Our Mission

Our mission is to use best-in-class data-driven technology and insurance expertise to be the trusted advisor and leading brand for consumers seeking coverage by tailoring to their personal and ever-changing needs.

We seek to develop a relationship with everyday people based on trust and the value we deliver to them through advice, analysis, recommendations and relevant buying options.

Our Vision

Our vision is to help consumers find, compare and buy insurance that best fits their needs in the simplest way possible.

We believe that everyday people make better decisions when they are armed with the best information. Our vision is to help educate those who are looking to better understand their coverage and healthcare options.

Who We Are

HealthCare.com is a privately owned company whose mission is to help consumers make better healthcare decisions. Our management team is comprised of health insurance industry veterans who have over 20 years of combined experience. To learn more about our company, team, and business history, click here.

Editorial Standards

We generally write about health insurance and Medicare, which we know inside and out. Our mission is to help everyday Americans make better health care related decisions through content that is written for them, not for health insurance industry insiders. No one in the health insurance industry has control over our content or our site. Our opinions and editorial decisions are made via expert guidance without influence from advertisers. The editors here are focused on providing the best information that will help people get the best health care with options that make sense for their lives. The views expressed by our editors might not always be shared by other sites or publications. Our advocacy or opinions are issue-specific and are not endorsements for any political ideology, party or elected official. We seek to be fair, objective, and completely accurate in our coverage.

However, we are not a non-profit and we may receive compensation from advertisers, if you use our tools or join a plan after visiting our site. Learn more about our standards here.

Who is Responsible for Content

We stand by the work we produce. Experienced journalists write our content, and licensed insurance agents check all of our work for accuracy. We work with a range of insurers, financial experts, policy wonks, and doctors to produce great advice.

Meet Our Writers

Our writers are experts who have turned complicated Medicare and health insurance rules into much simpler guides.

Experienced journalists write our content, and licensed insurance agents check all of our work for accuracy. Our connections to these insurers, financial experts, policy wonks, and doctors – among others – have helped us produce great advice. We rely on an amazing roster of health insurance journalists and experts featured in major organizations and publications to write our content:

Expert Review Board

We take great pride in making sure that our content provides valuable information for our readers. We know that health insurance and healthcare topics can be confusing and complicated which is why we take additional measures to ensure every piece of content is reviewed by our experts for accuracy, objectiveness, and ultimately usefulness. Our Expert Review board is comprised of industry veterans, Washington policy makers, and healthcare journalists who have over 100 years of collective knowledge and experience in the industry. We rely on them to provide a balanced and fair assessment of our writing.

How to Contact Us

We don’t sell health insurance ourselves – we just help you compare plans. But you can contact our company directly at:


[email protected]


3401 N. Miami Avenue
Suite 205
Miami, FL 33127

To reach an independent, licensed agent, learn more about tax forms (which we do not have) or reach the government healthcare website, visit our extended contact page.