Anthony’s Reviews > The Diamond Age > Status Update

Anthony is 10% done
I was a bit underwhelmed by Stephenson’s very popular Snow Crash, but I am also aware of how highly regarded he has become, so I have been curious to read more of his work. In the early going, this is engagingly off-center and fun, and not suffering from the too-cool-for-school vibes of Snow Crash.
Jul 01, 2023 06:22PM
The Diamond Age


Anthony’s Previous Updates

Anthony is 68% done
Pacing and forward momentum has taken a nosedive. There are still lots of interesting ideas at play, but Stephenson seems to have hit a wall in terms of putting those ideas into the form of a story.
Jul 10, 2023 07:26AM
The Diamond Age

Anthony is 51% done
Finished PART THE FIRST. I’m curious to see whether or not Stephenson is going to be able to pull off tying his many and various strands together in a satisfying manner. It’s certainly a very ambitious and original work.
Jul 06, 2023 11:37AM
The Diamond Age

Anthony is 40% done
It’s entertaining and unpredictable and has so many intriguing things on its mind.
Jul 04, 2023 09:32PM
The Diamond Age

Comments Showing 1-1 of 1 (1 new)

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message 1: by Ryan (new)

Ryan Berger I think he has a case as the most divisive writer in the English language only because his fans can't work out in any way what his best and worst books are. Every person has wildly, passionately different reactions to each book. It's fascinating.

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