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The Mapmakers
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Glenn Haybittle
“Kindness is probably the most underrated human quality. We tend to dismiss it when we come across it and seek out more exciting character traits. But kindness is often a refined form of courage. It brings light and warmth into the world. You should always value kindness when you find it.”
Glenn Haybittle, In the Warsaw Ghetto

Glenn Haybittle
“Bereavement is sometimes like wading across a succession of snowfields with no landmark in sight. You are a lone small figure in a vast barren landscape. Other times it’s like a Ferris wheel ride. Like being strapped into a swinging spinning bucket. The dizzying dislocation from familiar grounded reality.”
Glenn Haybittle, Byron and Shelley
tags: grief

Glenn Haybittle
“Women, quite rightly, have a scorn for men who act only with hindsight.”
Glenn Haybittle, Scorched Earth

Jonathan Lethem
“Thing is, for me a woman has to have a certain amount of muffling, you know what I mean? Something between you, in the way of insulation. Otherwise, you're right up against her naked soul.”
Jonathan Lethem, Motherless Brooklyn
tags: soul

Glenn Haybittle
“The key to understanding every story is to find yourself in it.”
Glenn Haybittle, In the Warsaw Ghetto

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