Book Groups and Becoming

Author: Michelle Obama
Book: Becoming

Since I published my memoir, one of my favorite parts of the whole experience has been hearing from all of you—especially those of you in book clubs. I know that you all have been having some long discussions with your friends, and I hope it’s been worthwhile. So, as I prepare for the conversations I’ll be having on this final leg of my book tour, I’d love to hear more about what you all have been talking about! Ask a question of me here on Goodreads or share your thoughts with me using #IAmBeco…more

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message 1: by Sarah

Sarah Shahin we've discussed the questions you've aroused as much as ours,, like phases of life, partnership of life,, difference in mindsets and dreams to chase..
values and virtues
your memoir raised questions to help us understand each other's even more deeply and differently.
thank you, from all of us for sharing this sincere and beautiful story with the rest of us.

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