Paranormal Romance & Urban Fantasy discussion

Monthly Reading Challenges > January 2009 Reading Challenge

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message 1: by Yz the Whyz (new)

Yz the Whyz (whyz) | 1020 comments Mod
Inspired by the 999 Reading Challenge in another booksite, I wondered if anybody in our group would be interested in a reading book challenge for the month of January?

The challenge is to read one book with a least one paranormal character or element. I'm using the number 9 for 2009.

Categories are:
1. vampires
2. werewolves
3. shifters
4. demons
5. witches/wizards
6. fae
7. aliens
8. psychics/time travelers
9. dragons or mythical creatures

Since some books have more than one of these elements, just pick the category you want to put it in.

Let me know what you guys think?

message 2: by Lori (new)

Lori  (moderatrixlori) Oh, this is easy since PNR is about all I ever read now. I'm reading One Silent Night right now which I guess falls into the demon category.

message 3: by Yz the Whyz (new)

Yz the Whyz (whyz) | 1020 comments Mod
Lori wrote: "Oh, this is easy since PNR is about all I ever read now. I'm reading One Silent Night right now which I guess falls into the demon category."

Cool, Lori. I think 9 books would not be difficult to finish for a month?...or should we extend it?

message 4: by Yz the Whyz (last edited Jan 18, 2009 03:37AM) (new)

Yz the Whyz (whyz) | 1020 comments Mod
Yz's January Challenge

Vampires -
Living Dead in Dallas by Charlaine Harris - finished 1/11/09 4 out of 5 stars

Werewolves -
Moon Called by Patricia Briggs - finished 1/10/09 4 out of 5 stars

Shifters - Kiss of Fury by Deborah Cooke - finished 1/11/09 4 out of 5 stars

Demons/Angels -
(Hell's Belles by Jackie Kessler) finished 1/1/09 4 out 5 stars

Witches/Wizards -
The Road to Hell by Jackie Kessler (although demons are the main characters here, there is a witch involved...will change this if I read something else) finished 1/4/09 4 out of 5

Fae -
The Dark Highlander by Karen Marie Moning 1/3/09 5 out of 5 stars

Aliens -
Parallel Desire by Deidre Knight - finished 1/7/09 5 out of 5 stars

Psychics/Time Traveler -
Caressed by Ice by Nalini Singh - finished 1/18/09

Dragons/Mythical Creatures -
Dragonsong by Anne MacCaffrey- finished 1/14

DONE!*doing a little happy dance* Now, all I have to do is work on my other challenges...LOL..

message 5: by new_user (last edited Jan 29, 2009 03:03PM) (new)

new_user | 1389 comments Oh, neat idea, Yz! I think I can manage that, since I've been reading so much PNR.

1. Vampires
Stay the Night by Lynn Viehl, 1/11, 4/5 stars

2. Werewolves
Moon Awakening by Lucy Monroe, 1/27, 4/5 stars

3. Shifters
Tigress by the Tail by Teresa D'Amario
4. Demons
My Wicked Enemy by Carolyn Jewel
5. Wizard (Warrior-Priest)
Nightkeepers by Jessica Andersen
6. Fae
Heir to Sevenwaters by Juliet Marillier, 1/22, 5/5 stars

7. Aliens
No Words Alone by Autumn Dawn, 1/25, 3/5 stars

8. Psychics
White Lies by Jayne Ann Krentz
9. Mystical (Gargoyle)
Flesh and Stone by Vickie Taylor, 1/29, 4/5 stars

message 6: by Yz the Whyz (last edited Jan 03, 2009 04:22PM) (new)

Yz the Whyz (whyz) | 1020 comments Mod
new_user wrote: "Oh, neat idea, Yz! I think I can manage that, since I've been reading so much PNR.

Cool....You pretty much have all your categories filled out. Just edit them everytime you finished...put date done and rating...see you are reading Deidre Knight. I'm almost done with her series...great reads.

Psychics?....hmm how about Feehan's Ghostwalkers...or any of Jayne Ann Kretz Arcane Society book...Running Hot just got released..

message 7: by new_user (new)

new_user | 1389 comments LOL, they're all plan-to-read. I haven't read any of them yet. Big plans, LOL. Should I keep them blank til I've read them? A few will probably change depending on my mood.

Yeah, I started another book by Knight, but I think I might like this one better. Thanks for the recs, I think I'll try Krentz. :)

message 8: by Yz the Whyz (new)

Yz the Whyz (whyz) | 1020 comments Mod
new_user wrote: "LOL, they're all plan-to-read. I haven't read any of them yet. Big plans, LOL. Should I keep them blank til I've read them? A few will probably change depending on my mood.

Yeah, I started another..."

No..just keep them can rearrange them later if you want..and then just marked them with a date when you finished reading...I'm going to fill mine as I find them...

I'm not sure if I can finish all 9 categories in a month...but i'll try..

message 9: by Joseph (new)

Joseph  (bluemanticore) | 216 comments So the idea is to read at least one book in each category by the end of the month, right? Sounds like fun. I could probably do it pretty easy by doing a lot of rereads, but I don't think that is the goal behind this. I'm gonna give it a try, in fact I'll probably be able to fill a whole bunch of categories when I read Kelley Armstrong's new title coming out in a couple of days: Night Huntress (Sisters of the Moon, Book 5) can fill everything except for aliens and psychics/time travellers.

message 10: by Yz the Whyz (new)

Yz the Whyz (whyz) | 1020 comments Mod
Joseph wrote: "So the idea is to read at least one book in each category by the end of the month, right? Sounds like fun. I could probably do it pretty easy by doing a lot of rereads, but I don't think that is ..."

Yes, the idea is to read new 9 books for the month in honor of 2009, one for each category. Then will come up with another criteria for Feb, if this is successful..but again just 9 books for our challenge.

For PNR/UF readers, 9 is an easy number to fulfill..its just the categories..but even that I'm sure is easy...

message 11: by Teresa (new)

Teresa (teresadamario) | 95 comments Looks like alot of fun. :) I wish I had time to do 9 books! wow. I do have a suggestion for Psychics - Christine Feehan's Murder game. I read that yesterday - great book, as usual.

message 12: by DarkHeart "Vehngeance" (last edited Jan 15, 2009 02:38PM) (new)

DarkHeart "Vehngeance" (darkheart) | 737 comments Fun! I need to work through my TBR pile anyway, so here goes:
*** Okay, I changed a few things around as new releases came out that I just had to read, so I had to find room for them on the list or I'll get behind.

1. vampires
- At Grave's End - Jeaniene Frost - 07 Jan 09 *****
2. werewolves
- Pure Blood - Caitlin Kittredge - 15 Jan 09 *****
3. shifters
- Any Given Doomsday - Lori Handeland - 01 Jan 09 *****
4. demons
- Personal Demons - Stacia Kane
5. witches/wizards
- Dead Witch Walking - Kim Harrison - 13 Jan 09 ****
6. fae
- Darkfever - Karen Marie Moning
7. aliens
- Veil of Midnight - Lara Adrian
8. psychics/time travelers
- Shadow Game - Christine Feehan
9. dragons or mythical creatures
- In the Blood - Adrian Phoenix - 09 Jan 09 *****

message 13: by Jodz (new)

Jodz (jodz87) | 5 comments What a great idea! I'm In!!

1. vampires
One bite with a stranger
2. werewolves
3. shifters
4. demons
5. witches/wizards
6. fae
7. aliens
8. psychics/time travelers
9. dragons or mythical creatures

message 14: by Yz the Whyz (new)

Yz the Whyz (whyz) | 1020 comments Mod

Wow!..You have all your categories filled..Now all you have to do is read..LOL..


Thanks for joining us. Let's see if we can finish our 9 books before January ends.

message 15: by Yz the Whyz (new)

Yz the Whyz (whyz) | 1020 comments Mod
Teresa wrote: "Looks like alot of fun. :) I wish I had time to do 9 books! wow. I do have a suggestion for Psychics - Christine Feehan's Murder game. I read that yesterday - great book, as usual.


Thanks for stopping by. Great suggestion. I just received Murder Game that is going under category.

message 16: by DarkHeart "Vehngeance" (last edited Jan 04, 2009 07:28AM) (new)

DarkHeart "Vehngeance" (darkheart) | 737 comments Yz wrote: "DarkHeart,

Wow!..You have all your categories filled..Now all you have to do is read..LOL..

LOL, yeah. I have a fairly sizable TBR pile and a self-imposed ban on any new purchases until I've read at least 10 of them, so I figured this list would be great motivation. I'm just glad I have something for every category. =) Some are definitely more urban fantasy than paranormal romance, but I figured that since the lines are so blurred between the two anyway that it was okay.

message 17: by Lori (last edited Jan 04, 2009 11:37AM) (new)

Lori  (moderatrixlori) I definitely think 9 is doable I just have to find the books. Here's my plan:

1. vampires - Dark Prince by Christine Feehan
2. werewolves - Wolf Tales by Kate Douglass
3. shifters - Slave to Sensation by Nalini Singh
4. demons - One Silent Night by Sherrilyn Kenyon - Done 1/4
5. witches/wizards - Fistful of Charms by Kim Harrison
6. fae - Swallowing Darkness by Laurell K. Hamilton
7. aliens - Fallen Star by Morgan Hawke
8. psychics/time travelers - Outlander by Diana Gabaldon
9. dragons or mythical creatures - Mona Lisa Awakening by Sunny (not sure if this counts. They are a race of shifters descended from the moon)

message 18: by Yz the Whyz (new)

Yz the Whyz (whyz) | 1020 comments Mod
Lori....great list...the categories are pretty you can sort of play around with it..if you like..but the goal again is 9 books.

message 19: by Jacalyn (new)

Jacalyn | 454 comments I've already read Backup by Jim Butcher and Into the Jungle by Jim Butcher. They contained
1. Vampire (Backup)
5. Wizards (Both)

I also read The Scot, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by Annette Blair and it contained:
5. Witches
8. Psychics

I'm not sure I'll reach nine books, that's a lot to read in one month. I homeschool my kids, so some of my reading each month is taken up with them. But, hey... I think it's a great challenge, and I thought I'd throw out what I'd already accomplished!

message 20: by Yz the Whyz (new)

Yz the Whyz (whyz) | 1020 comments Mod
Lady Ozma wrote: "I've already read Backup by Jim Butcher and Into the Jungle by Jim Butcher. They contained
1. Vampire (Backup)
5. Wizards (Both)

I also read The Scot, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by Annette Blair..."

That;s okay...feel free to put your list up...its just a goal we keep us working on that ever-expanding TBR list...LOL

message 21: by Jacalyn (new)

Jacalyn | 454 comments Gaah the TBR is evil ;) I swear I think it works about like this:

Take down one book and read. While you are reading the pages of that book, three more books suddenly and mysteriously appear on the TBR shelf.

So you start out with 10. By the time you read that ten you have 30 more on your shelf.

Is that how it works for everyone else? LOL

I've been taking advantage of the holiday and tearing through books. But I'm going for all the ones that are quick and easy reads. Not necessarily paranormal. So I've read some short books and some cozie mysteries and etc. I'm doing it to torment a friend who generally reads twice as much as I do (she's not a homeschooling mum, but she is hoping to be a mom this year... she's trying to adopt so all good energies in her direction accepted) Right now I'm in the lead with six books to her two... but it's more a playful torment with the each of us! *GRINS*

Maybe I'll get through nine books this month, just don't think they'll all be paranormal. :) But I am needing more paranormal so my next one might be one of the many many many many paranormals on my shelves. LOL

message 22: by Kathy (new)

Kathy | 65 comments OK I'll try but 9 is a lot for me. I think by the end of Feb I could do it. Now I need to think of the books. Demon's Hunger by Eve Silver, On the Prowl by Karen MacInerney, Veil of Midnight By Lara Adrian, and I will have to think about the rest. Most of the books I plan to read at this time are vamp books.

message 23: by Sarah (last edited Jan 30, 2009 03:13AM) (new)

Sarah I'm going to try these, most of which are in my TBR pile at home anyway!

1. Vampires-From Dead to Worse by Charlaine Harris;
2. Werewolves-Blood & Chocolate by Annette Curtis Klause;
3. Shape-shifters-Heart of the Dragon by Gena Showalter;
4. Demons-Pagan Stone by Nora Roberts;
5. Witches/wizards-Raintree: Inferno by Linda Howard;
6. Fae-Thirty Nights with a Highland Husband by Melissa Mayhue;
7. Aliens-Darkness Unknown by Alexis Morgan;
8. Psychics-Running Hot by Jayne Ann Krentz;
9. Dragons-Immortals: The Calling

Here's hoping we can all meet our goals this year!

message 24: by ♥Tricia♥ (last edited Jan 22, 2009 09:25AM) (new)

♥Tricia♥ (siddie) | 146 comments Oh this is an excellent idea!!

I am going to make my list now and when I finish my current book start on this right away :D Will strike out what I have finished once I read them.

1. Vampires - Night Embrace, Sherrilyn Kenyon
2. Werewolves - Stolen, Kelly Armstrong
3. Shifters - Destiny Kills, Keri Arthur
4. Demons - Dance with the Devil, Sherrilyn Kenyon
5. Witches/wizards - Dime Store Magic , Kelley Armstrong
6. Fae - Dark Fever, Karen Marie Moning
7. Aliens - Kiss of Midnight, Lara Adrian
8. Psychics/time travelers - At the Edge Psychic Triplet Trilogy Book 1, Cait London
9. Dragons or mythical creatures - Dragon Champion, E.E Knight

message 25: by Yz the Whyz (new)

Yz the Whyz (whyz) | 1020 comments Mod
Welcome aboard Sarah and Tricia! Let's see if we can meet our 9-book goal for this month...if least we are making a dent in our crazy TBR pile..LOL..

message 26: by ♥Tricia♥ (last edited Jan 06, 2009 10:45AM) (new)

♥Tricia♥ (siddie) | 146 comments Thank you yz! But I don't know about that dent... lol
I have sooo many TBR books and the list keeps getting longer with all of the suggestions from the group I keep seeing! /passes out!

Jael ~ *~ Syhren ~* ~ (wwwgoodreadscomprofilejael) Oh This sounds fun. I'll have to post my list later but I've read 2 out of the 9 so far. I need to go through my TBR pile to see what I have.

message 28: by Nichole (DirrtyH) (last edited Jan 26, 2009 09:57AM) (new)

Nichole (DirrtyH) (dirtyh) 1. vampires - At Grave's End by Jeaniene Frost *1/3/09
2. werewolves - A Hunger Like No Other by Kresley Cole *1/10/09
3. shifters - Magic Bites by Ilona Andrews
4. demons - The Devil You Know by Jenna Black *1/17/09
5. witches/wizards - A Fistful of Charms by Kim Harrison *1/14/09
6. fae - A Kiss of Shadows by Laurel K Hamilton *1/24/09
7. aliens - Veil of Midnight by Lara Adrian *1/25/09
8. psychics/time travelers - Touch the Dark by Karen Chance *1/16/09 (this actually ended up being both!)
9. dragons or mythical creatures - Destiny Kills by Keri Arthur *1/25/09

message 29: by ♥Tricia♥ (new)

♥Tricia♥ (siddie) | 146 comments Laura K Hamiltons Merry Gentry series will satisfy your fae book.

First one is A Kiss of Shadows

Anita blake series would satisfy your shifters.. tho I dont remember when the first shifter appearance arrives.

Her first one is Guilty Pleasures

message 30: by new_user (new)

new_user | 1389 comments Nichole, I see you've read the first in Nalini Singh's Psy-Changeling series (Slave to Sensation). I really recommend you give that series another shot. I didn't much care for the first one either, but the next books are much better, since she planned those. They share a cohesive, overarching plot that is really interesting (lots of intrigue and subtle rebellion, etc.), plus the romance is more intense with each book. ;) That would satisfy your shifters requirement, LOL.

message 31: by DarkHeart "Vehngeance" (last edited Jan 06, 2009 10:33PM) (new)

DarkHeart "Vehngeance" (darkheart) | 737 comments Nichole wrote: "I like this idea, but I may need some suggestions from the group...

I loved The Host, but if you can't get in to it, I actually used Veil of Midnight as my alien option, as that's what the Breed descended from. ;) And for shifters, you could use Moon Called as Mercy isn't a werewolf but a shifter to a coyote form (though they aren't in the first book too much the series aslo has fae, so it could work for that as well). But as was also suggested, the first Anita Blake book would also work as it's got wererats.

message 32: by ♥Tricia♥ (new)

♥Tricia♥ (siddie) | 146 comments Does the first book in the Karen Moning's Highlander series have Fae in it? I might pick that up to satisfy my Fae slot since I finished Hamiltons Gentry series already.

message 33: by Melissa (new)

Melissa The fae are the ones pulling the strings in the background, but I think that counts.

Nichole (DirrtyH) (dirtyh) Thanks, guys, you've all given me a lot of good ideas. I'll have to look them over and let you know.:)

I did read Slave to Sensation, and I liked it well enough, and then I started the second book and got a chapter or so in before I decided I just didn't feel like being in that world anymore. Maybe I'll have to give that one a second chance.

Tricia- If memory serves, Adam Black is a pretty major character in the first book of Moning's Highlander series. He's definitely fae, so I'd say that qualifies.

message 35: by ♥Tricia♥ (new)

♥Tricia♥ (siddie) | 146 comments Thanks :D Now to just find Shifters and Pshycics! Since I dont wish to use the same book for more then one category :P

message 36: by Jacalyn (new)

Jacalyn | 454 comments So I just finished the 6th Young Wizards book and aliens were mentioned in it! Score! So I'm nabbing up that one... It was my 7th book for 2009 so I'm doing great. It also has The Lone Power which some might say is like a demon... can I count that as a demon?

I just picked up A Charmed Death to read next. I'm not sure it is going to have anything in it I haven't already hit from this list.

So it looks like I still need something for: Werewolves, shifters, fae, dragons/mythological creatures. ANd maybe demons. I'm really going to have to look on my shelves... LOL

message 37: by Sarah (last edited Jan 30, 2009 03:13AM) (new)

Sarah One down, eight to go!

1. Vampires-From Dead to Worse by Charlaine Harris;
2. Werewolves-Blood & Chocolate by Annette Curtis Klause;
3. Shape-shifters-Heart of the Dragon by Gena Showalter;
4. Demons-Pagan Stone by Nora Roberts;
5. Witches/wizards-Raintree: Inferno by Linda Howard;
6. Fae-Thirty Nights with a Highland Husband by Melissa Mayhue;
7. Aliens-Darkness Unknown by Alexis Morgan;
8. Psychics-Running Hot by Jayne Ann Krentz;
9. Dragons-Immortals: The Calling

message 38: by Yz the Whyz (new)

Yz the Whyz (whyz) | 1020 comments Mod
To everyone who have dropped by and shared suggestions, thanks for helping out. For those who are participating, just keep updating your list.

So far there are 9, including me who have officially posted their list:

new_user, Nicole, Jodz, Lori, Sarah, Tricia, Nichole, Sarah.

Lady Ozma, I'm not sure if you are planning to put down a complete list or just commenting...let me know if you are signing up.

Challenge will continue until Jan finish 9 for each category...Everybody is welcome to sign up.

Happy reading!

message 39: by ♥Tricia♥ (new)

♥Tricia♥ (siddie) | 146 comments Indeed thank you all for helping with the suggestions :D This is exactly why I decided to join this group and I am so glad I did! :D

I hope we will be having these monthly challenges every month!

message 40: by Yz the Whyz (new)

Yz the Whyz (whyz) | 1020 comments Mod
In truth, I have several ideas for next month's theme for our 9 books a month (in honor for 2009) challenge. Actually, enough for several months, if we get a following.

Also if anybody would like to give some suggestions..that would also be fine..and then maybe we can run a poll...on what we would like our theme to be for February's challenge...

message 41: by Jael ~ *~ Syhren ~* ~ (last edited Jan 28, 2009 05:21PM) (new)

Jael ~ *~ Syhren ~* ~ (wwwgoodreadscomprofilejael) ok here's my list
Vampires- Lover Enshrinedby JR Ward ( 3 out 5 stars)
Werewolves-Kitty and the Silver Bullet (4 out of 5 stars)

ShapeShifters- Wolf at the DoorBy Christine Warren (3out of 5 stars)
Demons- Succubus Dreams By Richelle Mead ( 3 out 5 stars)
Witches/Wizards- Witch Fire by Anya Bast (4 out of 5 stars)
Fae- She's No Faerie PrincessBy Christine Warren(4 out of 5 stars)
Aliens- Parallel Attractionby Deidre Knight( 3 out of 5 stars)
Pyschics/Time Traveles-White Lies by Jayne Ann Krent (3 out of 5 stars)
Dragons/Mythical Creatures- (fallen angel)My Immortalby Erin McCarthy (2out of 5 stars)

message 42: by Yz the Whyz (new)

Yz the Whyz (whyz) | 1020 comments Mod
Jael wrote: "ok here's my list
Vampires- Lover Enshrined(read)by Ward
Werewolves-Dancing With Werewolves by Carole Nelson Douglas
Demons- Jacob(Nightwalkers) by Frank

Welcome, Jael....just keep updating your list everytime you finished one...or found a title that will fit the category...

Happy Reading!

message 43: by ♥Tricia♥ (last edited Jan 08, 2009 01:52PM) (new)

♥Tricia♥ (siddie) | 146 comments I will think of some ideas also for the months to come!

You didnt do Ghosts, so that could be one idea for a future month.

Will put my thinking cap on! :)

BTW, for those using the html to link books, I find that just putting the name in there will sometimes link to a different book with a similar name. So you have to actually find the book and there is a number in the url you put in there after the name to get it to link the correct book.

Example(without brackets): book: Fever|112750

Maybe I am the newbie just now learning this but thought I would post it just in case lol :P

message 44: by Jael ~ *~ Syhren ~* ~ (last edited Jan 08, 2009 01:44PM) (new)

Jael ~ *~ Syhren ~* ~ (wwwgoodreadscomprofilejael) Thank you YZ. I'll keep adding until I have all nine. right now I'm just looking through my TBR list to see what fits. I really don't have a book in my list for Aliens. I'm up for suggestion while I search.

Nichole (DirrtyH) (dirtyh) Yz, I'm glad to know you have enough ideas to keep this going. I think it's really fun! Thanks for starting it!

message 46: by Yz the Whyz (new)

Yz the Whyz (whyz) | 1020 comments Mod

I just finished a wonderful sci-fi series by Deidre Knight, called Midnight Warriors. The first book is called Parallel Attraction. It's the love affair between exiled alien king Jared and a human geologist Kelsey Wells. Check it out and and see if its something that will interest you..


You are welcome...I thought it will be fun to have such a challenge...and I'm glad you think its fun, too.

message 47: by Jael ~ *~ Syhren ~* ~ (last edited Jan 08, 2009 05:05PM) (new)

Jael ~ *~ Syhren ~* ~ (wwwgoodreadscomprofilejael) I'll check it out and see if I like it, ty Also Nichole Magic Bites does have shifters in them Curran aka the beast lord is ruler of many different were-animals.

message 48: by Jacalyn (new)

Jacalyn | 454 comments I posted my already finished list!! Here it is again:

1. vampires - Backup by Jim Butcher
2. werewolves
3. shifters
4. demons - A Wizard Alone by Diane Duane
5. witches/wizards - Welcome to the Jungle by Jim Butcher and/or A Wizard Alone by Diane Duane and/or The Scot, the Witch and the Wardrobe by Annette Blair
6. fae
7. aliens - A Wizard Alone by Diane Duane
8. psychics/time travelers - The Scot, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by Anette Blair
9. dragons or mythical creatures

I'm reading my 8th book this month, now.

Jael ~ *~ Syhren ~* ~ (wwwgoodreadscomprofilejael) ok so how do you do the strike out?

Nichole (DirrtyH) (dirtyh) Hmm... i don't know how to tell you without it actually striking out my words, lol.

you put <> with an s between them before, and <> with /s between them after, and it will strike out anything in between. (hopefully that made sense...)

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