Graeme Rodaughan’s Reviews > Gollitok > Status Update

Graeme Rodaughan
Graeme Rodaughan is 15% done
A unique voice. I wish I had more to time to devote to reading this story.
Nov 28, 2023 01:39AM

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Graeme’s Previous Updates

Graeme Rodaughan
Graeme Rodaughan is 80% done
"Nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure."
Dec 09, 2023 04:07PM

Graeme Rodaughan
Graeme Rodaughan is 78% done
Dec 09, 2023 02:22AM

Graeme Rodaughan
Graeme Rodaughan is 66% done
I'm really hoping this 'slow burn,' pays off.
Dec 08, 2023 09:30PM

Graeme Rodaughan
Graeme Rodaughan is 63% done
I think this is well written, but I'm not sure why. The protag has encountered 'something,' which would be absolutely freaking me out if I was him, but he's kinda ... just getting on with business, and I'm very much sure that I have no idea what is going on in this story.
Dec 08, 2023 08:52PM

Graeme Rodaughan
Graeme Rodaughan is 53% done
Grim. I have to wonder if anyone will survive this story.
Dec 03, 2023 02:45AM

Graeme Rodaughan
Graeme Rodaughan is 46% done
Feels like the dictionary definition of slow burn.
Dec 01, 2023 11:49PM

Graeme Rodaughan
Graeme Rodaughan is 21% done
Day 1 complete. Working hypothesis: We will discover that the mines in the island contain rods of pure selenium arranged into an antenna array for the supernatural by Gozer worshippers...
Nov 29, 2023 01:41AM

Graeme Rodaughan
Graeme Rodaughan is 5% done
Awesome start. Very atmospheric.
Nov 24, 2023 03:35AM

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