Paranormal Romance & Urban Fantasy discussion

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message 1: by Courtney (new)

Courtney (coco120) So, I am a huge fan of the old school vampire authors, like Bram Stoker and Ann Rice. Everytime I find a new series, I am hoping it will be along these same lines (The Vampire Lestat, or Vladimir), but I am having trouble finding a series like this. I tried the Twilight series, but I did not like it. (Sorry! I know I am one of the few people who feel this way!) I am looking for something that has a mix of historical fiction, or a period piece......a good, substantial, vampire epic! Anyone have any suggestions? It would be much appreciated!

message 2: by new_user (new)

new_user | 1389 comments Hm, there isn't much epic vampire fiction, but there are some historical vampire titles. Check out Susan Squires, Teresa Medeiros, and Kim Lenox. I think Amanda Ashley wrote one too. Those seem more like traditional romance though.

If you want more epic, you might try one of the urban fantasy series since the characters are generally trying to save the world, face life and death, etc. Tanya Huff, Jeanne Stein, Karen Chance, Keri Arthur, and so on. These are all considerably more mature than, ahem, Twilight.

But if you don't mind modern vampires and a slightly different kind of underground-war plot, I recommend the BDB series by J.R. Ward. :)

message 3: by Melissa (new)

Melissa There is a series of three books by Jeanne Kalogridis that is written like the diaries of the family Dracul. I loved these books and it was definitely old world vampire. The first book, Covenant of the Vampire, is supposed to be set about 50 years before Bram Stoker's Dracula. The second book is Children of the Vampire and it's about the heir of Vlad. The third book is Lord of the Vampires and is about Van Helsing and Vlad. Very good reading!

message 4: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer (jen421) | 201 comments Twilight is good for what it is, but its YA and very romanticized; nothing like Anne Rice. Maybe try Lynn Viehl's Darkyn series.

message 5: by Courtney (new)

Courtney (coco120) Thanks so much for the suggestion. I am definitely interested! Have you read The Historian? I cannot remember the author, but you should check it out if you have not already done so. It too is old world vampire, and is a great, epic novel.

message 6: by Courtney (last edited Nov 17, 2008 06:47AM) (new)

Courtney (coco120) Great; thanks for all of the suggestions! I will give them a look. I am excited to have all these new options!

message 7: by Diana (new)

Diana (missdi) | 64 comments The Historian is by Elizabeth Kostova. You may also want to try The Dracula Tape by Fred Saberhagen. It's not a series, but the story of Dracula (Stoker's version) as told by Dracula himself. Like Interview with the Vampire only better.

message 8: by Courtney (new)

Courtney (coco120) Thanks! I totally could not remember the her name. I may check out The Dracula Tape, thanks for the suggestion!

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