Manny’s Reviews > Permutation City > Status Update

Manny is on page 290 of 376
The worst part of creating an artificial universe is that it can easily evolve beings intelligent enough to be able to figure out that they, or their distant ancestors, or their world, must be designed. Then what do you do? You're kind of morally obligated to tell them where they came from, but if you choose that path then you've probably screwed up the experiment. No wonder so few people want to be God.
Jan 11, 2019 08:44AM
Permutation City


Manny’s Previous Updates

Manny is on page 345 of 376
So, let's suppose you were God, and you'd done such a good job of creating the world that you couldn't break your own laws and make miracles happen, but you'd actually only created the solar system and a bit of space around it. Then if you wanted to manifest yourself, wouldn't it make sense to manipulate the external boundary conditions and appear as an alien in a UFO? I don't know why I never thought of that.
Jan 13, 2019 12:17AM
Permutation City

Manny is on page 240 of 376
So you're a simulated person who's just been switched on, and your first thought is that you remember you're a perfect copy of another simulated person who's created you to undertake a hazardous one-way mission. What do you do?

a) Just head off towards the abyss, this was the plan all along.

b) Try to kill your creator and escape.

c) Offer to flip a coin, loser goes on the mission and winner stays behind.
Jan 10, 2019 12:49PM
Permutation City

Manny is on page 180 of 376
Well, the city sounds intriguing, but I'm pretty dubious about the permutations. They requires more suspension of disbelief than Julian Barbour, and I don't say that lightly.
Jan 09, 2019 02:03PM
Permutation City

Manny is on page 100 of 376
I want to know more about the relationship between the Church of the God Who Makes No Difference and the Church of God the Utterly Indifferent. Has there been a schism or something?
Jan 08, 2019 07:19AM
Permutation City

Manny is on page 45 of 376
- So when does this info-dump end?

- Honey, the whole book is an info-dump. Relax and enjoy the ride.
Jan 07, 2019 11:31PM
Permutation City

Manny is on page 10 of 376
Don't you just hate it when you wake up and discover that you're not you, but just a copy of you that you decided to run in a simulated universe? You're sitting there thinking how unfair it is that you're in this crappy computer while you're having fun out there in the real world. Why couldn't you have been you instead?

Well, so far so good, but I bet it gets more complicated soon.
Jan 07, 2019 10:25AM
Permutation City

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