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What's your guilty pleasure? > Are our guilty pleasures something we should hide

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message 1: by Stephen (new)

Stephen Richards (StephenRichards) | 104 comments Mod
My own take on this subject is that we shouldn't be afraid of seeking our own pleasures. Cosmic Ordering/mind power is a very self-centered thing.

Remember, Cosmic Ordering is about getting what YOU want. It is not all about giving, as you cannot give until you get.

In my humble opinion there is nothing wrong in wanting the better things out of life, as we may not be around to enjoy it if mankind keeps depleting as they are.

But what is your take on this subject, is it alright to indulge in a bit of what you like withourt feeling guilty?

message 2: by Jane (new)

Jane | 4 comments I don't think I can say what my guilty pleasure is on here he, he.

message 3: by Stephen (new)

Stephen Richards (StephenRichards) | 104 comments Mod
Jane - Hi, Always seek to reward yourself when you have accomplished something or reached a goal. Accept praise from others freely and allow yourself to feel comfortable with what you reward yourself with. Always feel worthy and act as though you are wearing an invisible crown upon your head.

Cosmic wishes.
Stephen Richards

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