THE DARK TOWER - Official Trailer (HD)

Author: Stephen King
Book: The Dark Tower

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In a world full of superheroes, there’s only one Gunslinger. From the epic best-selling novels by Stephen King comes #DarkTowerMovie

In Theaters August 4.

Comments Showing 1-8 of 8

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message 1: by Pam

Pam OMG! :)

message 2: by Tonie

Tonie Can you say excited?!


message 4: by [deleted user]

:-OMG! So amazing

Seriously Brenda Stephen King and I and The Dark Tower have a date Aug 4th

message 6: by Sean

Sean Birmingham I'm going to a Special Engagement on Aug. 3 with my fiancee! Can't wait to see it... I am reading Book 1 now.

message 7: by L.D.

L.D. Fox Pam wrote: "OMG! :)"

I know, right?

Dustin  Henkin The preview for this movie made me want to read The Dark Tower. I had never heard of it before believe it or not. LOVE LOVE LOVE every book. the Series has quickly become my favorite of all time. The movie ended up being a bust but the books are AMAZING!

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