Wyrdness’s Reviews > The Deed of Paksenarrion > Status Update

Wyrdness is 39% done
about 9% in to the second book now and I'm beginning to have a difficult time. It's just so hard to connect to Paks because beyond being honest and trustworthy she's completely naive and ignorant of everything beyond her swordwork. I'd say beyond being a mercenary, but even there she didn't show any knowledge of have things worked beyond following orders. She just has very little personality and is mostly a plot pawn
Mar 26, 2015 07:40AM
The Deed of Paksenarrion


Wyrdness’s Previous Updates

Wyrdness is 91% done
We've been told several times that paladins are incapable of lying. So here's Paks lying because it's convenient to their needs.
Apr 07, 2015 12:31PM
The Deed of Paksenarrion

Wyrdness is 88% done
This is the book/ series that never ends. This third one has the tightest plot, but it's virtually linear and nothing interesting seems to be happening. Paks is tasked by the gods to find the "Lost Prince" of Lyonya and crown him the new king and she figures out who that is by half way through. She then makes a plodding journey back to her starting location that originally took her a few days and pages to complete.
Apr 04, 2015 03:09AM
The Deed of Paksenarrion

Wyrdness is 74% done
Unless this third book breaks out a miracle this entire series is going down as a 1-2 star read for me. The first book was "meh" and the second only managed to enrage me. Normally I'd say that was a good sign I was connecting to the writing, but in this case not so much. It was more that horrible things kept happening for absolutely no reason in a never ending tide of character misery that felt cheap to me.
Mar 30, 2015 01:54AM
The Deed of Paksenarrion

Wyrdness is 65% done
On a side note: I know that some names are more common than others, but this author seems to be taking it to extremes. I've lost track of how many Jenits, Sabens and Effas have been mentioned so far and it makes keeping in mind which one did what really difficult. Right about now I'd love some really random, poncy names to mix things up a little.
Mar 29, 2015 04:28AM
The Deed of Paksenarrion

Wyrdness is 65% done
She came to the Fellowship of Gird with sacks full of gold and jewels, so why the hell is she leaving with just a few coins in a sock? She doesn't even have her horse. The writing is so poor of emotional content that I can't tell if this is a case of the author forgetting or if those "good" Girdsmen have just decided to keep all her stuff for themselves.
Mar 29, 2015 04:15AM
The Deed of Paksenarrion

Wyrdness is 54% done
To add to the last comment, they always seem to know exactly when she's weakened to try and convert her. I don't know why she'd consider joining them though since they're so bloody hypocritical. If Gird wanted innocents protected then giving freely would do more good than not. This has a very "rabid Christianity" flavour to it, you know the kind who claim one thing but act another way entirely.
Mar 27, 2015 09:38PM
The Deed of Paksenarrion

Wyrdness is 54% done
This second book enrages me as it focuses so much on the pushy, overly-righteous zealotry of the Girdsmen. They acknowledge that Paks is basically good, has done many good things, and will probably continue to do good, but they welcome her to train with them solely in the hopes that she'll convert and when she doesn't they start getting uppity and telling her she's not returning anything for their "generosity".
Mar 27, 2015 09:28PM
The Deed of Paksenarrion

Wyrdness is 53% done
Paksenarrion's adventures at Zealot School for Little Paladins begins with a non-fight, not squealing to Snape the Training Master, and becoming bestest friends with some little lordlings and noble thugs.

Since she seems weirdly child like to me at the best of times despite being a mercenary "veteran" at 22, this seems some how appropriate. Could do with less preaching and attempts at conversion though.
Mar 27, 2015 12:07PM
The Deed of Paksenarrion

Wyrdness is 48% done
Not a good sign when I can skip huge amounts of text out of boredom and still know exactly what's going on with just a bit of skimming.

Paks continues to be a plot pawn who is hugely ignorant, naive and has absolutely no common sense. I fail to see why people think she's a "strong female character" just because she's completely asexual and knows how to use a sword.
Mar 27, 2015 09:37AM
The Deed of Paksenarrion

Wyrdness is 34% done
We've only just met Macenion and already he's playing to the sneaky, lying sorcerous half-elf stereotype. I dislike him immensely already. I hope he has a nasty accident like nearly everyone else Paks meets.
Mar 26, 2015 05:04AM
The Deed of Paksenarrion

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