Vanessa’s Reviews > Younger Next Year for Women > Status Update

Vanessa is on page 290 of 352
Jul 19, 2024 08:06AM
Younger Next Year for Women

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Vanessa’s Previous Updates

Vanessa is on page 307 of 352
I'm in the section where the authors discuss how having social relationships are important to health and to the aging process. I'm loving it!
Jul 22, 2024 01:06PM
Younger Next Year for Women

Vanessa is on page 246 of 352
Rich in advice, poor on delivery. There's a lot of good substance here but I fear the authors coming from a place of racial and economic privilege are going to turn some women readers off by their judgy attempts at humor and perception that all of their readers are of a certain age, class, level of wealth, and body type.
Jul 18, 2024 10:37AM
Younger Next Year for Women

Vanessa is on page 222 of 352
Jul 16, 2024 12:27PM
Younger Next Year for Women

Vanessa is on page 165 of 352
I really like the concept of achieving health/good fitness through consistency and thinking about it in a long-term frame of mind. I’m adjusting my schedule in order to consistently work towards four days of aerobic exercise and two days of strength training. It’ll take a while for me to achieve those durations but I’m feeling better already with adding time to my workouts.
Jul 12, 2024 06:26AM
Younger Next Year for Women

Vanessa is on page 150 of 352
Jul 11, 2024 12:23PM
Younger Next Year for Women

Vanessa is on page 104 of 352
Exercise six days a week for the rest of my life? That seems insurmountable. But now I’m reading more closely. I'm in the section where the authors talk about poor circulation and blockages in arteries leading to heart attack, stroke, kidney failure. They say consistent and mostly aerobic exercise can heal arteries.
Jul 10, 2024 11:14AM
Younger Next Year for Women

Vanessa is on page 52 of 352
The authors are very passionate and enthusiastic about their method. I'm wondering if the plan will be formulaic (do A and then B will result). So far, the plan is all exercise related. Will we approach behavioral and psychological pathways that lead to poor diet and exercise habits?
Jul 10, 2024 02:53AM
Younger Next Year for Women

Vanessa is on page 18 of 352
"And you have to care about something Goals."

I like that the author is mentioning values that pertain to working and caring and interpersonal relationships to coincide with personal health and well-being. I can really relate to the 'charities', 'people' and 'family' concepts mentioned above.
Jul 09, 2024 07:25AM
Younger Next Year for Women

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