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My Year in Books
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The Desecrator by Steven Brust
Shortest Book
Jade City by Fonda Lee
Longest Book

Average book length in 2023

Fairy Tale by Stephen         King
Most Shelved
people also shelved
Wergild by Boris L. Slocum
Least Shelved
people also shelved

Scott’s average rating for 2023

Wergild by Boris L. Slocum
Highest Rated on Goodreads
4.64 average

Skinwalker by Faith Hunter

Scott’s first review of the year

it was amazing
beast is better

She borrowed heavily from Soukie Stackhouse, but adds enough Cherokee magic so it blossoms as tale of its own. Beast adds fun complications.

Skinwalker by Faith Hunter
it was amazing
The Unspoken Name by A.K. Larkwood
The Bone Shard Daughter by Andrea Stewart
The Serpent in Heaven by Charlaine Harris
Paranormal Nonsense by Steve Higgs
The Desecrator by Steven Brust
Raven Cursed by Faith Hunter
The Kaiju Preservation Society by John Scalzi
Blood Trade by Faith Hunter
Cast in Shadow by Michelle Sagara
Black Arts by Faith Hunter
really liked it
Quantum Radio by A.G. Riddle
Broken Soul by Faith Hunter
Planetfall by Emma Newman
The God of Endings by Jacqueline  Holland
Blood Magic by J.T. Lawrence
Blood of the Earth by Faith Hunter
Every Dead Thing by John Connolly
Dead Man's Hand by James J. Butcher
it was amazing
Later by Stephen         King
Mickey7 by Edward Ashton
Outsystem by M.D. Cooper
Fairy Tale by Stephen         King
Jade City by Fonda Lee
Investigation, Mediation, Vindication by Chris Tullbane
Wergild by Boris L. Slocum
The Blue, Beautiful World by Karen Lord
The Consuming Fire by John Scalzi
Witch King by Martha Wells
really liked it

Witch King by Martha Wells

Scott’s last review of the year

really liked it
great characters but overpowered

The opening setup was masterful, and the world fascinating. However, the main character was too omnipotent to provide any challenge. The added magic ability removed any limits he might have begun with.
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