (new)

Tien (tiensblurb) | 628 comments Am definitely interested! Don't know if I can keep up but am aiming for PROFESSIONAL and I'll be starting with Juliet Marillier!!

message 42: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

message 43: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77388 comments Mod
Kazza wrote: "Am definitely interested! Don't know if I can keep up but am aiming for PROFESSIONAL and I'll be starting with Juliet Marillier!!"

Fantastic Kazza! GL!

message 44: by Kylie (new)

Kylie | 1 comments For January I thought I would read:

My Brother Jack By George Johnston

Jasper Jones By Craig Silvey

Jessica By Bryce Courtenay

May change but its a starting point

message 45: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77388 comments Mod
Well done it looks like you're going PROFESSIONAL!

message 46: by Kylie (new)

Kylie | 1 comments Brenda wrote: "Well done it looks like you're going PROFESSIONAL!"

Am going to try. :) Gives me something to work on.

message 47: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77388 comments Mod
Good on you, I'll be interested to see how you go choosing each month! The hard part MIGHT be the three J's...which will be 9 books with the same letter:D

message 48: by Lizzy (last edited Dec 19, 2012 09:57PM) (new)

Lizzy Chandler My completed challenge (amateur level) - not the list I started out but I've managed to cover all the months!

January, Gail Jones, Dreams of Speaking reviewed here. Dreams of Speaking by Gail Jones

February, Kate Forsyth, Bitter Greens reviewed here. Bitter Greens by Kate Forsyth

March, Margo Lanagan, Sea Hearts reviewed here. Sea Hearts by Margo Lanagan

April, Y A Erskine, The Betrayal reviewed here. The Betrayal by Y.A. Erskine

May, Meg Mundell, Black Glass reviewed here. Black Glass by Meg Mundell

June, Toni Jordan Fall Girl reviewed here Fall Girl by Toni Jordan

July, Lynne Leonhardt, FindingJasper reviewed here. Finding Jasper by Lynne Leonhardt

August, Angela Savage, The Half-Child reviewed here. The Half-Child by Angela Savage

September, Lisa Heidke, Stella Makes Good reviewed here. Stella Makes Good by Lisa Heidke

October, Caroline Overington Sisters Of Mercy reviewed here. Sisters Of Mercy by Caroline Overington

November, P M Newton The Old School reviewed here. The Old School by P.M. Newton

December, Eva Hornung Dog Boy reviewed here Dog Boy A Novel by Eva Hornung

message 49: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77388 comments Mod
Great list Elizabeth:) Lots to help others there:)

message 50: by Melanie (new)

Melanie I'd love to join this challenge and as I am participating in a challenge to read onebook by a female Aussie author I will try to only read females.

Jotting down some from Judy Nunn and Colleen McCullough so far.

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