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Forgiveness and Love Conquers All: Healing the Emotional Self (Inspiration Mini-Series)
This topic is about Forgiveness and Love Conquers All
Does forgiveness work? > Does forgiving someone mend it?

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message 1: by Stephen (new)

Stephen Richards (StephenRichards) | 104 comments Mod
Does forgiving mean that you befriend your enemy? Is the only safe and sure way to destroy an enemy is to make him or her your friend?

There will be those you harmed who will not forgive you. In this case how do you seek forgiveness?

You you subscribe to these quotes:

Forgiveness is the fragrance the violet sheds on the heel that crushed it.

Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.

Jane | 4 comments Stephen, I don't know about making your enemy your friend, but for the sake of coming to terms with what they have done or did it is best to clear the slate and get them out of your mind. To dwell on them with thoughts is to stay connected with them, and for this reason it is best to break those ties. That's my own thoughts, so hope they are within the confines of cosmic ordering.


message 3: by Stephen (new)

Stephen Richards (StephenRichards) | 104 comments Mod
Jane - Hi, Thank you for your comment. Once you cease any emotional connection then you are free of attachment. Cosmic wishes to you.

Stephen Richards

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