Hugo Sereno Ferreira

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Existentialism: A...
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  (page 53 of 160)
Jul 03, 2019 06:23AM

Infinite Powers: ...
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  (page 113 of 360)
Jun 20, 2019 06:52PM

The Colossal Book...
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See all 5 books that Hugo is reading…
Richard Dawkins
“We are all atheists about most of the gods that humanity has ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further.”
Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion

Bertrand Russell
“Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric.”
Bertrand Russell

Carl Sagan
“We are star stuff which has taken its destiny into its own hands.”
Carl Sagan, Cosmos

Aldous Huxley
“The man who comes back through the Door in the Wall will never be quite the same as the man who went out. He will be wiser but less sure, happier but less self-satisfied, humbler in acknowledging his ignorance yet better equipped to understand the relationship of words to things, of systematic reasoning to the unfathomable mystery which it tries, forever vainly, to comprehend”
Aldous Huxley, The Doors of Perception

Timothy Leary
“Think for yourself. Question authority.”
Timothy Leary

year in books
Marta Maio
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Filipa ...
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Tiago B...
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Manuel ...
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338 books | 38 friends

Nadia O...
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Inês Gomes
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