Carly’s Reviews > Forensics: The Anatomy of Crime > Status Update

Carly is 31% done
"More than 90 per cent of convicted spouse murderers in nineteenth-century Britain were men. But men were far more likely to stab or strangle their wives; twice as many wives as husbands stood trial for the more indirect murder method of poisoning."
May 04, 2015 09:55PM
Forensics: The Anatomy of Crime


Carly’s Previous Updates

Carly is 91% done
‘Capital punishment means those without the capital get the punishment.’
--Clive Stafford-Smith
May 07, 2015 10:25PM
Forensics: The Anatomy of Crime

Carly is 90% done
"There is deep reluctance for governments to explore what juries do. It is probably too terrifying"
--Fiona Raitt
May 07, 2015 10:21PM
Forensics: The Anatomy of Crime

Carly is 85% done
‘The golden rule of defence is that the less evidence there is, the better – unless it is evidence that contradicts what the prosecution witnesses are claiming under oath.’
--Alex McBride
May 07, 2015 09:57PM
Forensics: The Anatomy of Crime

Carly is 72% done
"Angus is unhappy with the snooping activities of the National Security Agency (NSA) in the United States; in particular, he is unhappy with the notion of providing public security through imperilling individual privacy. ‘We used to think Eastern Europe was bad. Our allies are getting even worse.’"
May 07, 2015 08:55PM
Forensics: The Anatomy of Crime

Carly is 49% done
‘Murder is not a replicable experiment. Every one is unique.’
--Val Tomlinson
May 05, 2015 09:54PM
Forensics: The Anatomy of Crime

Carly is 43% done
"If forensic science were a family, fingerprinting would be the greedy grandfather, hanging on to the best armchair, trying to exercise the sole right to pass judgement, unaware that the times they are a-changin’. Only when the rest of the family understands that he sometimes gets people and places and anecdotes mixed up can his wisdom be treated with appropriate circumspection."
May 04, 2015 10:38PM
Forensics: The Anatomy of Crime

Carly is 5% done
I remember going to one scene where a man was sitting dead with a knife in him and the SIO said, “Oh, so you will be doing metal analysis on the edges of the cut so that you can show it was that knife?” And I said, “Maybe that’s not our priority given the knife is sticking out of him.”’
Apr 29, 2015 10:21PM
Forensics: The Anatomy of Crime

Carly is 4% done
"In the UK, it’s possible to get a DNA profile in just nine hours on a straightforward bloodstain, and the cost goes down depending on the turnaround time required.
In the US, it varies depending on the jurisdiction, but even top-priority jobs can take a few days and some can take months."
Apr 29, 2015 10:15PM
Forensics: The Anatomy of Crime

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