Alondra Miller’s Reviews > Carrion Comfort > Status Update

Alondra Miller
Alondra Miller is on page 123 of 884
Chess, anyone?
Oct 07, 2012 06:14PM
Carrion Comfort


Alondra’s Previous Updates

Alondra Miller
Alondra Miller is on page 719 of 884
...ssshhh, i am reading and am trying to finish. i think this is the beginning of the end. will ANY of our heroes survive? i sure hope so. it would mean a possible end; if there can be one; to these horrid beings. i am ready to finish... i think :/
Oct 13, 2012 08:17AM
Carrion Comfort

Alondra Miller
Alondra Miller is on page 685 of 884
Fifty-Seven: Dolmann Island. Saturday, May 9, 1981.
Oct 12, 2012 02:24PM
Carrion Comfort

Alondra Miller
Alondra Miller is on page 620 of 884
Forty=Eight: Near San Juan Capistrano; Saturday, April 25, 1981.
Oct 11, 2012 06:58AM
Carrion Comfort

Alondra Miller
Alondra Miller is on page 515 of 884
...i feel sick... not him, anyone else; but not him....
"I wake and feel the fell of dark, not day." -
Gerard Manley Hopkins
Oct 10, 2012 03:56PM
Carrion Comfort

Alondra Miller
Alondra Miller is on page 413 of 884
..bastards!! that woman is pure evil. it just upsets me how she tosses people to the side like trash. i really need for this book to give me closure. i need some payback in the form of mutilation and torture on Melanie-Nina-WIlli and especially that damn, Harod! Maybe, just eradicate the entire club. scum...
Oct 10, 2012 09:12AM
Carrion Comfort

Alondra Miller
Alondra Miller is on page 305 of 884
"If one has the Ability, it is relatively easy to Use someone, much harder to successfully condition them."
Melanie Fuller
Oct 09, 2012 06:09PM
Carrion Comfort

Alondra Miller
Alondra Miller is on page 278 of 884
"O the mind, mind has mountains; cliffs of fall
Frightful, sheer, no-man-fathomed..."
Oct 09, 2012 07:48AM
Carrion Comfort

Alondra Miller
Alondra Miller is on page 181 of 884
..Nina was about to make a Saul sandwich.... he was lucky fate stepped in. ... or did it?
Oct 08, 2012 02:28PM
Carrion Comfort

Alondra Miller
Alondra Miller is on page 161 of 884
The book of Saul.
Oct 08, 2012 08:10AM
Carrion Comfort

Alondra Miller
Alondra Miller is on page 65 of 884
wow, this is picking up. These characters are horrid beings and evil. are there any good guys?
Oct 07, 2012 08:53AM
Carrion Comfort

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