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World of Wonders:...
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  (page 49 of 165)
7 hours, 41 min ago

Dark Age
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by Pierce Brown (Goodreads Author)
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  (page 305 of 704)
17 hours, 5 min ago

Book cover for Crooked Kingdom (Six of Crows, #2)
“I would come for you,” he said, and when he saw the wary look she shot him, he said it again. “I would come for you. And if I couldn’t walk, I’d crawl to you, and no matter how broken we were, we’d fight our way out together—knives drawn, ...more
Victoria Schwab
“When people see tears, they stop listening to your hands or your words or anything else you have to say. And it doesn't matter if the tears are angry or sad, frightened or frustrated. All they see is a girl crying.”
Victoria Schwab, Gallant

M.A. Carrick
“Friends, family—more names than she knew what to do with—love and the safety she hadn’t known she craved when she returned to Nadežra. A future she could face without need of a mask. Truly, a favored daughter of Ažerais.”
M.A. Carrick, Labyrinth's Heart

M.A. Carrick
“I guess this is goodbye. ::No. What are Vraszenians fond of saying? We will meet again when the road leads me home.::”
M.A. Carrick, Labyrinth's Heart

M.A. Carrick
“I take you as kin,” Vargo repeated after Grey. “With my name, I shield your children. With my body, I guard your spouse. With my heart, I protect yours.” His tongue felt clumsy, and his voice shook. “As the Dežera connects the mountains to the sea, let our blood flow together, as brothers.”
M.A. Carrick, Labyrinth's Heart

“The thing about fucking off to the woods is that unless you are a very particular, very rare sort of person, it does not take long to understand why people left said woods in the first place.”
Becky Chambers, A Prayer for the Crown-Shy

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