The Sword and Laser discussion

What Else Are You Reading? > What Else Are You Reading - April 2012

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message 1: by Veronica, Supreme Sword (new)

Veronica Belmont (veronicabelmont) | 1801 comments Mod
For me, it's The Iron Duke for VF, and our upcoming pick, The Magicians. I'm actually occasionally un-lemming (de-lemming?) The Heroes.

What about you?

message 2: by terpkristin (new)

terpkristin | 4373 comments I'm calling shenanigans, as it's not April yet! ;)

I had grand plans of catching up on my reading today. Instead, I read a little bit and took a 3-hour nap. But I did read some more of The Magicians and will probably mute the NCAA tournament and listen to some Wild Cards this evening.

message 3: by bolbo boggons (new)

bolbo boggons | 16 comments It's April in Australia! :D I'm hoping to get through the rest of the Dresden Files this month (I'm reading Dead Beat right now), also The Iron Duke for VF, The Magicians if I can get my hands on it, The Ancestor's Tale: A Pilgrimage to the Dawn of Evolution (Dawkins is actually coming to my uni next week!!) and, of course, TEXTBOOKS. Which, to be fair, are mostly really good reading too.

message 4: by Tassie Dave, S&L Historian (new)

Tassie Dave | 3978 comments Mod
I'm reading The Magicians.
I jumped the gun on that one.

Now that daylight savings is over and the days are getting shorter (and wetter), I hope to catch up on my longggggggggg "to read" list.

message 5: by Nick (last edited Apr 04, 2012 08:54PM) (new)

Nick (whyzen) | 1295 comments I'm listening to Assassin's Apprentice. I'm currently reading A Storm of Swords but I will probably stop soon to get in The Magicians once we officially start reading it in the book club. I might pick up one of the three Nebula nominated novels I haven't read if there is time.

message 6: by CountZeroOr (new)

CountZeroOr (count_zero) | 68 comments So - I'm starting The Quantum Thief (as I mentioned in the other thread), and I'm also reading, on the non-fiction front, Holy War: How Vasco da Gama's Epic Voyages Turned the Tide in a Centuries-Old Clash of Civilizations.

message 7: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan (schryke) | 17 comments I jumped the gun and actually finished The Magicians, I've got a lot of free time and it grabbed me fairly early on, so I had to start in on the sequel The Magician King.

I'm also re-reading The Wheel of Time, currently on Lord of Chaos, but I put it on hold since I'm not all that great at reading multiple books at the same time.

message 8: by Kris (new)

Kris (kvolk) Still reading some military history books then will jump back into the Mazalan Empire books.

message 9: by Daniel (new)

Daniel (dfp127) | 7 comments I am ensconced in the Barsoom series by ERB, finding it difficult to break away.

message 10: by Tim (new)

Tim | 3 comments I'm going through The Magicians and The Iron Duke for VF too! Also for a bit of fun I'm finishing the hunger games series, they take like half a day for the entire book. Currently on Catching Fire!

I'd really like to read Soulless too, but I don't think I'm going to have time. I love steampunk though.

message 11: by Veronica, Supreme Sword (new)

Veronica Belmont (veronicabelmont) | 1801 comments Mod
Tim wrote: "I'm going through The Magicians and The Iron Duke for VF too! Also for a bit of fun I'm finishing the hunger games series, they take like half a day for the entire boo..."

Soulless is great, reading the Iron Duke kind of makes me miss Gail Carriger!

message 12: by Jorge (new)

Jorge (hogman) | 2 comments I just finished Mockingjay, and have been bouncing between Ender's Game, A Princess of Mars, Robot Dreams, and The Lies of Locke Lamora. I know, I a little out of sync with the club. Hopefully, I will catch up soon.

message 13: by Nathan (new)

Nathan | 21 comments I am working on finishing The Alloy of Lawbefore Tuesday when I plan to dive straight into Caine's Law. For those who enjoy Joe AbercrombieI would suggest checking out the first book of what they are now calling, "The Acts of Caine," Heroes Die. The setting is very different, but Caine could easily have been written by Ambercrombie if he wanted to write a book focusing on The Bloody Nine's even badder ass alter ego.

message 14: by William (new)

William (willtoread) I just started The Color of Magic and will probably proceed to read 2010: Odyssey Two. I also still have to catch up on some short story mags (Interzone, and Black Static).

message 15: by Rebecca (new)

Rebecca Mabe (beckegirl) | 26 comments I'm just finishing up "The Hedgewitch Queen" by Lillith Saintcrow and will be starting the Magicians as soon as I'm done. Hooray for sword books; I'm still new to lasers.

message 16: by Joseph (new)

Joseph | 2430 comments I'm about to finish Glen Cook's Dread Empire series. Finished An Ill Fate Marshalling (originally published in 1988 and ending on a huge cliffhanger) and started the final book, A Path to Coldness of Heart, which was published in 2012. So I've been waiting rather a while to see how things would turn out . . .

message 17: by Paul (new)

Paul (gerhalt) | 1 comments Got a lot on my plate right now Maus I: My Father Bleeds History which I will probably finish tonight. I am also part way Warbreaker by Brandon Sanderson. After that it will be Origins: Fourteen Billion Years of Cosmic Evolution

message 18: by Been (new)

Been | 125 comments I just finished The Subtle Knife. Thought it was a bit slow for the most part but still really good. I really don't know how that scene with the golden monkey and the snake was supposed to be Young Adult appropriate though.

I'm taking a break from the trilogy for now (mainly because I don't own The Amber Spyglass), and getting back into the Skulduggery Pleasant series with Mortal Coil. I'm 25% into it already and absolutely loving the banter. I'll probably finish this and Death Bringer before picking up the Amber Spyglass.

message 19: by Pickle (new)

Pickle | 192 comments reading The Name of the Wind but after reading The Lies of Locke Lamora im finding it very slow and not as enjoyable.

others i hope to read this month:

Martian Time-Slip
Who Goes There? Seven Tales of Science-Fiction

message 20: by Tiffany (new)

Tiffany (tiffanyfarrantgonzalez) | 18 comments I've just finished reading Leviathan Wakes and I've finally given in and started A Dance With Dragons. I took a break after Feast of Crows as it always seems to take an age between each of the releases in the series and I wanted to spread out the wait, but I couldn't hold off any longer!

I'm also going to be reading The Magicians and The Iron Duke ready to take part in my first VF hangout.

message 21: by Leighann (new)

Leighann (zhelenstilo) Just started Timeless, finally, and am thoroughly enjoying the first little bit that I've gotten in so far. I'm also partway through The Daemon Prism, though that's been sitting on the back burner while I work through library books that are coming due.

I've already read The Magicians, so I won't be reading that again, but I'm going to be reading The Iron Duke for VF and Graceling for another group. As for non-book group reading, I know for sure I have Red Seas Under Red Skies, Alien Proliferation, and a large pile of urban fantasy to work on.

message 22: by Brad (new)

Brad | 21 comments I'm finishing up The Lies of Locke Lamora. It's been a slight struggle for me, but it's starting to pick up the pace. Then, I'm going to leave the Sword genre for a bit and read Somebody owes me money, as I've been away from mysteries for far too long. If I can finish those before the end of the month, I have my pick between Ready Player One, The Orphan Master's Son, or Adrenaline.

message 23: by Lizzy (new)

Lizzy (kymethra) I'll be picking up The Magicians once I finish Eye of the Labyrinth and the final book in the Second Sons trilogy (can't recall the title right now). Expect to be finished with them by the end of next week. Not sure what I'm going onto after that. Possibly Anno Dracula, which I picked up while out browsing recently.

message 24: by Jenny (new)

Jenny (jennyc89) | 116 comments I'm finishing up The Maltese Falcon and I'm still reading 1Q84 and Warbreaker. I need to get a move on with those two, so many books I want to read this month!

message 25: by Anne (new)

Anne Schüßler (anneschuessler) | 845 comments Still stuck with Angelmaker. I can't seem to get through more than 5% in one sitting. At least finally the story picked up and it's getting really interesting.

I guess it's on to the book pick after that.

message 26: by Kendrick (new)

Kendrick (kmartinix) I'm going oldschool and am wrapping up Dubliners and also reading more Wheel of Time.

message 28: by Ben (new)

Ben (benwarmuth) I am primarily going to start reading A Clash of Kings approximately in time with the watching of GoT season 2. I am also going to be reading The Magicians along with everyone here.

message 29: by Kevin (last edited Apr 02, 2012 01:10PM) (new)

Kevin Xu (kxu65) | 1081 comments Starting Running with the Demon by Terry Brooks because I just read the people behind Game of Thrones is adapting this book on HBO coming out sometime next year since I just got a copy yesterday.

message 30: by Jason (new)

Jason (jasonslee) | 2 comments *Just* finished Best Served Cold . Another awesome Abercrombie book. Started The Magicians , and I'm going to read The Heroes as my travel book this month.

message 31: by John (new)

John (agni4lisva) | 332 comments Going to finish off the Steve Jobs biography that I have been slowly working through, then onto The Magicians. Might see if I can squeeze in Zero Day by Mark Russinovich.

message 32: by Micah (new)

Micah (onemorebaker) | 1071 comments Just finished Nightmares & Dreamscapes, Volume I- 3 on audio. it was long but really really great. Switching over to Non-fiction for this month with The Last Stand: Custer, Sitting Bull, and the Battle of the Little Bighorn. Starting that on audio as soon as i get it transferred to my iPhone.

Once I get through finals next month I plan on tearing apart some actual physical books. Whether they be paperbacks or e-books.

message 33: by AndrewP (new)

AndrewP (andrewca) | 2640 comments There was a lot of discussion a month or so back about reading On Basilisk Station as the next Laser pick. That idea seems to have died out but I decided to be the rebel and read it anyhow.
Three quarters through Little Fuzzy on audio. Not bad, but I don't want to hear the word 'sapient' again for a long time:)

message 34: by Neil (new)

Neil (neil_h) | 3 comments Currently reading Catch-22 for my book group with friends.

I'm also reading The Osiris Ritual as i'd put it down a a while ago and am making an effort to finish all the partially read books i have lying around.

message 35: by Patrick Louie (new)

Patrick Louie (classicpatrick) I'm lightweight and can handle only one book along with my textbooks, but I'm really enjoying reading 1Q84.

I love stimulating the minds and Murakami does it pretty well. :)

message 36: by Kate (new)

Kate O'Hanlon (kateohanlon) | 778 comments I'm on holiday in London at the moment, which means blowing a load of cash in Forbidden Planet. I picked up Range of Ghosts yesterday. It's really awesome so far.

message 37: by Jenny (new)

Jenny (jennyc89) | 116 comments I finally started reading The Eye of the World. I'm in it for the long haul.

message 38: by [deleted user] (new)

I am reading Brandon Sanderson's 3rd Mistborn book Hero of Ages.

message 39: by Louie (new)

Louie (rmutt1914) | 885 comments I plan on starting Space Chronicles: Facing the Ultimate Frontier by Neil deGrasse Tyson in the next day or two. Science! NASA and space!

And, I hope to get a copy of Horizon by Sophie Littlefield to finish out the trilogy, before I forget the events of the first two books.

message 40: by Procrastinador (new)

Procrastinador Diletante | 104 comments I'm reading The Neutronium Alchemist, 2nd book of The Night's Dawn trilogy and listening to the Harry Potter's audiobooks - currently starting the 4th one and surprised with how much I'm enjoying them.

I basically saw the first movie and didn't like it all, so just ignored the books and movies completely until 1 month ago, a friend bought me the audiobooks read by Stephen Fry, begging me to forget the movie and give J.K. Rowling a chance - I'm sold, great imagination, 1000x better than the movie.


message 41: by Kevin (new)

Kevin Xu (kxu65) | 1081 comments Quinton wrote: "I am reading Brandon Sanderson's 3rd Mistborn book Hero of Ages."

Hey, maybe you should look into his newest book, The Alloy of Law, which is the Mistborn world set 300 years later.

message 42: by John (new)

John (agni4lisva) | 332 comments Jenny wrote: "I finally started reading The Eye of the World. I'm in it for the long haul."

Great series. I have made it up to Knife of Dreams, and have the next 2 lined up. I think I might have to go back to the beginning and read them from the start once the last book is published :-)

message 43: by Emma (new)

Emma (coffee_addict) | 64 comments I've got a tiny mountain here. I'm reading The Magicians for here and The Iron Duke for VF like several others.

I've also been working on Soulless and A Clash of Kings.

message 44: by Einnyen (new)

Einnyen | 2 comments I, literally, just picked up The Magicians and I'll start it today/tonight.

I'm also reading Outcasts and Godsas well as some of the Darkovian novels by Marion Zimmer Bradley

message 45: by Casey (new)

Casey | 654 comments I'm just finishing up Leviathan Wakes and am not sure where to turn next. I'm leaning towards Altered Carbon, The Last Werewolf, or something completely different. I need something to read during spring term to take the mind away from the monotony.

message 46: by Jenny (new)

Jenny (jennyc89) | 116 comments John wrote: "Jenny wrote: "I finally started reading The Eye of the World. I'm in it for the long haul."

Great series. I have made it up to Knife of Dreams, and have the next 2 lined..."

You should! I'm doing a series read with another group here on GR. I was surprised by how many people are reading the series for the 3rd, 4th, 5th time... It must be really good! I'm enjoying it so far.

message 47: by John (last edited Apr 04, 2012 11:55AM) (new)

John Gil | 2 comments right now I'm reading Rise of Empire (The Riyria Revelations, #3-4)
and I guess I'm going to have to start reading The Magicians

message 48: by Malin (new)

Malin (maline) | 17 comments Reading The Magicians, which has been on my TBR list for over a year (so thanks for getting me to finally start it). Am NOT reading The Iron Duke for VF, as I re-read it in Dehcember after reading Meljean Brook's sequel, Heart of Steel. Discussions on the VF message board make me pick up Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder, which I haven't read since I got years and years ago. It's even better than I remember. I may also have to reread Soulless, as Gail Carriger keeps being mentioned in VF chats - and have plans to read the final book in the series, Timeless, later this month.

message 49: by Tamahome (last edited Apr 04, 2012 07:03PM) (new)

Tamahome | 7024 comments About 50 pgs into Ian Douglas's Earth Strike Earth Strike (Star Carrier, #1) by Ian Douglas . All the space battle you want.

message 50: by Charles (new)

Charles | 248 comments I'm currently reading Blood and Other Cravings edited by Ellen Datlow.

Blood and Other Cravings by Ellen Datlow

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