Max’s Reviews > City of Golden Shadow > Status Update

Max is on page 430 of 780
Amazing story. But soooo long!
Apr 23, 2020 11:05PM
City of Golden Shadow (Otherland, #1)


Max’s Previous Updates

Max is on page 180 of 780
Took me a while to figure things out, but now I can't put the book down! I was kind of anxious to get started on this series because I loved Tad's MST trilogy SO MUCH that I didn't know if I could enjoy anything else by him as much as I did. But loving this so far, the writing is amazing as usual and it's a great intense story.
Apr 13, 2020 10:59PM
City of Golden Shadow (Otherland, #1)

Max is starting
800 pages, wish me luck. 🤣
Apr 06, 2020 07:10AM
City of Golden Shadow (Otherland, #1)

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