Come Home to Shelter Bay

Author: JoAnn Ross
Book: Sea Glass Winter

Using my hobbies of photography and scrapbooking, I'm created a video tour of Shelter Bay, located on the magnificent Oregon Coast, where my high school sweetheart once bought me a bag of saltwater taffy, then proposed at the seawall. …more

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message 1: by Chris

Chris Brandstatter Beautiful montage, JoAnn! I have been on the Oregon coast a few times now and love it so much!! I am truly enjoying your books and the weekly notes.

message 2: by JoAnn

JoAnn Ross Chris wrote: "Beautiful montage, JoAnn! I have been on the Oregon coast a few times now and love it so much!! I am truly enjoying your books and the weekly notes."

Thanks Chris! Although we're now living on Puget Sound in WA, we still go to the Oregon coast rather than the WA one, which is a lot closer, because we believe it's the prettiest anywhere. I'm also delighted you're enjoying my books!

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