The Thousandth Floor Quotes

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The Thousandth Floor (The Thousandth Floor, #1) The Thousandth Floor by Katharine McGee
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The Thousandth Floor Quotes Showing 1-30 of 52
“Sometimes love and chaos are the same thing.”
Katharine McGee, The Thousandth Floor
“If you aren't sure, then you definitely aren't in love.”
Katharine McGee, The Thousandth Floor
tags: cord
“I believe in happiness. I'm just not sure love will actually get you there.”
Katharine McGee, The Thousandth Floor
tags: cord
“Love and trust aren't the same thing.”
Katharine McGee, The Thousandth Floor
tags: cord
“Up here on the roof, so close to the stars, she felt young and alive and hateful.”
Katharine McGee, The Thousandth Floor
tags: leda
“Maybe that's all that praying was, she thought, just wishing good outcomes on other people.”
Katharine McGee, The Thousandth Floor
tags: eris
“He didn’t know what it was like, wanting something you could never have; how impossible it was to un-want it once you’d let the feeling in.”
Katharine McGee, The Thousandth Floor
“Her head was pressed against his chest and she could hear the erratic beat of his heart, its pulse matching her own. She felt it too—the exhilaration, and underneath it the thin electrifying undercurrent of fear, at the forbiddenness of what they were about to do.”
Katharine McGee, The Thousandth Floor
“She nodded, breaking every promise to herself, loving him.”
Katharine McGee, The Thousandth Floor
“She couldn't trust anyone in the world but herself, but then again, Leda never really had.”
Katharine McGee, The Thousandth Floor
tags: leda
“Nothing mattered except this moment. She felt invincible, untouchable, like she would be this way forever: young and dancing and electric and alive.”
Katharine McGee, The Thousandth Floor
“I've missed you, Eris. You and me, we kind of deserve each other, don't we?”
Katharine McGee, The Thousandth Floor
tags: cord, eris
“Leda was struck by how much Avery reminded her of Atlas. They weren’t related by blood, and yet they had the same white-hot intensity. When they turned the full force of their attention on you, it was as blinding as looking into the sun.”
Katharine McGee, The Thousandth Floor
“Her body was reacting instinctively to his nearness, like a plant that had been too long in the dark and was finally exposed to sunlight.”
Katharine McGee, The Thousandth Floor
“That’s why I went away—to escape the way I felt about you. I kept hoping that if I just ran far enough, eventually I’d figure out a way to stop loving you.”
“I’m glad it didn’t work.”
“Of course it didn’t work.” He smiled. “There’s no way it ever could.”
Katharine McGee, The Thousandth Floor
“Winner’s curse,” Nadia whispered into his eartennas, and he could swear he heard amusement in her tone. “Where the victor gets exactly what he wants, only to find that it isn’t quite as he expected.”
Katharine McGee, The Thousandth Floor
“Disengage,” she whispered, pulling the red tab on her wristband. Immediately Avery’s weapons were rendered inactive and she became invisible to everyone in the augmented reality game, able to do nothing except walk back to the staging room until she reactivated. It was like she wasn’t even there, like she’d suddenly erased herself. Which was exactly how she felt.”
Katharine McGee, The Thousandth Floor
“Every gesture, every I love you; all of it was tinted by the great ugly lie underpinning her life.”
Katharine McGee, The Thousandth Floor
“There was a downpour coming; Avery could feel it. The wind was already gaining strength, tearing out the last of her hairpins, whipping her dress close to her body. The air was heavy with the scent of rain.”
Katharine McGee, The Thousandth Floor
“Her biggest secret was standing right there before her. She just hoped he wasn’t also her biggest mistake.”
Katharine McGee, The Thousandth Floor
“Usually she looked all bright and sunshiny, but the dark stones captured something else in her, the shadows flitting across her face and along the curve of her collarbone.”
Katharine McGee, The Thousandth Floor
“There was a downpour coming; Avery could feel it. The wind was already gaining strength, tearing out the last of her hairpins, whipping her dress close to her body. The air was heavy with the scent of rain. Avery's thoughts circled frantically in her mind, pressing so hard she thought she would burst.
A falcon that had been perched farther along the railing turned a beady eye on her, curious. Avery watched it unfurl its wings and take off. She felt a sudden kinship with the bird, the way it flew screaming into the sky like a wild thing. She wished she could follow it straight into the gathering storm.”
Katharine McGee, The Thousandth Floor
“Her mind was jumbled, everything blurred together and confused; but from the tangled knot of her feelings she had extracted a single crucial thread”
Katharine McGee, The Thousandth Floor
“May my actions be purposeful. I am my own greatest ally. I am enough in myself.”
Katharine McGee, The Thousandth Floor
“She liked the way the French fell on her ears, mellifluous and soft. It sounded the way honey tasted.”
Katharine McGee, The Thousandth Floor
“Where are we headed?” she asked, stepping with Cord onto the monorail back toward the Tower.
“I was thinking dinner,” he said. “Are you hungry?”
Rylin looked at him, her brow furrowed, but for once he didn’t sound teasing. “It’s only ten a.m.,” she pointed out.
He grinned. “Not where we’re going.”
Katharine McGee, The Thousandth Floor
“The touch of his lips on hers was featherlight, tentative, uncertain. She closed her eyes as the kiss sent a thrill through her body, until it felt like her hair was standing on end, like her whole body was a live wire, humming with electricity.”
Katharine McGee, The Thousandth Floor
“Watt settled in, finding his rhythm, his fingers flying across the touch screen as he manipulated pieces of invisible information, like pulling on the strings of a massive, intricate net. He and Nadia worked well together. Even as he made his way slowly and methodically through the hack, Watt could feel her there, a ghostly presence, like the light of a candle flickering just at the edge of his vision. He lost all sense of time and place, his entire being reduced to the string of numerics on the screen before him, waiting for the flash of intuition that would enable him to see a pattern, a blind spot, anything at all.”
Katharine McGee, The Thousandth Floor
“They say that before death, people’s lives flash before their eyes. But as the ground rushed ever faster toward her, the girl could think only of the past few hours, the path she’d taken that ended here. If only she hadn’t talked to him. If only she hadn’t been so foolish. If only she hadn’t gone up there in the first place.”
Katharine McGee, The Thousandth Floor
“It seemed like no time at all had passed, like it was summer again and she and Cord were playing their games—and yet everything was different. It was like an echo of that time, a little less sharp, a little less thrilling. They had both changed too much.”
Katharine McGee, The Thousandth Floor
tags: cord, eris

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