Primo S.
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Primo S.

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Overshoot: The Ec...
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The Failures
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by Benjamin Liar (Goodreads Author)
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Arkady Martine
“It is the minds of a people that have to stay free. Bodies die, or suffer, or are imprisoned. Memory lasts.”
Arkady Martine, A Desolation Called Peace

Stephen Markley
“Yeah, well, time marches on. Getting caught up in causes don’t interest me. Not anymore. Especially when you see the scope of what this is.” He took the Heinz ketchup bottle from the condiment holder. “That’s the thing: Most people don’t understand this. The ingredients, what it goes on, where the energy comes from to create it, the ways the world’s gotta be directed and coaxed and violated and controlled to get this one little fucked bottle. And once you see how ketchup relates to imperial maintenance it’s tough to not get an overwhelmed quality to your thinking. Like one of them Magic Eye thingamajobs—hard the first time, but once you get it, you’ll never unsee it.”
Stephen Markley, The Deluge

“You keep asking why your work is not enough, and I don’t know how to answer that, because it is enough to exist in the world and marvel at it. You don’t need to justify that, or earn it. You are allowed to just live.”
Becky Chambers, A Psalm for the Wild-Built

Catherynne M. Valente
“But you can't ever imagine what you're going to care about when you turn into the version of you that’s waiting on the other side of five years from now. That’s a stranger waiting to ambush you, and all you can do is plant your feet and try not to get thrown.”
Catherynne M. Valente, The Past Is Red

Patricia Lockwood
“Capitalism! It was important to hate it, even though it was how you got money. Slowly, slowly, she found herself moving toward a position so philosophical even Jesus couldn’t have held it: that she must hate capitalism while at the same time loving film montages set in department stores.”
Patricia Lockwood, No One Is Talking About This

37322 Indonesians Who Love English Books — 3770 members — last activity May 09, 2024 06:34AM
This group is created for Indonesians who love to read English books. Anyone is welcomed here. Books to be discussed are English books that can be fou ...more
63141 Kastil Fantasi — 1946 members — last activity Apr 18, 2024 08:43AM
Komunitas Kastil Fantasi diadakan untuk menjembatani seluruh penggiat genre fantasi. :) Pembaca, penulis, ilustrator, penerjemah, penerbit, siapa pun ...more
107072 Sci-Fi Indonesia — 744 members — last activity Oct 16, 2022 06:36PM
Grup ini adalah grup diskusi buku-buku dengan tema science fiction. Buku yang didiskusikan bisa berbahasa Indonesia atau Inggris. Mengingat masih jara ...more
4170 The Sword and Laser — 21985 members — last activity 4 hours, 4 min ago
Online discussion forum for the Sword and Laser podcast and monthly book club pick. Subscribe to the audio podcast: ...more
26989 Goodreads Authors/Readers — 51573 members — last activity 1 hour, 49 min ago
This group is dedicated to connecting readers with Goodreads authors. It is divided by genres, and includes folders for writing resources, book websit ...more
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