Anthony’s Reviews > The Diamond Age > Status Update

Anthony is 68% done
Pacing and forward momentum has taken a nosedive. There are still lots of interesting ideas at play, but Stephenson seems to have hit a wall in terms of putting those ideas into the form of a story.
Jul 10, 2023 07:26AM
The Diamond Age


Anthony’s Previous Updates

Anthony is 51% done
Finished PART THE FIRST. I’m curious to see whether or not Stephenson is going to be able to pull off tying his many and various strands together in a satisfying manner. It’s certainly a very ambitious and original work.
Jul 06, 2023 11:37AM
The Diamond Age

Anthony is 40% done
It’s entertaining and unpredictable and has so many intriguing things on its mind.
Jul 04, 2023 09:32PM
The Diamond Age

Anthony is 10% done
I was a bit underwhelmed by Stephenson’s very popular Snow Crash, but I am also aware of how highly regarded he has become, so I have been curious to read more of his work. In the early going, this is engagingly off-center and fun, and not suffering from the too-cool-for-school vibes of Snow Crash.
Jul 01, 2023 06:22PM
The Diamond Age

Comments Showing 1-1 of 1 (1 new)

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message 1: by Mark (new)

Mark It’s almost like Mr. Stephenson is notorious for not being able to write an ending. :D

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