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HF Book Lists > Latin American History through Novels

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message 1: by Garth (last edited Jun 25, 2012 05:26PM) (new)

Garth Suggestions welcome.

1. 1400s/1500s: Aztec by Gary Jennings (Mexico)
2. 1500s: Inés of My Soul by Isabel Allende (Chile)
3. 1700s: The Island Beneath the Sea by Isabel Allende (Haiti)
4. 1830s: I the Supreme by Roa Bastos (Paraguay)
5. 1890s: The War of the End of the World by Mario Vargas Llosa (Brazil)
6. 1920s: Gabriela Clove and Cinnamon by Jorge Amado (Brazil)
7. 1920s: Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel (Mexico)
8. 1930s: Lacuna by Barbara Kingsolver (Mexico)
9. 1930s: The Farming of Bones by Edwidge Danticat (Dominican Republic)
10. 1940s/1990s: The Informers by Juan Gabriel Vasquez (Colombia)
11. 1950s/1990s: Feast of the Goat by Mario Vargas Llosa (Dominican Republic)
12. 1950s: In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez (Dominican Republic)
13. 1950s: Conversation in the Cathedral by Mario Vargas Llosa (Peru)
14. 1950s: City of God by Paulo Lins (Brazil)
15. 1980s: Death in the Andes by Mario Vargas Llosa (Peru)
16. 1990s: Leopard in the Sun by Laura Restrepo (Colombia)
17. 2000s: Delirium by Laura Restrepo (Colombia)
18. 2000s: A Young Man s Guide to Late Capitalism by Peter Mountford (Bolivia)

message 2: by Chrissie (new)

Chrissie I am currently reading and thoroughly enjoy Perla. It is about the Dirty War of Argentina 1976-83. The book covers the time afterwards too, the repercussions this war has had on the Argentinian people. The author also has a good book of historical fiction set in Uruguay: The Invisible Mountain.

The Seamstress is a wonderful book set in Brazil, 1920-30s.

I was disappointed by In the Time of the Butterflies, but we all like different things.

For me, the best by Allende is clearly The House of the Spirits.

message 3: by Zoe (last edited Jun 25, 2012 11:51AM) (new)

Zoe Saadia (zoesaadia) In addition:
1500: Five Dances with Death: Dance One by Austin Briggs - historical fantasy but with a great historical research in it (I've read it and I'm familiar with this time period, so can vouch for that :)). Dealing with the Spanish conquest, but from a native point of view.

Also, and please tell me to stop if I'm pushing it this time, recommending another of my books :)
1350: The Young Jaguar, the second book of the Pre-Aztec Series, dealing with the Aztecs beginning their struggle for the future domination.

message 4: by Laura (new)

Laura Gill | 116 comments I also recommend Death of the Fifth Sun, about Malinche, Cortez's Aztec mistress and interpreter.

message 5: by Zoe (new)

Zoe Saadia (zoesaadia) Ah, and there is Feathered Serpent: A Novel of the Mexican Conquest by Colin Falconer
(speaking of the mistress and the interpreter ;))
I loved this novel very much, although it gives my less-favorite, Spanish, point of view of the conquest :)

message 6: by Shomeret (new)

Shomeret | 205 comments Garth, you linked to City of God by St. Augustine. Here is the correct link for Paulo Lins' novel

message 7: by Garth (new)

Garth Shomeret wrote: "Garth, you linked to City of God by St. Augustine. Here is the correct link for Paulo Lins' novel

Fixed now. Thanks!

message 8: by Pauline (new)

Pauline Montagna (pauline_montagna) Zoe wrote: "Ah, and there is Feathered Serpent: A Novel of the Mexican Conquest by Colin Falconer
(speaking of the mistress and the interpreter ;))
I loved this novel very much, although it gives my less-favor..."

I add my vote to The Feathered Serpent. I thought it was magnificent.

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