Sci-fi and Heroic Fantasy discussion

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Past nominations (closed) > September Nominations for short stories

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message 1: by Jonathan, Reader of the fantastic (new)

Jonathan Terrington (thewritestuff) | 525 comments Nominate a sci-fi or fantasy short story/short story collection here for September.

message 2: by Stefan (new)

Stefan Yates (stefan31) | 136 comments How about Black Seas Of Infinity: The Best Of H.P. Lovecraft? Would kind of give the group a look at some of the origins of modern Sci-Fi.

message 3: by Brannigan (new)

Brannigan I'd like to read some H.P. Lovecraft as well.

message 4: by Jonathan, Reader of the fantastic (new)

Jonathan Terrington (thewritestuff) | 525 comments Seconded (um thirded?) in terms of H.P Lovecraft

message 5: by Stefan (last edited Aug 09, 2012 07:35AM) (new)

Stefan Yates (stefan31) | 136 comments Actually any collection of his stories would work, Black Seas of Infinity just happens to be the one that I own.

message 6: by Jonathan, Reader of the fantastic (new)

Jonathan Terrington (thewritestuff) | 525 comments Yeah well I haven't read any of his and I've been meaning to.

message 7: by Marjorie (last edited Aug 09, 2012 08:27AM) (new)

Marjorie Friday Baldwin (marjoriefbaldwin) | 191 comments I'm still hawking Heinlein, faithful fangrrl that I am, so I have to go with If This Goes On
If This Goes On by Robert A. Heinlein

message 8: by Jonathan, Reader of the fantastic (new)

Jonathan Terrington (thewritestuff) | 525 comments Ah we're all fans at heart!

message 9: by Ruth (new)

Ruth Well coming from the state where Lovecraft lived, died, and is buried I have to go with him. lol.

message 10: by J.D. (new)

J.D. Hallowell | 75 comments I'll second If This Goes On.

message 12: by Bev (last edited Aug 10, 2012 12:59PM) (new)

Bev (greenginger) | 116 comments Can I offerThe Inheritance Robin Hobb/Megan Lindholm

message 13: by Bonnie (new)

Bonnie Hobcroft | 1 comments I nominate When Minds Collide by Marjorie F. Baldwin, a well-written short story.


message 14: by Tyrone (new)

Tyrone (28daysearlier) | 26 comments If i was nominating a short story it would have to be The Merchant and the Alchemist's Gate by Ted Chiang.

For a Short Story collection i really like the Paolo Bacigalupi dystopian collection Pump Six.

message 15: by Marjorie (last edited Aug 10, 2012 03:50AM) (new)

Marjorie Friday Baldwin (marjoriefbaldwin) | 191 comments Oooh, kewel, thank you, Bonnie! I'm still voting for Heinlein's "If This Goes On--" :)

message 16: by Chris (new)

Chris (celllman) | 16 comments I'll second When Minds Collide.

message 17: by Jonathan, Reader of the fantastic (new)

Jonathan Terrington (thewritestuff) | 525 comments I'll put up the poll tomorrow so please get in any last minute nominations!

message 18: by Jonathan, Reader of the fantastic (new)

Jonathan Terrington (thewritestuff) | 525 comments Finally I nominate the ladies of grace adieu!

message 19: by Jonathan, Reader of the fantastic (new)

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