Books2Movies Club discussion

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message 1: by Zeljka (last edited Nov 01, 2012 11:17AM) (new)

Zeljka (ztook) | 3005 comments Mod
Here you may post any idea and suggestion for group improvements and enhancements, on consideration to all the members :-)

message 2: by Tazitazitazi (new)

Tazitazitazi | 10 comments This sounds like a fun group, but it is not active enough - it needs more members. So my suggestion to all existing members is to invite their friends to join. I already did.
The more the merrier!

message 3: by Zeljka (last edited Feb 14, 2012 08:37AM) (new)

Zeljka (ztook) | 3005 comments Mod
Thanks :-)

message 4: by Tazitazitazi (new)

Tazitazitazi | 10 comments No problem. ;) We already have a few new members.
P.S. Thank you all for joining.

message 5: by ivana18 (last edited Feb 17, 2012 03:22AM) (new)

ivana18 | 11 comments Hi :D
I loooove BBC period dramas so I was wondering where can I start a discussion about period dramas like Pride and Prejudice.

Maybe we could have a list of all period dramas in one place (they don't have to all be the BBC production). Should it be under Coffee and TV - Various Topics?

message 6: by Zeljka (new)

Zeljka (ztook) | 3005 comments Mod
in the thread About B2M Club I posted how I imagined the site would be organized, and under monthly genre selection as for historical fiction, classics and romances Jane Austen, Elizabeth Gaskell, George Eliot, Thomas Hardy, Dickens etc may be taken in consideration, if members wish to read a specific one novel for a month. Then it may go onto the bookclub's shelf too :-)
But - if you want to talk about BBC period dramas in general, then that subject may be open in Coffee and TV thread, certainly, go ahead! - under that folder just open a new topic. I can do that, if you wish. I understand your passion, I myself have seen and own almost all the BBC period dramas :-)

message 7: by ivana18 (new)

ivana18 | 11 comments Zeljka wrote: "But - if you want to talk about BBC period dramas in general, then that subject may be open in Coffee and TV thread, certainly, go ahead! - under that folder just open a new topic. I can do that, if you wish. I understand your passion, I myself have seen and own almost all the BBC period dramas :-)"

Thanks, that's exactly what I was thinking. I'm gonna do that :D

message 8: by Alana (new)

Alana (alanasbooks) | 730 comments Two questions: 1) What about books with multiple movie adaptations? We mostly just discussing the more recent film or comparing all of them? (As in the case of Pride & Prejudice, for example). 2) Are we including books that were written after the film? I hope not, but just curious.

message 9: by Zeljka (last edited Jun 18, 2012 11:08PM) (new)

Zeljka (ztook) | 3005 comments Mod
Hello, just seen your post!

If book has more than one adaptation, you can talk about all the versions you've seen or heard of, and compare them, of course, but not necessarily. It mainly depends on availability of some versions, or simply on the time and interest you have in them :-) For one book, you can watch just one version and be content with that. For some other books, you may want to devour all the versions, which tends to happen with Jane Austen ;-) Our Quick Reads mostly have a couple of adaptations, but we had such a case for The Turn of the Screw too.

As for second question, I guess you think of novelizations and books set in for an example, Star Wars or Buffy universe. I do not read these, mainly because of the lack of time, but some probably would be entertaining and I might be persuaded to read them on recommendation. If there are some fans willing to share their knowledge of some particular series of books, sure, they can create a thread about it, to discuss the value of each book read, their connection with the movies etc. Certainly it would be interesting to read about that too.

message 10: by Zeljka (last edited Jun 18, 2012 11:57PM) (new)

Zeljka (ztook) | 3005 comments Mod
Er... didn't really answer your second question, did I?
No, I think those books shouldn't be in our 'assignments', basically because they aren't really strictly based on the movies, they are mostly just set in some particular movie or series universe. Novelizations on the other hand aren't sources on which the movies are based but the opposite. If there are both a book on which the movie is based and the novelization of that same movie, then take a look at this, very recent example. Edgar Rice Burroughs's A Princess of Mars versus Stuart Moore's John Carter: The Movie Novelization: Also includes: A Princess of Mars. In my opinion, it would be wrong to read the novelization before tackling the original book. If you would want to read the novelization at all ;-)

message 11: by Alana (new)

Alana (alanasbooks) | 730 comments I was thinking more like "Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull" which had a book version made after the movie, but actually your thorough answer was better than my question! :)

On a completely unrelated note, is there any way to have all of the current discussions up near the top instead of spread out in different categories? Example, everything for each month together rather than short film, full-length film, quick reads, etc? I'm joining fairly close to the beginning of this group, so there aren't' a HUGE amount of topics yet and I feel I can get to them at my leisure, but someone else joining several months down the line might get overwhelmed trying to dig through the threads and see what's current within the last couple of months. But due to the nature of this group the categories may work better, I don't know. Just curious.

message 12: by Zeljka (last edited Jun 19, 2012 11:13AM) (new)

Zeljka (ztook) | 3005 comments Mod
Alana wrote: " there any way to have all of the current discussions up near the top instead of spread out in different categories?..."

Thank you for the feedback, Alana, idea is good. Can't do much for now, but I made some folder rearrangements. Check the look of the group page now, if you like it better.

We have two books to read every month, so I put on the top Quick Reads (relatively short stories and plays, of every month so far, all are in the same folder) and the last two months' Monthly Reads. In the first days of this group, I initially wanted to put MR discussions in one folder, but then the discussion folder of a book discussed didn't look good.
Maybe it's better just to "show" you what I mean - check these links: Heart of Darkness and Atonement. For the first one, I have already lost the post referring to the actual novella, just because it is inside the same folder with the other QR. It is not even mentioned in those two topics! That's something for GoodReads Feedback Group to correct...
For now, if you wish to discuss some "older" book from the bookshelf, you can also just click on the "view" link right by the cover of that book :)

All the other folders are not concerning the group bookshelf, so I'll leave them just like that for now. Spotlighted Reads is for recent, meaning this year, movie releases (and related books), while Coffee & TV is just a mix of everything :-)

message 13: by Zeljka (last edited Jul 26, 2012 01:31PM) (new)

Zeljka (ztook) | 3005 comments Mod
I've just created our masthead (that huge picture on the top of our main page if unfamiliar with that term ;)...

It took me days before I figured out how to put proper dimensions to the whole picture - my least worry were the book covers, although I wish they are more visible - I'll try and make another one with clearer pictures, if you like the idea of film tie-in editions on the bookshelves at all, of course.

Please, let me know what do you think - if it spoils to you the look of the main page of the group, it is easy to remove it with one click...

EDIT: This is a test version of the masthead - might naturally suffer some changes in the next few days. There's also another one version of the masthead (for test purposes, of course) here, but I'm not sure do I really like it. Cannot put many pictures in, and I'd like to see as many as possible, without losing on their visibility :/

message 14: by Tazitazitazi (new)

Tazitazitazi | 10 comments THAT LOOOKS GREAT

message 15: by Zeljka (new)

Zeljka (ztook) | 3005 comments Mod
Tazitazitazi wrote: "THAT LOOOKS GREAT"

Thanks :D

message 16: by Alana (new)

Alana (alanasbooks) | 730 comments Question; do you leave all the old discussion threads open or do they get closed after awhile? My classics group leaves them open so someone can read something well after the fact and reignite the discussion, and I love that. Some groups read so many books though I can see why they'd want to close old ones.

If they do stay open (and it looks like they do, but I couldn't tell), is there a way we could combine all but like maybe the last three months' worth into one folder with "Past Group Reads" or something like that? That way we don't have to scroll down through separate folders for everything, especially those that haven't been read in months? I would love to go back and read "Into the Wild" for example, but it would be fine just in a big folder with all the other past reads. Just makes it more streamlined and clean, I think, but not sure if everyone else would like that.

message 17: by Zeljka (new)

Zeljka (ztook) | 3005 comments Mod
Alana wrote: "Question; do you leave all the old discussion threads open or do they get closed after awhile?..."

Yes, all group reads discussions remain open infinitely :)

I like that idea - "Past Group Reads". But still have to figure out how to implement it, because in some book threads there are two or more topics that would then lose their connection with the others. Or not. Do not know how it would reflect on our bookshelf too... Well, we certainly have to think about it! Thank you for the suggestion :)

message 18: by Alana (new)

Alana (alanasbooks) | 730 comments Most other groups I'm in doing something like this. All the threads for a specific book have the book name in the title, and what part of the book it's discussing. I know you have an introductory thread for some of them, but I assume you could just edit the name of the thread to include the book/story title? For example:

Anna Karenina book - Introductory notes
Anna Karenina - Part 1
Anna Karenina - Part 2
Anna Karenina - Movie

That way, when someone posts on an individual thread under the "Previously read/viewed" we know exactly what it's referring to. The thread most recently posted in comes to the top of the list anyway, so it would be obvious where someone is jumping in.

message 19: by Alana (new)

Alana (alanasbooks) | 730 comments I think it's a matter of personal preference. I prefer to read a book first if I can, then give myself at least a couple of months (6 is better) before I watch the movie, so some of the book's details fade in my memory and I can enjoy the movie on its on merit, without constantly going "It didn't happen like THAT" or "that person didn't say that, THIS person did!"

message 20: by Zeljka (new)

Zeljka (ztook) | 3005 comments Mod
Meg wrote: "What order is recommended: read book then watch movie OR watch movie read book? ..."

Hello Meg! We didn't specify the order of reading and watching - because in some cases you might have already seen the movie, or read the book, etc. Just like Alana said, do as you like. For the group I myself like to read the book first. If I have already seen the movie, then I make myself to watch it again :) I did that for The Road :)

message 21: by Liz (new)

Liz (hissheep) My usual habit is to read the book first, since I like to create my own picture of scenery, characters, etc. However, sometimes I see a movie that piques my interest to read the book to find out more detail. ;o)

message 22: by Kimberly (new)

Kimberly | 62 comments Have you seen this link

It is a pretty comprehensive list of books that were made into movies, and provides the movie can search by book, author, movie

message 23: by Alana (new)

Alana (alanasbooks) | 730 comments Thanks for the resource! I always like looking for books where I can watch the film later.

message 24: by Liz (new)

Liz (hissheep) Kimberly wrote: "Have you seen this link

It is a pretty comprehensive list of books that were made into movies, and provides the movie can search b..."

Thanks, Kimberly! ;o)

message 25: by Zeljka (new)

Zeljka (ztook) | 3005 comments Mod
Kimberly wrote: "Have you seen this link..."

Cool, thanks for the link, quite useful :)

message 26: by Summer (new)

Summer (paradisecity) | 19 comments Are notifications sent out to group members when a poll goes live? In other groups I get emails when we're voting for the book of the month, but it seems like I missed the October vote.


message 27: by Zeljka (new)

Zeljka (ztook) | 3005 comments Mod
Esse wrote: "Are notifications sent out to group members when a poll goes live? In other groups I get emails when we're voting for the book of the month, but it seems like I missed the October vote.


I am sorry if you missed it, yes, we send notifications for every poll, I think this one was on Monday, 8th. But next month there will even three of them, so you'll have chance to vote soon enough ;)

One poll will be for genre themes of the next two months (actually three, as there are only three left -- you can see which are they by checking on this poll here), second for quick reads for the next two months and third for the book of December. The last two would be preceded by nominations of course. Sounds complicated? No worries, you'll see it is not really ;)

message 28: by Portia (new)

Portia (portiadawn) We should read Dead Souls by Michael Laimo

message 29: by [deleted user] (new)

Hi Portia :)

We have regular polls, where members can decide which genre to read next (next one is next month, I think).
When horror will be chosen, fell free to suggest this book.
I'll try to keep it in mind too.

message 30: by Tai (new)

Tai (poetress) | 19 comments Meg wrote: "What order is recommended: read book then watch movie OR watch movie read book? My experience has been that it depends on the book/movie. I'm brand new to this group so maybe this recommendation ..."

My first experience with movies that were a book was Pet Cemetery.
Though I only saw the movie and didn't read the book.
I tried this with the book Misery.
Saw the movie several as a kid.
Then was given the book as an adult, and found it too difficult to read.
Because I had the images from the movie in my head.
And kept comparing the two.
Which only got me frustrated.
Normally now I find reading the book first is easier for me.
And you also get to experience how the story is meant to be told.

message 31: by Jim (new)

Jim (jkmfilms) Poetress wrote: "Normally now I find reading the book first is easier for me.
And you also get to experience how the story is meant to be told."

This is part of why I watch the movie first. I like to do it this way because the movie is an experience, and I like to be surprised...

But when you get to the book, it's usually so much richer, and there's so much more in it, that I can read it with fresh eyes.

But that probably depends on the person. That wouldn't work for my wife who remembers every detail of a movie after she's seen it.

message 32: by Liz (new)

Liz (hissheep) Thanks, Jim ... never thought of it that way! So next time I don't have time to read before I see, I'll keep this in mind! ;o)

message 33: by [deleted user] (new)

Thia is just an idea the perks of being a wallflower. I found it really good and just came to film.

message 34: by Sarah (new)

Sarah (sarah_endipity) | 40 comments can we all read the phantom of the opera so i don't fill alone reading it?

message 35: by C.j. (new)

C.j. Candel (cjcandel) | 1 comments How about an Author Spotlight on TV or Radio or a highly-acclaimed magazine/newspaper. Something short and simple to generate more of a buzz. Help get those books 2 movies.
An economy booster.

message 36: by Liz (new)

Liz (hissheep) Blueturtles wrote: "can we all read the phantom of the opera so i don't fill alone reading it?"

When the "Phantom" craze took hold, I fell right in listening to the music over and over. Since the newest movie hadn't been produced, and since I couldn't afford Boston theater tickets, I decided to find out the full story by reading the book ... the words brought so much more life to the story! Enjoy!! ;o)

message 37: by Kanika (new)

Kanika Aggarwal | 1 comments Um... Hello, to start with. I joined the group around 4 minutes ago, and would love to know more-anything and everything-about this group and its members. That's a poor first comment, but I guess I'll have to make do with it...

message 38: by Evren (new)

Evren do you know the secret of Phantom of The Opera??

message 39: by Liz (new)

Liz (hissheep) Evren wrote: "do you know the secret of Phantom of The Opera??"

No, I don't, Evren ... but you'd better precede your answer with SPOILER since we wouldn't want to spoil it for Blueturtles! ;o)

message 40: by Zeljka (new)

Zeljka (ztook) | 3005 comments Mod
Blueturtles wrote: "can we all read the phantom of the opera so i don't fill alone reading it?"

If you would like to express your thoughts about the book, you can open your topic about it in Coffee & TV thread, I am sure some would gladly join in your discussion. I have read the book :)

But, if you can wait a bit longer, there's a genre drama / romance that is bound to occur in one of the next three months - you may then nominate the book for monthly reading :)

message 41: by Zeljka (new)

Zeljka (ztook) | 3005 comments Mod
Kanika wrote: "Um... Hello, to start with. I joined the group around 4 minutes ago, and would love to know more-anything and everything-about this group and its members. That's a poor first comment, but I guess I..."

Hello Kanika, welcome! Feel free to take a look at the topic About Members ;)

message 42: by Zeljka (new)

Zeljka (ztook) | 3005 comments Mod
Evren wrote: "Memoirs of a Geisha
The English Patient"

Erika wrote: "Thia is just an idea the perks of being a wallflower. I found it really good and just came to film."

This thread is for B2M Club mechanics - ideas and suggestions for club's improvements -- please, post your book suggestions in the category Monthly Reads.

message 43: by Zeljka (new)

Zeljka (ztook) | 3005 comments Mod
C.j. wrote: "How about an Author Spotlight on TV or Radio or a highly-acclaimed magazine/newspaper. Something short and simple to generate more of a buzz. Help get those books 2 movies.
An economy booster."

I am not sure what do you mean -- this group is social club made for discussing the books that were adapted to the movies or are clearly stated to be in production (to be released soon). We all do not gain any profits from it except the spiritual and mental ones.
However, you may say which books you would like to see on the large screen - we have made such topic here, but let's not turn that possibility into advertising.

message 44: by Evren (new)

Evren Liz wrote: "Evren wrote: "do you know the secret of Phantom of The Opera??"

No, I don't, Evren ... but you'd better precede your answer with SPOILER since we wouldn't want to spoil it for Blueturtles! ;o)"

The secret does not contain spoiler actually not many people look to the book in that perspective. All the secret is revealed in the song "The Mirror" :) Have a nice read.

message 45: by Valerie (new)

Valerie | 9 comments I have recently read and watched Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter. I would be interested to see who else enjoyed the story either way :)

message 46: by Jim (new)

Jim (jkmfilms) Valerie wrote: "I have recently read and watched Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter. I would be interested to see who else enjoyed the story either way :)"

I loved both the book and the movie - though they are very different animals :)

They added a lot of action to the movie, but that makes sense...

message 47: by Tai (new)

Tai (poetress) | 19 comments Where the Heart Is.
Was a nice movie.
I read the book many years ago.

message 48: by Alana (new)

Alana (alanasbooks) | 730 comments Zeljka, do we have a thread setup that is just to chitchat and get to know each other? I know we have the introductory thread, but might be nice to have a thread that's just to talk, about anything, not having to do with books or movies at all. Especially since the group is getting so big now it might be nice to talk and get to know everyone a little bit better.

message 49: by Zeljka (new)

Zeljka (ztook) | 3005 comments Mod
Alana wrote: "Zeljka, do we have a thread setup that is just to chitchat and get to know each other? I know we have the introductory thread, but might be nice to have a thread that's just to talk..."


It crossed my mind, indeed... Give me some time to think where to set it etc. A day or two, no more :)

message 50: by Alana (new)

Alana (alanasbooks) | 730 comments Lol, no rush, just an idea :)

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