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We are thrilled to announce GroundWorks Dance Theater’s milestone 25th Anniversary! Two and a half decades of passion, creativity, and Moving Possibility!


Our journey began in 1998, when Founding Artistic Director David Shimotakahara had a vision to create a dance company that would break boundaries, foster new work, and challenge preconceptions about dance. Over the years, GroundWorks has evolved into a nationally recognized force in contemporary dance, shaping the cultural landscape of Northeast Ohio and beyond.


We invite you to join us in celebrating this remarkable journey and consider supporting our 25th Anniversary Annual Fund Appeal. Here’s why your support is more crucial than ever:


Legacy of Innovative New Work: GroundWorks’ commitment to pushing the boundaries of contemporary dance has been unwavering. For a quarter of a century, we’ve collaborated with nationally and internationally acclaimed choreographers to create new work that enriches the human experience through dance.


Community Enrichment: Our collaborative philosophy extends beyond the stage into the communities we serve. Your support allows us to continue engaging, inspiring, and enlivening diverse populations through our bespoke education and outreach programs.


Cleveland’s Cultural Gem: GroundWorks has earned the admiration of both seasoned dance enthusiasts and newcomers. As the Cleveland Plain Dealer described, our performances offer “smoldering brilliance,” making us one of “Cleveland’s cultural gems.” With your support, we aim to continue this legacy.


To mark our 25th Anniversary, we are planning a series of special events, performances, and initiatives. Your contribution will play a crucial role in making these celebrations and innovations possible. Every dollar you donate will support the creation of new dance works and new education and outreach initiatives, helping us reach to an even wider audience.


Our 25th Anniversary Annual Fund Campaign goal is $100,000. Please consider making a special donation to our 25th Anniversary Annual Fund Appeal. Your generosity will contribute to a legacy of excellence and innovation in dance.  Together, we can continue to inspire and move possibilities in contemporary dance.


If you have any questions about your donation, please contact our Operations Manager, [email protected].


P.S. Please consider increasing your gift with a match from your employer or make it a recurring monthly gift.   



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