anna’s Reviews > The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine > Status Update

anna is on page 112 of 320
israel in 1948: The brigade’s officers, aware that people had been advised to gather near the port’s gate, ordered their men to station three-inch mortars on the mountain slopes overlooking the market and the port and to bombard the gathering crowds below. Once the Palestinians were gathered in the marketplace they were an easy target for the Jewish marksmen.
israel today: go to the south of the gaza strip
Nov 04, 2023 03:22AM
The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine


anna’s Previous Updates

anna is on page 196 of 320
"In this way, the information provided at these JNF sites is a pre-eminent model for the all-pervading mechanism of denial Israelis activate in the realm of representation. Deeply rooted in the people’s psyche, this mechanism works through exactly this replacement of Palestinian sites of trauma and memory by spaces of leisure and entertainment for Israelis."

sounds a lot like building an amusement park in gaza
Nov 05, 2023 01:25AM
The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine

anna is on page 140 of 320
“Officials in the Foreign Ministry worked closely with the country’s intelligence officers, who would warn them in advance of the next stages in the cleansing operation, so as to ensure they would be kept hidden from the public eye.”

before social media they simply hide their crimes, now they fabricate ludicrous “evidence”, but the point remains - they are liars
Nov 04, 2023 10:06AM
The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine

anna is on page 131 of 320
“advising the leader on what to do with the small communities of Palestinians that had been left in the mixed towns. The solution they came up with was to have all these people moved into one particular neighbourhood in each town, deprive them of their freedom of movement, and put them under a military regime.”

sounds a lot like nazi ghettos for jews
Nov 04, 2023 08:09AM
The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine

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