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Writers > beta readers wanted

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message 1: by Barbara (new)

Barbara Tarn (barbaragtarn) I thought I'd start a new thread as someone else here is looking for betas. I have a couple, but always look for more, so if you'd like to volunteer, please PM me! :-)
English is not my mother tongue and 90% of my offline friends don't speak English at all, some 20% are bilingual, but never offered and the English speakers don't bother either, so here I am, begging for a couple more people to go through my stories before I send them out to editors (who already have to take care of other things, so they don't really give me feedback on the story).
Link to my author page on GR so you know what I'm talking about - it's other stories on the same world or from my other pen-name B.G.Hope...Barbara G.Tarn
Thanks, readers!
Writers, add your requests here!
Happy reading and writing everyone!

message 2: by Barbara (new)

Barbara Tarn (barbaragtarn) I could do that, but I'd have to delete the post whenever the book is published, right?
Anyhow - I'm currently looking for betas on my CVE3 book (the series is the world, the books can be read as standalone). Let's see...
"Lost is an orphan, Oliver a half-blood. They meet and start traveling together, as Oliver is a mercenary and adventurer and Lost is a scholar who grew up in a monastery - one knows the theory, the other the reality.
They will find love, war, death and lifelong friendships, discovering things about their childhood they weren't even aware of."

message 3: by Barbara (new)

Barbara Tarn (barbaragtarn) I don't put a synopsis - Pitches&Blurbs workshop taught me to write blurbs like a copyeditor, not a fiction writer. Besides, lots of reviewers like to add a synopsis in their review! ;-)
Anyway, I guess that could be the blurb of the book - above - it has no spoilers and probably works... unless you all tell me "nope - I wouldn't buy that book from what you wrote there!" ;-)

message 4: by Barbara (last edited Jun 14, 2012 02:05PM) (new)

Barbara Tarn (barbaragtarn) Jaq wrote: "short synopsis=blurb (common term)"

not really... from my notes of the workshop:
BLURB: one paragraph.
PITCH: direct to buyer - elevator pitch.
BACK COVER COPY: long blurb on Smashwords - 2 to 4 paragraphs - no spoilers for ending. Can have author bio.
TAGLINE: one liner.
PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL: bio, pitches, blurbs, etc

then we go into the types of blurbs - the synopsis is for the query letter...

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