Gender Harmony Committee (GHC)

The Homi Bhabha Center for Science Education is committed to providing an ambience at the workplace where women members can pursue their work with dignity and reassurance. The objectives of the GHC shall be to:

1. Prevent gender discrimination and sexual harassment, by promoting gender amity amongst all HBCSE members;

2. Deal with cases of sexual harassment, in a time bound manner and in accordance with the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013, aiming at ensuring support services to the victimized and termination of the harassment;

3. Make recommendations to the Centre Director for changes/elaborations in the Rules, Standing orders, etc, to make them gender just;

4. Recommend appropriate punitive action against the guilty party(ies) to the Centre Director. The GHC is required to submit to the Centre Director, HBCSE, a summary report of work done at the end of every calendar year.

The following are the members of the GHC from June 13, 2022.

1. Dr. Deepa Chari (Chair) - 2209 - [email protected]
2. Prof. Ayush Gupta - 2229- [email protected]
3. Ms. Sneha Khandekar (External Member)  - [email protected]
4. Mr. Manoj Nair - 2119 - [email protected]
5. Dr. Indrani Sen - 2323- [email protected]
6. Ms. Swapnila Desai (Secretary) - 2115- [email protected]

The GHC shall perform the functions of the "Internal Complaints Committee" under the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013. It shall deal with all complaints relating to sexual harassment at HBCSE in accordance with the Act. It shall undertake initiatives and programmes that create awareness about the provisions of the Act and gender related issues that may arise at the workplace, and work towards building an ambience that ensures the safety and security of women members and visitors in the Centre.

Any member of the Cell may be contacted regarding cases of sexual harassment or other activities of the Cell.


1. Yearly as well as special talks on gender awareness and sensitization, and related issues.
2. Commemoration of International Women’s Day (8 March), and International Day of Women & Girls in Science (11 February) with lectures by experts on gender issues, micro-aggression, women in science, etc. Poster-making competitions and documentary screenings also are part of these celebrations.
3. Graduate courses with a focus on gender, girls education and associated socio-cultural aspects of education have been always been offered to graduate students as part of their course work.
4. Enable support to the mentoring sessions for women post graduate (M.Sc) students participating in the Vigyan Vidushi program.


TIFR Women's Cell

List of Events - 2024

     1. A public talk by Dr. Sabdhya Raghvan "Early detection: Saves lives"

    2. Medical camp for self-breast examination techniques demonstration and checkups

List of Events - 2023

    1.. Interactive workshop on "Dealing with Societal, disciplinary, and internal biases" on 11 February 2023, A combined workshop with Jhunjhunwala College BSC physics students   and HBCSE graduate students. 

   2.  A poster gallery of 'women and science' themed posters of the Satelite event of International Conference of Women in Physics, 8-15 March 2023.

   3. 'Women in science' themed book display by HBCSE library during 8-15 March.

List of Events - 2022

  1. A  quiz on women who are "Breaking the Bias" the theme of this year's international women's day - Dr. Suravi Kalita 
  • Live streaming of the documentary film ‘Secrets of The Surface: The Mathematical Vision of Maryam Mirzakhani’ through zoom platform on March 8, 2022 at 3.50 pm. 
    The film viewing across all TIFR is organized by the Gender harmony Cell on the occasion of International Women's Day and ends with a pan-TIFR panel discussion with young and established mathematicians that includes Prof. Sujatha Ramadorai on Friday 5:30pm to discuss the role of models, mentors and community support in fixing the leaky pipeline for women in mathematics/computational science.
  • Secrets of The Surface - Panel Discussion on March 11, 2022
  • List of Events - 2021

    1. Live streaming of the documentary film ‘Picture A Scientist’ through zoom platform on March 8, 2.30 pm. 
  • Picture A Scientist - Panel Discussion on March 12, 2021
    • Panelists:
        • Poonam Chandra (NCRA)
        • Deepa Chari (HBCSE)
        • Gaiti Hasan (NCBS)
        • Sunil Mukhi (IISER-Pune)
        • Prajval Sastri (IAA)

    List of Events - 2020

    Public Talk - International Women's Day celebration

    Live Streaming on:

    Public Talk by A Mani on " Microaggressions, Sex, Sexuality and Gender" - March 13, 2020.

    On the occasion of International Women's Day a public talk is organised by the  HBCSE Women's Cell (HWC) as a part of celebration.

    All are invited.

    Speaker: A Mani,  leading researcher on the foundations of rough sets, active feminist, lesbian rights and free software activist.
    Day and Date: Friday, March 13, 2020.
    Time: 4:00 pm
    Venue:  V. G. Kulkarni Auditorium, Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (TIFR),V. N. Purav Marg, Near Anushaktinagar Bus Depot, Mankhurd, Mumbai - 400088.

    Poster of the event

    List of Events - 2019

    Public Talk - International Women's Day celebration

    Public Talk by Sameera Khan on "What Women Want: Protection of Their Freedoms" - March 08, 2019.
    On the occasion of International Women's Day a public talk is organised by the  HBCSE Women's Cell (HWC) as a part of celebration.
    All are invited.
    Speaker: Sameera Khan, Journalist, Researcher & co-author of the book "Why Loiter: Women & Risk on Mumbai Streets".
    Day and Date: Friday, March 08, 2019.
    Time:  3:00 pm
    Venue:  V. G. Kulkarni Auditorium, Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (TIFR),V. N. Purav Marg, Near Anushaktinagar Bus Depot, Mankhurd, Mumbai - 400088.

    Poster of the event

    List of Events - 2018

    1. International Women's Day celebration 2018

        "Movie screening" - Un-limited Girls

         Unlimited Girl — Talking Feminism and Film with Paromita Vohra

    2. Poster Exhibition, October 7, 2018

        Topics for the poster exhibition are as follows:
    1. #Me too movement in India

    2. #Me too movement in India and harassment at the workplace

    3. #Me too movement and role of women's cell

    List of Events - 2017

    1. Why 'whisper' when we can talk? , June 2, 2017

    On the occasion of 'World Menstrual Hygiene Day' (May 28), a programme titled "“Why 'whisper' when we can talk?” (मासिक-पाळी बद्दल बोलण्यात संकोच कसला?)" will be held on June 2, 2017. The programme organized under the aegis of HBCSE Women's Cell will focus on two major themes: Biological and physiological aspects of menstruation; and socio-scientific issues surrounding menstruation.

    All are invited.

    Speakers: Anita Patil (Ex-Medical Social Worker, BARC Hospital) and  Rohini Karandikar (Visiting Fellow, HBCSE)

    Day and Date: Friday, June 2, 2017

    Time:  3:30 pm

    Venue:  V. G. Kulkarni Auditorium, Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (TIFR),V. N. Purav Marg, Near Anushaktinagar Bus Depot, Mankhurd, Mumbai - 400088.

    Poster of the event

    1. Public lecture on "Women in Sciences" by Corinne A. Manogue (Oregon State University), March 16, 2017

    A Public Lecture on “Women in sciences” as part of celebrations for International Women's Day 2017 March 16, 2017.

    All are invited.

    Speaker: Corinne A. Manogue, Oregon State University

    Day and Date: Thursday, March 16, 2017

    Time:  5.00 p.m.

    Venue:  V. G. Kulkarni Auditorium, Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (TIFR),V. N. Purav Marg, Near Anushaktinagar Bus Depot, Mankhurd, Mumbai - 400088.

    Poster of the event

    2. Play "Main Aurat Hoon"- March 8, 2017

    On the occasion of the International Women's Day 2017, a 30 minute play “Main Aurat Hoon” will be staged on March 8, 2017 (4.00 pm) at the V.G. Kulkarni auditorium, HBCSE.

    Directed by: Manjul Bhardwaj

    Actors: Ashwini Nandedkar, Sayali Pawaskar and Komal Khamkar.

    Duration: 30 minutes

    Language: Hindi

    Poster of the event

    List of Events - 2016

    1. Poster Making and Exhibition
    On the occasion of International Women's Day, 2016 (March 8) HBCSE Women's Cell organized a poster session on the theme “Women and Work”  (Mahilayen aur kaam/ Striyan ani karya). The response to the poster session was over whelming. Around 60 people in HBCSE participated in the poster making. All the posters were displayed in the main building on panels.

    The HBCSE Women's Cell also organized a poster competition on the same theme for students of two schools, in Mulund and Bandra.

    2. Interactive session on "Sexual Harassment at the Workplace” by Rashi Vidyasagar, on March 8, 2016

    HBCSE Women's Cell had organized a talk by Rashi Vidyasagar (Resource Centre for Interventions on Violence Against Women - RCI-VAW of Tata Institute of Social Sciences) on “Sexual Harrasment at the Workplace”, at HBCSE on March 8, 2016. The talk was organized in the V. G. Kulkarni Auditorium from 3pm to 5pm. The session covered the following points: Understanding roots and systemic nature of gender-based inequality, gender violence, understanding the discourse on women and work, the Vishaka guidelines, role of an organization in creating an inclusive work space, and the role of an internal complaints committee.

    List of Events - 2015

    1. Play - Whole Sum Parts - March 10, 2015
    On the occasion of International Women's Day (March 8), HBCSE Women's Cell organized a play titled “Whole Sum Parts” on March 10, 2015, at the V. G. Kulkarni Auditorium, between 5:00pm and 5:35pm. 

    “Whole Sum Parts” is a humorous satirical take on all the undue pressures and expectations that women assume and are pressurized into living up to by films, television and the media at large, even in the kind of society or class, where women are educated and independent and like to think that they are "liberated".

    Written and Directed by: Saudamini Kalra 
    Actors: Samridhi Dewan, Archana Patel Nandi
    Duration: 35 minutes
    Language: English 

    Poster of the event

    2. Interactive session on "Inclusive Workplace and sexual ethics" by Sneha Khandekar - December 29, 2015

    HBCSE Women's Cell had organized a talk by Sneha Khandekar (Consultant Coordinator for the Savitribai Phule Gender Resource Centre) on “Inclusive Workplaces & Sexual Ethics”, at HBCSE on 29 December 2015. The session was conducted at V. G Kulkarni Auditorium from 3 to 5pm. The talk covered social and legal aspects of the law related to sexual ethics at the workplace.

    Poster of the event