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Danilo Kiš
“Novski se borio da u svojoj smrti, da u svom padu, sačuva dostojanstvo ne samo svog lika nego i lika revolucionara uopšte, a Fedjukin je nastojao u svom traganju za fikcijom i za uslovnostima da sačuva
strogost i doslednost revolucionarne pravde i onih koji tu pravdu dele; jer bolje je da strada takozvana istina jednog jedinog čoveka, jednog sićušnog organizma, nego da se zbog njega dovedu u pitanje viši principi i interesi. I ako se tokom kasnijeg razvoja istrage Fedjukin ustremljivao na svoje tvrdoglave žrtve, to dakle nije bio hir neurotična čoveka i kokainiste, kako neki veruju, nego borba za sopstvena uverenja koja je, kao i žrtva, smatrao nesebičnim, neprikosnovenim i svetim. Ono što je izazivalo njegov bes i njegovu lojalnu mržnju, to bejaše upravo ta bolećiva sebičnost optuženih, njihova patološka potreba da dokažu svoju nevinost, svoju sopstvenu malu istinu, to neurotično vrćenje u krugu takozvanih činjenica obuhvaćenih merdijanima svoje tvrde lobanje, a da ta njihova slepa istina nije u stanju da se stavi u sistem jedne više vrednosti, jedne više pravde, koja traži da joj se prinesu žrtve i koja ne vodi i ne sme da vodi računa o ljudskim slabostima.”
Danilo Kiš, A Tomb for Boris Davidovich

Rabindranath Tagore
“But now, where the spirit of the Western nationalism prevails, the whole people is being taught from boyhood to foster hatreds and ambitions by all kinds of means—by the manufacture of half-truths and untruths in history, by persistent misrepresentation of other races and the culture of unfavourable sentiments towards them, by setting up memorials of events, very often false, which for the sake of humanity should be speedily forgotten, thus continually brewing evil menace towards neighbours and nations other than their own. This is poisoning the very fountainhead of humanity. It is discrediting the ideals, which were born of the lives of men who were our greatest and best. It is holding up gigantic selfishness as the one universal religion for all nations of the world.”
Rabindranath Tagore, Nationalism

Rabindranath Tagore
“Clever lies become matters of self-congratulation. Solemn pledges become a farce—laughable for their very solemnity. The Nation, with all its paraphernalia of power and prosperity, its flags and pious hymns, its blasphemous prayers in the churches, and the literary mock thunders of its patriotic bragging, cannot hide the fact that the Nation is the greatest evil for the Nation, that all its precautions are against it, and any new birth of its fellow in the world is always followed in its mind by the dread of a new peril.”
Rabindranath Tagore, Nationalism

Terry Pratchett
“Was that what it was really like to be alive? The feeling of darkness dragging you forward?

How could they live with it? And yet they did, and even seemed to find enjoyment in it, when surely the only sensible course would be to despair. Amazing. To feel you were a tiny living thing, sandwiched between two cliffs of darkness. How could they stand to be alive?

Obviously it was something you had to be born to.”
Terry Pratchett, Reaper Man

Rabindranath Tagore
“Yet when, one day, standing on the outskirts of Yokohama town, bristling with its display of modern miscellanies, I watched the sunset in your southern sea, and saw its peace and majesty among your pine-clad hills,—with the great Fujiyama growing faint against the golden horizon, like a god overcome with his own radiance,—the music of eternity welled up through the evening silence, and I felt that the sky and the earth and the lyrics of the dawn and the dayfall are with the poets and idealists, and not with the marketmen robustly contemptuous of all sentiment,—that, after the forgetfulness of his own divinity, man will remember again that heaven is always in touch with his world, which can never be abandoned for good to the hounding wolves of the modern era, scenting human blood and howling to the skies.”
Rabindranath Tagore, Nationalism

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