Pick-a-Shelf discussion

Pick-a-Shelf: Monthly -Archive > 2009-02 - Fantasy - What will you Read in February?

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message 1: by Tien (new)

Tien (tiensblurb) | 8988 comments Mod
Our Shelf for February is fantasy. Thanks to Spaceyplum, our Shelf Picker for February.

The link below will take you directly to the fantasy shelf:


Please share book/s you're planning to read from this shelf

message 2: by Melissa (last edited Feb 25, 2009 02:21AM) (new)

Melissa (melitious) So far, it's looking like Breaking Dawn and Eclipse (which I probably won't be getting to this month).

message 3: by Cam (new)

Cam I don't have many books that would fit this catagory at all I've realised. Had to do quite a bit of searching but came up with THE GARGOYLE by Andrew Davidson.

message 4: by Jean (new)

Jean I will be reading Now and Forever by Ray Bradbury which includes Somewhere a Band is Playing and Leviathan 99.

message 5: by Janis (last edited Feb 25, 2009 02:43AM) (new)

Janis Nicolle (janisnicolle) | 3 comments continuing with the twilight books, new moon and eclispe.

message 6: by Jean (new)

Jean I am new to this group and still figuring things out. I did not select a fantasy book from the list so I will change my February read to The Last Unicorn.

message 7: by Lynlee4 (new)

Lynlee4 | 134 comments Cam: wrote: "I don't have many books that would fit this catagory at all I've realised. Had to do quite a bit of searching but came up with THE GARGOYLE by Andrew Davidson."

I LOVED Gargoye!

message 8: by Lynlee4 (new)

Lynlee4 | 134 comments I have quite a few fantasy on Mt TBR - I'll probably go with Pratchett and/or Gaiman and hopefully New Moon.

message 9: by Jamie (last edited Jan 28, 2009 05:17PM) (new)

Jamie I'm planning on reading Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell, Inkheart, Inkspell, & Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. JS&MN is very daunting, though, so I don't know if I'll finish it in February.

message 10: by Cam (new)

Cam Lynlee4 wrote: I LOVED Gargoye! "
Excellent Lynlee, sounds like I'm off to a good start then.

message 11: by Donna (new)

Donna (dfiggz) I will go with Breaking Dawn since I have to finish out the series. I usually don't read much Fanstasy. I have already read Good Omens and I gave it 3 stars I wasn't really too into it but everyone else in my group seemed to take an interest in it.

message 12: by Kasia (last edited Jan 15, 2009 09:10AM) (new)

Kasia For me, it's going to be: White Witch, Black Curse by Kim Harrison. I just can't wait to get my hands on it! I'm so hooked on her series. It's far better than Twilight.

message 13: by Muriel (new)

Muriel (spaceyplum) I think I'll be finishing off The Dresden Files before the next one comes out in March... I have the last three to go. I've had the last Thursday Next book on my TBR pile for ages so I want to read that one too.

message 14: by Meghan (new)

Meghan (bookreadera) | 22 comments Some of my favorite authors write in this genre. Over the years, I've suggested David Eddings, Mercedes Lackey, Katherine Kerr, Charles de Lint, Margaret Weiss & Tracy Hickman, Jasper Fforde, Raymond Feist (and on and on...) to hundreds of people.

In the interest of paring down Mt. TBR, I'll be readingTapping the Dream Tree (A Newford Collection) a collection of short stories by Charles de Lint and Highlander The Element of Fire by Jason Henderson.

message 15: by Melody (new)

Melody | 12 comments I'll be reading Twilight which funnily enough will be counted as a Romance book in the Winter Challenge. Looking through the list I saw many books that looked interesting - maybe I should give this category more of my reading time.

message 16: by Leonie (new)

Leonie (leo23) Oh what a fantastic excuse to re-read one of my all time favourites - The Mists of Avalon. I could say I can't wait to start but am enjoying The Book Thief (YA genre for genre) so much at the moment that the wait will be ok. If times permits me I think I will re-read Magician.

message 17: by Lauren (new)

Lauren | 247 comments I'm not a huge Fabtasy reader so this will be a challenge for me. To start I am going to read Wicked The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West from my TBR pile and then maybe delve into some of my husband's books since he reads a lot more Fantasy than me.

message 18: by Denise (new)

Denise | 2 comments I love Fantasy. Reading Dead Until Dark right now.

message 19: by Donna (new)

Donna (dfiggz) I tried very hard to get into Dead Until Dark but I really didn't care for it but I think I will read the second book just to give it another try!

message 20: by Sunflower (new)

Sunflower | 174 comments Hmm this gives me an excuse to read Eclipse and Breaking Dawn....amazing how many genres you can fit a book into. (I know, I know, hence the new game)

message 21: by Sarah (new)

Sarah | 286 comments I could (and might) do a lot of re-reading for this but I have just discovered The Looking Glass Wars so I'm going to read that. Should also get to Gulliver's Travels which is kind of classic fantasy.

message 22: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie Tuell (booksloveme) eclipse...........i agree with sunflower

message 23: by Rachel (new)

Rachel Brand (pixieauthoress) Oh dear, I don't appear to have many fantasy books on my TBR pile. It looks like I may finally have to read *dramatic music* The Hobbit! My Grandad would be so proud of me.

Either that, or I'll grab Eclipse when it's returned to the school library. There are definitely some perks to being a student library assistant :) I have to admit that as much as Bella annoys me and the fact that I can definitely see that if I read this book when I was 13 I would have been sure that a boyfriend would be the solution to all my problems (the sad lie that most teenage girls indulge in)...I still want to know what happens. There's something hypnotic about these books which makes even Literature students like myself want to keep reading!

message 24: by Catamorandi (new)

Catamorandi (wwwgoodreadscomprofilerandi) I am going to read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. I have always wanted to read one of the HP books but haven't gotten around to it yet.

message 25: by Julianne (new)

Julianne | 42 comments Kate-I read Graveyard Book for January and really enjoyed it.

I have quite a few fantasy books on my TBR list, but I think I'll go with A Sweet Far Thing ('cause I don't think I'll finish it this month) and The Historian.

Donna-I just finished Dead Until Dark, too, and I'm debating about reading the next installment.

message 26: by Vicki (new)

Vicki I have a few options on my shelf at home, but I am going to try to read The Book Of Lost Things, because I have wanted to read that forever. If I have time I may also read The Time Traveller's Wife.

message 27: by Christian (new)

Christian This month's genre may just get me back on the trail to the Dark Tower...

message 28: by Luann (new)

Luann (azbookgal) | 1011 comments Hooray for fantasy! I'm planning to read:

Winter Knights by Paul Stewart
Clash of the Sky Galleons by Paul Stewart
Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception by Eoin Colfer
Possibly something by Terry Pratchett

message 29: by Angela (new)

Angela Not big on fantasy, but I will attempt to read Twilight and the Sweet Far Thing...These are also books I was going to read for January's pick-a-shelf reads but I am not sure that I will get to them in time.

message 30: by Donna (new)

Donna (dfiggz) Julianne wrote: "Kate-I read Graveyard Book for January and really enjoyed it.

I have quite a few fantasy books on my TBR list, but I think I'll go with A Sweet Far Thing ('cause I don't think I'll finish it this ..."

THX Julianne, no one ever seems to agree with me when it comes to that.

message 31: by Andrew (new)

Andrew (sir_reads_a_lot) I'm going to read You Suck by Christopher Moore for this shelf. Now that the first half of my year is over, I should have more time to read :) Hopefully

message 33: by Sam (new)

Sam (ecowitch) | 409 comments I think mine are going to be New Moon and Eclipse of the Twilight Series when they arrive.

message 34: by Jen B (new)

Jen B (jennybee618) I hope to finally make it to A Great and Terrible Beauty (since I didn't get to it last month...nice that it fits both). I also have New Moon, but I'm less excited about that one.

message 35: by Joanie (new)

Joanie | 61 comments I am currently reading Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell and God know I won't be done (or even 1/2 done!) by the end of this month so that will count plus I still have Stardust sitting on my nightstand. We're also reading from the fantasy category in The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Ultimate Reading List Group so I may have one more to add.

message 36: by Melissa (new)

Melissa (melitious) I'm adding The Graveyard Book to the list!

message 37: by dollmatic (new)

dollmatic | 2 comments I'm currently reading "The Lovely Bones" by Alice Sebold.

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