Fantasy Book Club discussion

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Group business and info > September Nominations

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message 1: by Sandra (new)

Sandra  (sleo) | 1913 comments Let's get a little ahead of the game and start nominating for September! Please nominate only adult fantasy books.

You know the rules -

Use 'add book/author' link at the top of the posting box to nominate your book.

No fair nominating your own book - shame, shame!

All nominations need to be seconded!

Thank you.

message 2: by Dylan (new)

Dylan (dyarch) I'd like to nominate The Shadow of the Torturer by Gene Wolfe.

Mike (the Paladin) (thepaladin) | 772 comments I'll nominate The Ten Thousand...again.


message 4: by Hélène (new)

message 5: by Kevin (new)

Kevin Xu (kxu65) | 530 comments I'll second The Shadow of the Torturer.

message 6: by Melinda (new)

Melinda (pinkymolinda) I'll second the recommendation of The Shadow of the Torturer by Gene Wolfe. It is a fabulous book. One of my favorites.

message 7: by J.D. (new)

J.D. Hallowell Dawn wrote: "I would like to nominate Feast of Souls (The Magister Trilogy, #1) by C.S. FriedmanFeast of Souls by C.S. Friedman"

I'll second that.

message 8: by Jeremiah (new)

Jeremiah (jeremiahaldan) I'd be happy with His Majesty's Dragon. It was nominated for August, and came in second. I've been wanting to give it a try lately, so there ya go.

message 9: by Michael (new)

Michael (michaeljsullivan) I would like to nominate Blood Song by Anthony Ryan

message 10: by Jeremiah (new)

Jeremiah (jeremiahaldan) Mike (the Paladin) wrote: "I'll nominate The Ten Thousand...again.


I'll second this. It looks like a good second option for me.

message 11: by Bev (new)

Bev (greenginger) | 744 comments I would like to put forward Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier purely as it is on my to read list and I dont have much pure fantasy on there.

message 12: by Karen (new)

Karen (seaayre) | 3 comments Feast of Souls Been wanting to read this one.

message 13: by Elaine (new)

Elaine (hottoddie) Bev wrote: "I would like to put forward Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier purely as it is on my to read list and I dont have much pure fantasy on there."

I second that havn't read any of hers for a while and I love them.

message 15: by Joseph (new)

Joseph | 1650 comments I'll nominate The Hammer and the Blade by Paul S. Kemp -- nice old-school sword & sorcery.

message 16: by Jakub (new)

Jakub (jnareb) | 44 comments I recommend (again) The Hob's Bargain by Patricia Briggs.

The Hob's Bargain by Patricia Briggs

message 17: by Amanda (new)

Amanda Feast of Souls by C.S. Friedman

message 18: by Sandra (new)

Sandra  (sleo) | 1913 comments Bev wrote: "I would like to put forward Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier purely as it is on my to read list and I dont have much pure fantasy on there."

Check the group book list. We just read this one a few months ago.

message 20: by Mazarkis (new)

Mazarkis Williams | 9 comments Shadow of the Torturer would be great.

message 21: by S.J. (last edited Jul 14, 2012 01:28PM) (new)

S.J. Faerlind (sjfaerlind) I would like to nominate:
Kushiel's Dart (Phèdre's Trilogy #1) by Jacqueline Carey

for September.

message 22: by Martin (new)

Martin Belcher (martinbelcher) I would like to nominate The Innocent Mage by Karen Miller for September group read.

message 24: by Katy (new)

Katy (kathy_h) | 95 comments Rolando wrote: "I recommend The Red Wolf Conspiracy by Robert V.S. Redick"


message 25: by Bill (new)

Bill Blume | 29 comments Definitely like the suggestion for FEAST OF SOULS. I really like Celia's writing, and wouldn't mind revisiting that book.

message 26: by [deleted user] (new)

I'll nominate Anno Dracula by Kim Newman

message 27: by Kerry (new)

Kerry (rocalisa) | 46 comments I'll second The Hob's Bargain.

message 28: by Igor (last edited Jul 14, 2012 03:12PM) (new)

Igor (igork) | 33 comments Since I'm new member of the Goodreads, little input would be more then welcoming. What do we nominate for? New books? Our favorite ones? What are the rules?
I'm sorry for my ignorance.

message 29: by Sandra (new)

Sandra  (sleo) | 1913 comments LaVerne wrote: "Add. Dust of Darkness"

Sorry. Books nominated need to be available in a variety of formats. Many people don't like reading ebooks or don't have the necessary technology.

@Igor - look over other months nomination threads. The 'rules' are simple and are mostly stated in the initial post. Nominate any adult fantasy book you think the club would enjoy reading and discussing.

Mike (the Paladin) (thepaladin) | 772 comments This is for a group read (this one for Sept.). The rules are in the first post. The only category in this one is that it be a fantasy book. (Note the rules above, that it not be one we've already read and so on. You can look at the group shelf for books already read as a group read).

To post a book or nominate a book click on "add book/author above the box and type in the title. That will put a link to the book in your nomination.

message 31: by Michael (new)

Michael (inbeaz) I would like to read Of Blood and Honey by Stina Leicht. It looks like a really awesome book.

message 32: by Wastrel (last edited Jul 14, 2012 04:27PM) (new)

Wastrel | 136 comments It should be noted that The Shadow of the Torturer is the first of a four- (or five- with the direct sequel, or possibly twelve- with the indirectly connected later series) -part series.

That said, it's a great book, I don't remember it ending with a cliffhanger or anything (and the series has very little 'plot' in the traditional sense, so each book can probably work on its own to some extent), and all four (or five) books are pretty short, and the first four are often sold in one- or two-volume omnibus editions (I have a two-volume edition, and each two-book volume is the size of a hefty but not abnormally large fantasy novel).

The other issue that should, in honesty, be pointed out is that many would argue vehemently that the entire thing is science-fiction rather than fantasy - and if I had to call it one or the other, I'd say 'science fiction' is close. That said, it looks a lot like fantasy, many SF fans would probably consider it fantasy, and I think the best categorisation would be in both genres simultaneously.

Mike (the Paladin) (thepaladin) | 772 comments Science fantasy.

As I recall (and it's been years) it's not a classic cliffhanger ending but a "more to come" ending. But I wouldn't bet my life on it.

message 34: by Igor (new)

Igor (igork) | 33 comments Ok, thanks for the info. Would be kind of nice if we can make a listing of the books that already have been read so that new members, as I am, don't recommend the book that won few months ago.

message 35: by Sandra (new)

Sandra  (sleo) | 1913 comments Igor wrote: "Ok, thanks for the info. Would be kind of nice if we can make a listing of the books that already have been read so that new members, as I am, don't recommend the book that won few months ago."

There is a listing. It's called the Bookshelf. If you look at the list in the upper right of the screen you'll see it.

message 36: by Matthew (new)

Matthew (thorn969) | 43 comments I would like to nominate The Redemption of Althalus by David Eddings.

A very fun author generally of rather young adult fantasy. This book was a foray into the field of standalone fantasy and is absolutely excellent story of a thief fighting the gods and evil mages. I read it a number of years ago and only have the vaguest memories, so I acquired it with the goal of re-experiencing it and would love to have a group join me in the journey.

message 38: by Igor (new)

Igor (igork) | 33 comments Sandra aka Sleo wrote: "There is a listing. It's called the Bookshelf. If you look at the list in the upper right of the screen you'll see it."

Ah, excellent, sorry for my ignorance.

message 39: by Sandra (new)

Sandra  (sleo) | 1913 comments Igor wrote: "Sandra aka Sleo wrote: "There is a listing. It's called the Bookshelf. If you look at the list in the upper right of the screen you'll see it."

Ah, excellent, sorry for my ignorance."

No problem.

message 40: by Igor (last edited Jul 15, 2012 12:33AM) (new)

Igor (igork) | 33 comments Suggestion removed since it would be rather silly to "push" people for reading a book which is a part of series that spans through 10 books.
Bear with me, as I'm new to all this :-)

message 41: by LaVerne (new)

LaVerne (lavernethompson) | 4 comments Sandra aka Sleo wrote: "LaVerne wrote: "Add. Dust of Darkness"

Sorry. Books nominated need to be available in a variety of formats. Many people don't like reading ebooks or don't have the necessary technology.

@Igor -..."

Oops sorry. I deleted it.

message 42: by mussolet (last edited Jul 14, 2012 06:57PM) (new)

mussolet (sovotchka) I will second Of Blood and Honey because it sounds interesting.

But to be absolutely honest, it is totally beyond me to determine six weeks earlier what I might want to read. Why is this happening so early? I feel like it got earlier and earlier.

message 43: by Sandra (last edited Jul 14, 2012 06:58PM) (new)

Sandra  (sleo) | 1913 comments SilverRaindrops wrote: "I will second Of Blood and Honey.

But to be absolutely honest, it is totally beyond me to determine six weeks earlier what I might want to read. Why is this happening so early? I feel like it got..."

It has gotten earlier on purpose. Many folks want time to get the book ahead of time. Most groups I belong to choose their books two months ahead. One of my groups is choosing their October book now.

message 44: by Quick ben (last edited Jul 14, 2012 07:23PM) (new)

Quick ben (senseiping) | 13 comments The Darkness That Comes Before by R.Scott Bakker

message 45: by Michelle (new)

Michelle Stockard Miller (michelleamiller) | 43 comments If I can second two, I will second Anno-Dracula and The Darkness That Comes Before.

I love it when books from my huge home library get nominated...just wish one would win some time. ;O)

message 46: by Lilyan (new)

Lilyan I will second Kushiel's Dart

message 47: by Michelle (new)

Michelle (fairytalesandmonsters) I'll second the innocent mage.

Scott (Ozziespur) Innocent mage for me too, purely because it's been on my to be read list for quite some time.

message 49: by Conrad (new)

Conrad | 17 comments I'll second the Hammer and the Blade. Nothing wrong with a dash of Sword and Sorcery.

The Hammer and the Blade

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