terpkristin’s Reviews > City of Golden Shadow > Status Update

terpkristin is on page 154 of 780
I had no idea what this was going to be about but I'm digging the idea so far. Would love to see more of the mystery world.
Nov 09, 2014 04:16PM
City of Golden Shadow (Otherland, #1)


terpkristin’s Previous Updates

terpkristin is on page 389 of 780
I'm liking this book a lot more now that I don't feel totally lost. Really digging seeing how the stories are merging and what the heck is going on! Now finding myself looking for excuses to listen.
Nov 17, 2014 08:32PM
City of Golden Shadow (Otherland, #1)

terpkristin is on page 186 of 780
Some violent parts I really found difficult to listen to. I guess it's Rule 34 to some extent, but it was tough to get through.
Nov 10, 2014 05:14PM
City of Golden Shadow (Otherland, #1)

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