Manny’s Reviews > A Project to Find the Fundamental Theory of Physics > Status Update

Manny is on page 540 of 770
There is a startling disconnect between Wolfram's comments on physicists (they are out of touch with twenty-first century methods, which have decisively moved away from equations and towards computation), and physicists' comments on Wolfram (he is out of touch with mainstream physics and has no idea what he is doing).

An empirically testable prediction would be nice here.
Jun 28, 2020 05:15PM
A Project to Find the Fundamental Theory of Physics


Manny’s Previous Updates

Manny is on page 420 of 770
After 420 pages, I finally reach the long-promised explanation of how general relativity emerges from a graph rewriting system with suitable properties, and am referred to an arXiv paper which gives the details. It's here. Two immediate reactions:

a) Jesus Christ, why didn't you say that earlier?

b) Are there any such systems? You haven't yet shown us one.
Jun 26, 2020 11:51PM
A Project to Find the Fundamental Theory of Physics

Manny is on page 300 of 770
Now 300 pages in, and maybe fifteen of those pages were about physics. If anything, I'm being generous. Given the title of the book, I can't help feeling that 5% is a low hit rate.
Jun 26, 2020 05:38AM
A Project to Find the Fundamental Theory of Physics

Manny is on page 200 of 770
Come on Wolfram. You promised me emergent general relativity and quantum mechanics, but all you've shown me so far is a zillion pretty pictures of output from rewriting systems. I feel like a twelve year old grimly trawling through Lady Chatterley in search of the sex.
Jun 24, 2020 05:55PM
A Project to Find the Fundamental Theory of Physics

Manny is on page 75 of 770
"One cannot help remarking," said Holmes, "on the surprising relationship between this work and Gerard t'Hooft's The Cellular Automaton Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics."

"I fail to grasp your meaning," I said, mystified. "Wolfram's book does not even mention Professor t'Hooft."
Jun 22, 2020 10:29PM
A Project to Find the Fundamental Theory of Physics

Manny is on page 40 of 770
Wow. You can't accuse this book of thinking too small.

Spoiler alert: "Loop Quantum Gravity" and "Regge calculus" both occur in the index, but when I turn to the relevant pages I find that Wolfram says his scheme is completely different. And after a bit more page-flipping, I see his minimum length differs from the LQG one by dozens of orders of magnitude. I'm now curious to find out why.
Jun 22, 2020 07:15AM
A Project to Find the Fundamental Theory of Physics

Manny is starting
My copy just arrived. Thank you Paige!
Jun 21, 2020 09:45PM
A Project to Find the Fundamental Theory of Physics

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